Have you ever tried to view your browsing history? Maybe you want to check that restaurant you looked up last night (but forgot its name), or you want to revisit a travel site you browsed a couple days ago. It can be super useful.

您是否曾经尝试查看浏览历史记录? 也许您想检查一下您昨晚查过的餐厅(但忘了它的名字),或者您想重新访问几天前浏览的旅游网站。 它可能超级有用。

But, on the other hand, what if you don't want a record of sites you've visited left on your computer? Perhaps your spouse or partner will discover you've been searching for their birthday gift (last minute, too!), or you've visited a site that you'd rather keep private and personal.

但是,另一方面,如果您不希望将访问过的站点记录留在计算机上怎么办? 也许您的配偶或伴侣会发现您一直在寻找他们的生日礼物(也是最后一分钟!),或者您访问了一个您希望保持私密性的网站。

You could also be using a public computer, and just don't want strangers viewing your history. Fair enough.

您可能还使用了公共计算机,只是不想让陌生人查看您的历史记录。 很公平。

Whatever the reason, it's a good idea to know how to view - and clear, or delete - your browsing history. And it's pretty easy to do so in various different browsers. So let's have a look.

无论出于何种原因,最好知道如何查看-清除或删除浏览历史记录。 在各种不同的浏览器中这样做非常容易。 让我们来看一下。

如何在Chrome中清除历史记录 (How to clear your history in Chrome)

Chrome stores the sites you've visited over the last 90 days in your browsing history. If you're using incognito mode (which you can read more about here) it won't store those sites. But anything you browsed in a regular Chrome browser will appear there.

Chrome浏览器会将过去90天内访问过的网站存储在浏览历史记录中。 如果您使用隐身模式(您可以在此处了解更多信息),则不会存储这些网站。 但是,您在常规Chrome浏览器中浏览的所有内容都会显示在此处。

Also, something to note: if you've synced up all your devices (laptop, iPhone, tablet, and so on), that history will be visible across all devices. Likewise, when you clear it, it will be cleared from all of the devices.

另外, 要注意的一点是 :如果您已同步所有设备(笔记本电脑,iPhone,平板电脑等),则该历史记录将在所有设备上可见。 同样,当您清除它时,将从所有设备中清除它。

清除所有浏览记录 (Clearing all your browsing history)

On your computer, open the Chrome browser. In the upper right corner, you'll see three vertical dots. Click them to open that menu, and select the "History" tab from the options there.

在您的计算机上,打开Chrome浏览器。 在右上角,您将看到三个垂直点。 单击它们以打开该菜单,然后从那里的选项中选择“历史记录”选项卡。

Once you click that option, you'll be brought to a summary of your recent browsing history. If you just want to check it out, great.

单击该选项后,您将获得最近浏览历史的摘要。 如果您只想查看一下,那就太好了。

If you want to clear it, just click the "Clear browsing data" tab on the left. You'll be brought to this screen (below), where you have the option to clear the data for the last hour, 24 hours, 7 days, 4 weeks, or all time. Choose your time frame, and the categories you'd like to clear:

如果要清除它,只需单击左侧的“清除浏览数据”标签。 您将被带到此屏幕(下),在该屏幕上,您可以选择清除最后一小时,24小时,7天,4周或所有时间的数据。 选择时间范围以及要清除的类别:

As you can see from the screenshot above, Chrome stores not only your browsing history, but also cookies from sites you visit and cached files.


Once you clear that data, it won't show up in your history. Chrome also won't autocomplete those sites for you if you start typing them in the address bar.

清除数据后,该数据将不会显示在您的历史记录中。 如果您开始在地址栏中输入这些网站,Chrome也不会自动为您完成这些网站。

清除部分历史记录 (Clearing part of your history)

What if you just want to clear a few sites, but want to keep the rest? That's possible, too.

如果您只想清除几个站点而又想保留其余站点怎么办? 这也是可能的。

Open Chrome, click on those three vertical dots, choose "History". Same process so far. Now, on that first page of history, instead of clicking "Clear browsing data" on the left, just select/check boxes for what you want to delete:

打开Chrome,点击这三个垂直点,然后选择“历史记录”。 到目前为止,相同的过程。 现在,在历史记录的第一页上,无需单击左侧的“清除浏览数据”,只需选中/选中要删除的内容的复选框即可:

Once you've selected all the sites you'd like to clear, just click "Delete" in the upper right corner. Only those sites will be removed from your history.

选择完所有要清除的网站后,只需点击右上角的“删除”。 仅那些站点将从您的历史记录中删除。

如何在Firefox中清除历史记录 (How to clear your history in Firefox)

To clear your history in Firefox, the process is fairly similar to Chrome - the buttons just look a little different.


清除所有浏览记录 (Clearing all browsing history)

Open your Firefox browser, and click the library tab at the upper right (it looks like a few books leaning together):


Select the "History" tab, then the "Clear recent history" option from the menu that will replace the previous one.


You'll see this box pop up:


And you'll notice that there's a "Time range to clear" dropdown. You can clear your history from the last hour, two hours, four hours, today, or all time.

您会注意到有一个“清除时间范围”下拉列表。 您可以清除最近一个小时,两个小时,四个小时,今天或所有时间的历史记录。

You can also select what information you'd like to clear, similar to Chrome.


Now, be prepared: if you just select "Clear Now" at the bottom right, it'll clear all your history, no questions asked.


清除部分历史记录 (Clearing part of your history)

If you'd like to select which bits to clear, the process is a bit different. Click that same library tab, select "History" and then "Show all history" down at the bottom.

如果您想选择要清除的位,则过程有所不同。 单击该库选项卡,选择“历史记录”,然后在底部向下选择“显示所有历史记录”。

This box will pop up:


Then you'll see your history. If you only have a few sites there, you can just ctrl click (or right click) on the site you want to delete.

然后,您会看到自己的历史记录。 如果那里只有几个站点,则只需按住Ctrl键单击(或右键单击)要删除的站点。

When you hold down the ctrl key and click on the site, a menu will pop up. Just select "forget about this site" from that menu and Firefox will delete it from your history.

按住ctrl键并单击该站点时,将弹出一个菜单。 只需从该菜单中选择“忘记此站点”,Firefox就会从您的历史记录中将其删除。

All history associated with that site (cookies, cache, browsing and logins, and so on) will be removed. Hooray!

与该站点相关的所有历史记录(Cookie,缓存,浏览和登录等)都将被删除。 万岁!

如何在Safari中清除历史记录 (How to clear your history in Safari)

Last but not least, let's see how to clear your history in Safari.


清除所有浏览记录 (Clearing all of your browsing history)

Once again, the process is fairly similar to Chrome and Firefox. But in Safari, you just click the "History" tab at the top of your browser menu. From the dropdown, select "Clear History":

同样,此过程与Chrome和Firefox非常相似。 但是在Safari中,您只需单击浏览器菜单顶部的“历史记录”标签。 从下拉列表中,选择“清除历史记录”:

A box will pop up that will ask you whether you'd like to clear all your history (which includes caches, etc) and for what time frame (last hour, today, today and yesterday, all history).


Select the appropriate option, and click "Clear History". Boom, history cleared for that period of time (or all time).

选择适当的选项,然后单击“清除历史记录”。 动臂,该时间段(或所有时间)的历史记录已清除。

清除部分历史记录 (Clearing part of your history)

Again, you might not want to clear everything. Just one site. Totally doable.

同样,您可能不想清除所有内容。 只是一个站点。 完全可行。

Click the "History" tab and select "Show all history" at the top of the dropdown. All the sites you've browsed will be listed by day.

点击“历史记录”标签,然后在下拉菜单顶部选择“显示所有历史记录”。 您浏览的所有网站都将按天列出。

If you want to choose one specific site to delete, just ctrl click (or right click) on that site, and select "Delete" from the drop down:


Just that site will be deleted from your browsing history.


Now you know how to delete your browsing history - all or part of it - from some of the major browsers in use today.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/clear-history-how-to-delete-your-browsing-history-in-chrome-firefox-and-safari/


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