If you’re looking for an easy way to search through several video websites at once from your desktop, today we take a look at an app that does an excellent job.  Ashampoo’s ClipFinder HD allows you to search and download videos from popular video sites from your desktop.

如果您正在寻找一种简便的方法,可以从您的台式机一次搜索多个视频网站,那么今天我们来看一个性能出色的应用程序。 Ashampoo的ClipFinder HD使您可以从桌面搜索和下载流行视频站点中的视频。

Using ClipFinder HD

使用ClipFinder HD

The user interface is quite stylish, nicely laid out and easy to use.  Just type in what your looking for and it will search the video portals YouTube, VideU, MyVideo, ClipFish, Google Video, sevenload, Dailymotion, MySpace, Metacafe, Veoh, Livevideo.com, blip.tv, Yahoo! Video and IFILM and others.

用户界面非常时尚,布局合理且易于使用。 只要输入您要寻找的内容,它就会搜索视频门户YouTube,VideU,MyVideo,ClipFish,Google Video,sevenload,Dailymotion,MySpace,Metacafe,Veoh,Livevideo.com,blip.tv,Yahoo! 视频和IFILM等。

You can narrow in the search field view to show all results or specific video sites.


Move the navigation bar at the bottom to easily browse through the results.


Just click on the video thumbnail to view the video you want to watch.


There are easy to use controls that let you download and save the video, add to favorites, go to the site, go back to the search over view, control playback and more.


Go into Settings to change skins and change the app behavior.


They provide an easy to use download manager to organize your videos.




You should know that Ashampoo likes to try to get you to use their other products so there is a bit of a process to get the full licensed version of this shareware.  Make sure the box next to “Get full Version Key” is checked which will open up their webpage for registration.

您应该知道Ashampoo喜欢尝试让您使用他们的其他产品,因此要获得此共享软件的完整许可版本,有一些步骤。 确保选中“获取完整版本密钥”旁边的框,这将打开其网页进行注册。

Notice don’t need to enter in any of your personal information unless you want to.  Also make sure to uncheck the box about joining the community as I know from experience you will get one or two promotional email offers daily.

注意,除非您愿意,否则无需输入任何个人信息。 另外,请确保取消选中有关加入社区的复选框,根据我的经验,您每天将收到一两个促销电子邮件。

Just copy and paste the registration key they send you to proceed.


Even though the registration is a bit tedious, if you enjoy watching internet videos then giving ClipFinder HD is definitely worth a try.  It will use up a lot of system resources to run smoothly and you’ll notice choppiness on an older single core machine.  You can use the shareware version for 10 days to try it out then register with them to get the full version for free with no nagging messages.  It works with XP, Vista, and we were able to run it on Windows 7 32 & 64-bit versions.

即使注册有点繁琐,但如果您喜欢看互联网视频,那么给ClipFinder HD绝对值得一试。 它会占用大量系统资源,从而无法平稳运行,并且您会注意到旧的单核计算机上的断断续续。 您可以使用共享软件版本10天来试用,然后向他们注册以获得免费的完整版本,而不会产生任何困扰。 它可以在XP,Vista上运行,并且我们能够在Windows 7 32和64位版本上运行它。

Download ClipFinder HD

下载ClipFinder HD

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2860/search-and-view-multiple-video-websites-with-clipfinder-hd/

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