
Yahoo! today pushed out a major update to its Build Your Own Search Service (BOSS). While the press has been mainly focused on the new pricing for search engines that generate over 10,000 queries to the API per day, the most important parts of the announcement are the new availability of semantic markup data in the BOSS API, and the open monetization model.

雅虎! 今天推出了对自己建立搜索服务(BOSS) 的重大更新 。 虽然媒体主要关注的是每天生成超过10,000个API查询的搜索引擎的新定价 ,但公告中最重要的部分是BOSS API中语义标记数据的新可用性以及开放式获利模型。

First, Yahoo! announced that it is adding access to the structured data gathered by its SearchMonkey service to developers via the BOSS API. That means that developers can now use BOSS to build their own semantic search engines. For example, searches for an athlete can return not just web sites about that player, but also statistics, biographical information, news, records, etc. That possibilities for the types of search mashups that can be built on top of all that structured data are endless and fairly exciting.

首先,雅虎! 宣布将通过BOSS API向开发人员添加对SearchMonkey服务收集的结构化数据的访问权限。 这意味着开发人员现在可以使用BOSS来构建自己的语义搜索引擎。 例如,对运动员的搜索不仅可以返回有关该运动员的网站,还可以返回统计信息,传记信息,新闻,记录等。可以在所有结构化数据之上构建的搜索混搭类型的可能性是无尽而又令人兴奋。

Yahoo! also announced a new pricing model for high volume BOSS users. That’s not overly surprising, and likely won’t affect many users of their site search program announced in November. (And if your site search is generating over 10,000 queries per day, you can probably afford to cough up a little cash.)

雅虎! 还宣布了针对大批量BOSS用户的新定价模式 。 这并不令人感到意外,并且可能不会影响11月份宣布的网站搜索计划的许多用户。 (而且,如果您的网站搜索每天产生超过10,000个查询,那么您可能可以负担得起一些钱。)

What is actually surprising, is that Yahoo! announced an open monetization policy that will allow developers to put third party advertising on search. “Effective immediately, we have changed our terms of service to allow developers to use third party monetization platforms (ad-based or otherwise),” wrote BOSS team member Ashim Chhabra on the Yahoo! search blog. “For obvious reasons monetization is critical to the BOSS ecosystem, so to provide as many opportunities as possible we have decided to adjust our terms to provide developers with more flexibility.”

什么真正令人惊讶的是,雅虎 宣布了一项开放的获利政策,该政策将允许开发人员将第三方广告投放到搜索中。 BOSS团队成员Ashim Chhabra在Yahoo!上写道:“立即生效,我们已经更改了服务条款,以允许开发人员使用第三方获利平台(基于广告或其他方式)。” 搜索博客。 “出于显而易见的原因,货币化对BOSS生态系统至关重要,因此,为了提供尽可能多的机会,我们决定调整条款以为开发人员提供更大的灵活性。”

In July, we actually speculated that BOSS might end up making Google money, even if it manages to put a dent in their market share. At the time, Yahoo! hadn’t yet revealed how they planned to let developers monetize their BOSS creations, and we theorized that, “If Yahoo! allows developers to monetize search results however they please, then more verticals could wind up being a win for Google anyway.”

实际上,在7月份,我们推测BOSS可能最终会赚钱 ,即使它设法削弱了它们的市场份额。 当时,雅虎! 尚未透露他们如何计划让开发人员从他们的BOSS创造中获利,我们的理论是,“如果Yahoo! 允许开发人员根据自己的意愿通过搜索结果获利,那么无论如何,更多的垂直行业可能成为Google的胜利。”

By December, it seemed like that notion had gone by the wayside. With BOSS generating over 10 million queries per day, Yahoo! said that monetization would come via Yahoo! controlled channels. However, it appears that Yahoo! has had a change of heart and Google AdSense for Search will indeed be a monetization possibility. That means that BOSS could be a win for Google, as well as for Yahoo!

到了12月,这个想法似乎已经过去了。 随着BOSS 每天产生超过一千万个查询 ,Yahoo! 表示将通过Yahoo!获利 受控频道。 但是,看来Yahoo! 改变了主意,Google AdSense搜索广告的确可以实现获利。 这意味着BOSS对于Google以及Yahoo!都是一个胜利。

Yahoo! BOSS is a smart strategy for the company. They haven’t been able to compete with Google with their own ranking and display algorithms for search, so opening their index and letting others give it a try is a good idea. As we wrote in July, “If anyone touches on anything so revolutionary that users start to choose it over Google, Yahoo! will be in the best position to acquire whatever it is because it will already use their index and back end technology.”

雅虎! BOSS是公司的明智策略。 他们无法通过自己的排名和显示搜索算法与Google竞争,因此打开索引并让其他人尝试一下是一个好主意。 正如我们在7月所写的那样:“如果有人接触到任何革命性的东西,以至于用户开始选择它而不是Google,那么Yahoo! 因为它已经使用了他们的索引和后端技术,因此将最有可能收购它。”

In the meantime, BOSS is generating tens of millions of new search queries every day for Yahoo! that could make them money in two ways — via developers that choose Yahoo! technologies to monetize search results, and via high volume developers who have to pay for usage.

同时,BOSS每天都在为Yahoo!生成数千万个新的搜索查询。 可以通过两种方式赚钱-通过选择Yahoo!的开发人员 技术来通过搜索结果获利,并通过需要付费使用的大量开发人员来实现。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/yahoo-boss-now-actually-good-for-google/


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