


Abstract Ship dynamic positioning system is that without the aid of mooring system, and use its own propulsion device effectively produce reaction force and torque to resist effect of wind, wave and current and other external forces on the ship, the ship is maintained in the set position and heading, compared with the traditional mooring system, is not subject to the limitation of water depth, good maneuvering performance and accurate positioningOn the basis of building the ship coordinate system and geodetic coordinate system, the low frequency motion model, high frequency motion model, environmental force model, measurement model and general model are built, which provides a model for the design of the filter.In order to eliminate the ship motion in the high-frequency noise and low-frequency motion state estimate reduce the wear loss and propulsion system, this paper for the crane ship dynamic positioning system, dynamic positioning system filtering and state estimation method is studied

Firstly, based on the ship coordinate system and geodetic coordinate system, the low frequency motion model, the high frequency motion model, the environmental force model, the measurement model and the overall model are built to provide a model for the design of the filter.Then according to the commonly used filtering technology of dynamic positioning system, introduces the low-pass filtering, Kalman filter and extended Kalman filter, provide the basis for the design and Simulation of ship power system theorems filter.Then use the three filter, for the weight of the ship dynamic positioning system is studied by simulation, analysis of the low pass filter in dynamic positioning system time delay characteristics; for the dynamic positioning system linear model design longitudinal, lateral and fore shake three direction of the design of the Kalman filter. The simulation analysis in model error is small, the filtering effect is better.Finally for the dynamic positioning system nonlinear model, design the dynamic positioning system extended Kalman filter (EKF). By comparing the simulation results, this method can effectively overcome the shortcomings of Kalman filter, get the desired effect. For actual engineering application has some reference value.

Keywords:Crane ship dynamic positioning system;wave filtering;Kalman filter;Extended Calman filter matlab起重船动力定位系统滤波方法研究+源程序:http://www.lwfree.com/zidonghua/lunwen_64409.html

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