R:Congressman,sorry to interrupt,but i saw you sitting over here and...
F:Remy,Gentlemen,this is Remy Danton.Remy this is Speaker Birch,and Congressman...
R:I'm well aware.Mister Speaker,Congressman.
F:Remy just made partner at GH.
O:GH?Great team over there.Congratulations.
R:thank you.
O:When was the last time they added a partner?
R:it's been a while.
F:Well,they know a winner when they see one .Remy was the best press secretary i ever had.
O:Why'd you let him go?
F:i didn't.they stole him away.
O:what accounts do you have?
R:Sancorp Industries is my main one.i run that account now.
Anyhow,i'll let you get back to it.Sorry again to interrupt.
O:No problem.
R:very nice to meet you both.
F:tell them i'm on top of it.
R:i need more than that.
F:you are well aware that i do not drop the ball on things like this.remy
R:promises,frank.The S of S,Argentima,the offshore drilling acounts..
F:talk to me when i've solved the problem.Don't waste my time when i'm working on solving it.
R:when there's billions on the line ,you can't not call me back.and i can not show up.
F:fine,thank you for your diligence.
R:eight figures to you and the D triple C.Six million to build that library of yours ,in your name.(i know)Don't make them throw money at your challenger next cycle。
F:you've made your point.
R:have i?i hope so.
F:such a waste of talent.He chose money over power.In this town,a mistake nearly everyone makes.Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years.Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.i cannot respect someone who doesn't see the difference.
O:We share the wealth in this republic.(向russo递大麻)
R:i thought the whole editorial team pitched in.
O:sometimes,not that time,though.
R:but he must've written some of it.
O:no ,that was all me.
R:what if people thought he wrote it?
O:fuck that,he's a fraud.no, he's worse than a fraud,he's a fucking farce.and i'll tell you something.he used to be even more of a maniac than i am.
O:no,politics.We had some nights,man.Long conversation.Dangerous fucking notions.
R:like what?
O;you name it.OPEC,pinochet,the fucking food stamp act,then the motherland sang her mating call.oh, say can you...next thing,he's cramming for the bar at BM and snapping on a flag pin.
R:does BM have a law school?
O:my point is ,he started goose-stepping in the marionette parade.left,right,red, blue,democrat,republican.they're all dangling from the same strings.take a sledge hammer to the whole fucking punch and judy show.that's what required.
R:thought you were a patriot.
O:fuck yeah,one of the few.
R:so what's wrong with public service?
O:public service?come on,man.you gotta get a grip on who your masters are.the imf,the world bank,the RTC.you bank roll their fucking death squads.it;s called fema,it;s called alcohol ,tobacco and firearms.you think Katrina was incompetence?that was highly orchestrated negligence.look at waco,the aclu.smoke screens,all of them.blood on their hands.
O:you want me to lie to the people.
R:i want you to spare the people another hypocrite.
O:what's in it for you?
R:poetic justice.
O:come on, you're one of them.
R:can a corporate sell-out roll a joint like this?
O:if i wanted to do this thing.how might i go about that,precisely?


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