bg :全剧一开始,一条狗被撞的奄奄一息,这时frank登场毫不犹豫地杀死了狗。展现了frank冷酷残忍,拥有一颗强壮坚固的大心脏。
frank :There are two kinds of pain , a sort of pain that makes you strong ,or useless pain ,the sort of pain that's only
suffering ,i have no patience for useless things.(掐死奄奄一息的狗)Moments like this require someone who will act who will do the unpleasant thing ,the necessary thing.(狗死了). There .No more pain.(狗主人来了)It was a hit and run .I'm awfully sorry .He must've jumped over the fence again .Look ,Steve is gonna file a report on the car .He'll put his people on it .We'll track them down.
bg :frank去找linda ,看Linda是怎么把坏消息告诉frank,而frank又是怎么回应和表达愤怒的.
frank :Is the President-elect running late?
Linda :No ,He couldn't make it .i'll brief him ,though .
F:ok,this is the memo i drafted on our Middle East policy we're been developing .Now i wanna borrow from Reagan ,i'd like to coin the phrase"trickle-down diplomacy",that way...
L:Frank,i'm going to stop you there.We're not nominating you for S of S.I know he made you a promise,but circumstances have changed.
F:The nature of promises,Linda,is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.
L:Garrett has thought long and hard about this,and he's decided we need you to stay in Congress.
F:When was this decision made?And why wasn't i part of a conversation?
L:i'm sorry,Frank,if it had been up to me,i wouldn't have waited this long to tell you.
F:So you knew you were going to do this.
L:It has been an evolving discussion.
F:It's a chicken-shit move. i was vetted,was that a ruse?
F:let's be absolutely clear .You wouldn't have won without me.
L:You're right .But now we have to lead ,and that means making tough choices .As you know ,education is a top priority for us. A complete federal overhual .But it's not just education ,Frank .Congress is split .We need you there more than we need you to the State Department.
F:i got you hired ,Linda.
L:i know
F:donations,endorsements,i wrote the campaingn's entire foreign policy platform .i bring years of foreign affairs committee...
F:i wanna speak to Walker personally.
L:The dicision is made.(frank起身准备要走)We need you ,frank .Will you stand beside us or not?
F:(停顿好久)Of course ,if that's what the prisident wants.
L:i'm very glad to hear that.
F:i'm curious ,if not ne ,then who?
L:michael kern
F:michael kern ,well ,that is an excellent choice.(frank走了)
3. 29:44
Clair:Evelyn,we're going to let some people go.
Evelyn:that would be half of our staff.
C:we have to carve out some room.
E:You would have to fire some essential people who have been with us since the begining.
C:We are a charity ,but not for our employees.
4. 31:00
F:Who are you
Z:My name is Zoe Barnes.I'm a reporter at the Washington Herald.
F:It is after 10:30at night and this is my home.i do not allow...
Z:We're part of a mutual admiration society.(展示舞会合影)
F:you're a fan of the symphony.
Z:well,more for the people-watching than the music.
F:It's all right,Steve.Come on in ,Ms.Barnes.(两人进屋,f给z倒酒)
Z:it's strong
F:you prefer weak?
Z:No,the stronger the beater.(z脱掉围巾,漏出半球)There's no harm in looking.
F:that's a cheap ploy.
Z:it's cheap but effective.
F:well,you certainly have my undivided attention.
Z:good,the reason i'm here...
F:oh,is foreplay over?
Z:I read somewhere that JFK never lasted more than three minutes.
F:the point being?
Z:time is precious.Powerful people don't have the luxury of foreplay.
F:ok,so why are you here,Ms.Barnes?
Z:i need somebody i can talk to.
F:we're talking.Tell me what we're talking about.
Z:i protect your identity ,i print whatever you tell me .And i'll never ask any questions.
F:and what makes you think i don't already have such an arrangement with one of your collage?
Z:because if you did,you wouldn't have let me through the door.
F:i've led a very long ,very successful career avoiding this sort of intrigue with the press .i can't see any advantage in starting now.
Z:but is there any disadvantage?
F:Sloppinisee,for one.
Z:I promise you absolutely discretion.
F:so we're talking about trust.
Z:use whatever word you like.
F:words matter very much,Ms Barnes.You should care more about them,given your profession.
Z:then yes,your trust.
F:so which barnes should i trust?The one who wrote about the fireman that married the meter maid?Or the one who authored a very fine acticle on a new jogging path in Rock Creek Park?Don't be flattered.I read everything.
Z:i'm better than what they have me doing.You know what that feels like
F:do i?
Z:you would have made a great S of S.
F:(停顿一会)How exactly may i help you,Ms.Barnes?
Z:you must know the administration's legislative agenda .What's coming up first.
F:i may.
Z:will you tell me?
F:what would be your guess?
Z:Immigration is too controversial.Tax-reform isn't sexy enough.Everyone can get behind children.Is it education?
F:you might very well think that.i couldn't possibly comment.
Z:a hint?
F:it's late.Ms Barnes.
Z:can we talk again?
F:i hope you'll understand that i want to sleep on all this.
i never make such big decision so long after sunset and so far from dawn.


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