IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications《IEEE计算机图形与应用杂志》美国

,1981年创刊,全年6期,美国(IEEE COMPUTER SOC)出版,SCI收录期刊,2008年SCI影响因子1.866。2010年将出版一期特刊(Special Issue):

Special Issueon Digitial Human Faces: From Creation to Emotion

Last Day for Submission of Manuscripts: November 23, 2009


Faces are an important vector of communication. Through facial expressions, gaze behaviors, and head movements, faces convey information on not only a person's emotional state and attitude but also discursive, pragmatic, and syntactic elements. The expressions result from subtle muscular contractions and wrinkle formation, and we perceive them through the complex filter of subsurface scattering and other nontrivial light reflections.

This special issue will broadly cover domains linked to 3D faces and their creation, rendering, and animation. In particular, it aims to gather excellent work from the computer graphics and ECA communities.


* Facial animation.

* Face and performance capture (marker based or markerless).

* Geometric modeling of faces (automatic or interactive).

* Face and skin rendering techniques (subsurface scattering and real-time methods).

* Expressing emotion. How do you go beyond the expression of the six basic emotions? How do you represent the large palette of facial expressions of emotions? How do you model dynamic expressions? How do you model the expression of empathy?

* Complex expressions. Expressions can arise from the blending of emotions such as the superposition of emotions or the masking of one emotion by another. Expressions can simultaneously convey different messages.

* Communicative expressions. Faces don't solely portray emotions; they convey a variety of communicative functions such as visual prosody and performative functions. How do you model and represent such expressions? How do you capture subtle variations in the production of them? How do you model mechanisms that are synchronous with speech?

* Social signals. Communication is socially embedded. Agents and virtual actors must be socially aware. People often use smiles and eyebrow flashes to signal their attitude toward others. How do you model facial social signals?

Submission Information

Articles should be no more than 8,000 words, with each figure counting as 200 words. Cite only the 12 most relevant references, and consider providing technical background in sidebars for nonexpert readers. Color images are preferable and should be limited to 10. Visit CG&A style and length guidelines at Please submit your article using the online manuscript submission service at When uploading your article, select the appropriate special-issue title under the category "Manuscript Type." Also include complete contact information for all authors. If you have any questions about submitting your article, contact the peer review coordinator


Catherine Pelachaud


Tamy Boubekeur

Additional Information

Additional info

Dennis Taylor

10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720

Publication Information

Medium: electronic~Full Text

Expected Publication Date: July 2010





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