
合宙esp32 c3,主频160mhz。




这是开发板的定义,如果要修改开发板则需要去示例程序PDQ graphicstest中寻找。

Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_ESP32SPI(6 /* DC */, 7 /* CS */, 2 /* SCK */, 3 /* MOSI */, GFX_NOT_DEFINED /* MISO */);

根据屏幕驱动和分辨率选择屏幕定义,修改的话同样要去PDQ graphicstest寻找。

Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ST7735(bus, 10 /*RST*/, 0 /* rotation */, false /* IPS */, 80 /* width */, 160 /* height */, 24 /* col offset 1 */, 0 /* row offset 1 */, 24 /* col offset 2 */, 0 /* row offset 2 */);
#define SPI_FREQUENCY  40000000#include <Arduino_GFX_Library.h>Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_ESP32SPI(6 /* DC */, 7 /* CS */, 2 /* SCK */, 3 /* MOSI */, GFX_NOT_DEFINED /* MISO */);
Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ST7735(bus, 10 /*RST*/, 0 /* rotation */, false /* IPS */, 80 /* width */, 160 /* height */, 24 /* col offset 1 */, 0 /* row offset 1 */, 24 /* col offset 2 */, 0 /* row offset 2 */);
int32_t w, h, n, n1, cx, cy, cx1, cy1, cn, cn1;
uint8_t tsa, tsb, tsc, ds;void setup()
{Serial.begin(115200);// Serial.setDebugOutput(true);// while(!Serial);Serial.println("Arduino_GFX library Test!");#ifdef GFX_PWDpinMode(GFX_PWD, OUTPUT);digitalWrite(GFX_PWD, HIGH);
#endifgfx->begin();// gfx->begin(80000000); /* specify data bus speed */w = gfx->width();h = gfx->height();n = min(w, h);n1 = n - 1;cx = w / 2;cy = h / 2;cx1 = cx - 1;cy1 = cy - 1;cn = min(cx1, cy1);cn1 = cn - 1;tsa = ((w <= 176) || (h <= 160)) ? 1 : (((w <= 240) || (h <= 240)) ? 2 : 3); // text size Atsb = ((w <= 272) || (h <= 220)) ? 1 : 2;                                    // text size Btsc = ((w <= 220) || (h <= 220)) ? 1 : 2;                                    // text size Cds = (w <= 160) ? 9 : 12;                                                    // digit size#ifdef GFX_BLpinMode(GFX_BL, OUTPUT);digitalWrite(GFX_BL, HIGH);
}static inline uint32_t micros_start() __attribute__((always_inline));
static inline uint32_t micros_start()
{uint8_t oms = millis();while ((uint8_t)millis() == oms);return micros();
}void loop(void)
{Serial.println(F("Benchmark\tmicro-secs"));int32_t usecFillScreen = testFillScreen();serialOut(F("Screen fill\t"), usecFillScreen, 100, true);int32_t usecText = testText();serialOut(F("Text\t"), usecText, 3000, true);int32_t usecPixels = testPixels();serialOut(F("Pixels\t"), usecPixels, 100, true);int32_t usecLines = testLines();serialOut(F("Lines\t"), usecLines, 100, true);int32_t usecFastLines = testFastLines();serialOut(F("Horiz/Vert Lines\t"), usecFastLines, 100, true);int32_t usecFilledRects = testFilledRects();serialOut(F("Rectangles (filled)\t"), usecFilledRects, 100, false);int32_t usecRects = testRects();serialOut(F("Rectangles (outline)\t"), usecRects, 100, true);int32_t usecFilledTrangles = testFilledTriangles();serialOut(F("Triangles (filled)\t"), usecFilledTrangles, 100, false);int32_t usecTriangles = testTriangles();serialOut(F("Triangles (outline)\t"), usecTriangles, 100, true);int32_t usecFilledCircles = testFilledCircles(10);serialOut(F("Circles (filled)\t"), usecFilledCircles, 100, false);int32_t usecCircles = testCircles(10);serialOut(F("Circles (outline)\t"), usecCircles, 100, true);int32_t usecFilledArcs = testFillArcs();serialOut(F("Arcs (filled)\t"), usecFilledArcs, 100, false);int32_t usecArcs = testArcs();serialOut(F("Arcs (outline)\t"), usecArcs, 100, true);int32_t usecFilledRoundRects = testFilledRoundRects();serialOut(F("Rounded rects (filled)\t"), usecFilledRoundRects, 100, false);int32_t usecRoundRects = testRoundRects();serialOut(F("Rounded rects (outline)\t"), usecRoundRects, 100, true);#ifdef CANVASuint32_t start = micros_start();gfx->flush();int32_t usecFlush = micros() - start;serialOut(F("flush (Canvas only)\t"), usecFlush, 0, false);
#endifSerial.println(F("Done!"));uint16_t c = 4;int8_t d = 1;for (int32_t i = 0; i < h; i++){gfx->drawFastHLine(0, i, w, c);c += d;if (c <= 4 || c >= 11){d = -d;}}gfx->setCursor(0, 0);gfx->setTextSize(tsa);gfx->setTextColor(MAGENTA);gfx->println(F("Arduino GFX PDQ"));if (h > w){gfx->setTextSize(tsb);gfx->setTextColor(GREEN);gfx->print(F("\nBenchmark "));gfx->setTextSize(tsc);if (ds == 12){gfx->print(F("   "));}gfx->println(F("micro-secs"));}printnice(F("Screen fill "), usecFillScreen);printnice(F("Text        "), usecText);printnice(F("Pixels      "), usecPixels);printnice(F("Lines       "), usecLines);printnice(F("H/V Lines   "), usecFastLines);printnice(F("Rectangles F"), usecFilledRects);printnice(F("Rectangles  "), usecRects);printnice(F("Triangles F "), usecFilledTrangles);printnice(F("Triangles   "), usecTriangles);printnice(F("Circles F   "), usecFilledCircles);printnice(F("Circles     "), usecCircles);printnice(F("Arcs F      "), usecFilledArcs);printnice(F("Arcs        "), usecArcs);printnice(F("RoundRects F"), usecFilledRoundRects);printnice(F("RoundRects  "), usecRoundRects);if ((h > w) || (h > 240)){gfx->setTextSize(tsc);gfx->setTextColor(GREEN);gfx->print(F("\nBenchmark Complete!"));}#ifdef CANVASgfx->flush();
#endifdelay(60 * 1000L);
}void serialOut(const __FlashStringHelper *item, int32_t v, uint32_t d, bool clear)
#ifdef CANVASgfx->flush();
#endifSerial.print(item);if (v < 0){Serial.println(F("N/A"));}else{Serial.println(v);}delay(d);if (clear){gfx->fillScreen(BLACK);}
}void printnice(const __FlashStringHelper *item, long int v)
{gfx->setTextSize(tsb);gfx->setTextColor(CYAN);gfx->print(item);gfx->setTextSize(tsc);gfx->setTextColor(YELLOW);if (v < 0){gfx->println(F("      N / A"));}else{char str[32] = {0};
#ifdef RTL8722DMsprintf(str, "%d", (int)v);
#elsesprintf(str, "%ld", v);
#endiffor (char *p = (str + strlen(str)) - 3; p > str; p -= 3){memmove(p + 1, p, strlen(p) + 1);*p = ',';}while (strlen(str) < ds){memmove(str + 1, str, strlen(str) + 1);*str = ' ';}gfx->println(str);}
}int32_t testFillScreen()
{uint32_t start = micros_start();// Shortened this tedious test!gfx->fillScreen(WHITE);gfx->fillScreen(RED);gfx->fillScreen(GREEN);gfx->fillScreen(BLUE);gfx->fillScreen(BLACK);return micros() - start;
}int32_t testText()
{uint32_t start = micros_start();gfx->setCursor(0, 0);gfx->setTextSize(1);gfx->setTextColor(WHITE, BLACK);gfx->println(F("Hello World!"));gfx->setTextSize(2);gfx->setTextColor(gfx->color565(0xff, 0x00, 0x00));gfx->print(F("RED "));gfx->setTextColor(gfx->color565(0x00, 0xff, 0x00));gfx->print(F("GREEN "));gfx->setTextColor(gfx->color565(0x00, 0x00, 0xff));gfx->println(F("BLUE"));gfx->setTextSize(tsa);gfx->setTextColor(YELLOW);gfx->println(1234.56);gfx->setTextColor(WHITE);gfx->println((w > 128) ? 0xDEADBEEF : 0xDEADBEE, HEX);gfx->setTextColor(CYAN, WHITE);gfx->println(F("Groop,"));gfx->setTextSize(tsc);gfx->setTextColor(MAGENTA, WHITE);gfx->println(F("I implore thee,"));gfx->setTextSize(1);gfx->setTextColor(NAVY, WHITE);gfx->println(F("my foonting turlingdromes."));gfx->setTextColor(DARKGREEN, WHITE);gfx->println(F("And hooptiously drangle me"));gfx->setTextColor(DARKCYAN, WHITE);gfx->println(F("with crinkly bindlewurdles,"));gfx->setTextColor(MAROON, WHITE);gfx->println(F("Or I will rend thee"));gfx->setTextColor(PURPLE, WHITE);gfx->println(F("in the gobberwartsb"));gfx->setTextColor(OLIVE, WHITE);gfx->println(F("with my blurglecruncheon,"));gfx->setTextColor(DARKGREY, WHITE);gfx->println(F("see if I don't!"));gfx->setTextSize(2);gfx->setTextColor(RED);gfx->println(F("Size 2"));gfx->setTextSize(3);gfx->setTextColor(ORANGE);gfx->println(F("Size 3"));gfx->setTextSize(4);gfx->setTextColor(YELLOW);gfx->println(F("Size 4"));gfx->setTextSize(5);gfx->setTextColor(GREENYELLOW);gfx->println(F("Size 5"));gfx->setTextSize(6);gfx->setTextColor(GREEN);gfx->println(F("Size 6"));gfx->setTextSize(7);gfx->setTextColor(BLUE);gfx->println(F("Size 7"));gfx->setTextSize(8);gfx->setTextColor(PURPLE);gfx->println(F("Size 8"));gfx->setTextSize(9);gfx->setTextColor(PINK);gfx->println(F("Size 9"));return micros() - start;
}int32_t testPixels()
{uint32_t start = micros_start();for (int16_t y = 0; y < h; y++){for (int16_t x = 0; x < w; x++){gfx->drawPixel(x, y, gfx->color565(x << 3, y << 3, x * y));}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endif}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testLines()
{uint32_t start;int32_t x1, y1, x2, y2;start = micros_start();x1 = y1 = 0;y2 = h - 1;for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6){gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, BLUE);}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endifx2 = w - 1;for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6){gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, BLUE);}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endifx1 = w - 1;y1 = 0;y2 = h - 1;for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6){gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, BLUE);}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endifx2 = 0;for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6){gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, BLUE);}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endifx1 = 0;y1 = h - 1;y2 = 0;for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6){gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, BLUE);}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endifx2 = w - 1;for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6){gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, BLUE);}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endifx1 = w - 1;y1 = h - 1;y2 = 0;for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6){gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, BLUE);}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endifx2 = 0;for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6){gfx->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, BLUE);}
#ifdef ESP8266yield(); // avoid long run triggered ESP8266 WDT restart
#endifreturn micros() - start;
}int32_t testFastLines()
{uint32_t start;int32_t x, y;start = micros_start();for (y = 0; y < h; y += 5){gfx->drawFastHLine(0, y, w, RED);}for (x = 0; x < w; x += 5){gfx->drawFastVLine(x, 0, h, BLUE);}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testFilledRects()
{uint32_t start;int32_t i, i2;start = micros_start();for (i = n; i > 0; i -= 6){i2 = i / 2;gfx->fillRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, gfx->color565(i, i, 0));}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testRects()
{uint32_t start;int32_t i, i2;start = micros_start();for (i = 2; i < n; i += 6){i2 = i / 2;gfx->drawRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, GREEN);}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testFilledCircles(uint8_t radius)
{uint32_t start;int32_t x, y, r2 = radius * 2;start = micros_start();for (x = radius; x < w; x += r2){for (y = radius; y < h; y += r2){gfx->fillCircle(x, y, radius, MAGENTA);}}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testCircles(uint8_t radius)
{uint32_t start;int32_t x, y, r2 = radius * 2;int32_t w1 = w + radius;int32_t h1 = h + radius;// Screen is not cleared for this one -- this is// intentional and does not affect the reported time.start = micros_start();for (x = 0; x < w1; x += r2){for (y = 0; y < h1; y += r2){gfx->drawCircle(x, y, radius, WHITE);}}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testFillArcs()
{int16_t i, r = 360 / cn;uint32_t start = micros_start();for (i = 6; i < cn; i += 6){gfx->fillArc(cx1, cy1, i, i - 3, 0, i * r, RED);}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testArcs()
{int16_t i, r = 360 / cn;uint32_t start = micros_start();for (i = 6; i < cn; i += 6){gfx->drawArc(cx1, cy1, i, i - 3, 0, i * r, WHITE);}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testFilledTriangles()
{uint32_t start;int32_t i;start = micros_start();for (i = cn1; i > 10; i -= 5){gfx->fillTriangle(cx1, cy1 - i, cx1 - i, cy1 + i, cx1 + i, cy1 + i,gfx->color565(0, i, i));}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testTriangles()
{uint32_t start;int32_t i;start = micros_start();for (i = 0; i < cn; i += 5){gfx->drawTriangle(cx1, cy1 - i,     // peakcx1 - i, cy1 + i, // bottom leftcx1 + i, cy1 + i, // bottom rightgfx->color565(0, 0, i));}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testFilledRoundRects()
{uint32_t start;int32_t i, i2;start = micros_start();for (i = n1; i > 20; i -= 6){i2 = i / 2;gfx->fillRoundRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, i / 8, gfx->color565(0, i, 0));}return micros() - start;
}int32_t testRoundRects()
{uint32_t start;int32_t i, i2;start = micros_start();for (i = 20; i < n1; i += 6){i2 = i / 2;gfx->drawRoundRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, i / 8, gfx->color565(i, 0, 0));}return micros() - start;



开发板 屏幕
10 RES
6 DC
7 CS
11 BL




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