If you have a long list of emails and you’re having difficulty distinguishing among the individual emails in your list, you can select a grid line style to display between each of the emails. This can improve the visibility of each email in your list.

如果电子邮件列表较长,并且难以区分列表中的各个电子邮件,则可以选择网格线样式以在每封电子邮件之间显示。 这样可以提高列表中每封电子邮件的可见性。

To change this setting, first make sure the Mail module is active. If not, click the Mail link at the bottom of the Outlook window. Then, click the View tab.

要更改此设置,请首先确保“邮件”模块处于活动状态。 如果没有,请单击Outlook窗口底部的“邮件”链接。 然后,单击查看选项卡。

Click View Settings in the Current View section of the View tab.


On the Advanced View Settings dialog box, click Other Settings.


Select an option from the Grid line style drop-down list in the Grid Lines and Group Headings section of the Other Settings dialog box.


NOTE: You can also choose not to separate emails by day by selecting the Show items in Groups check box so there is NO check mark in the box.


Click OK.


Click OK on the Advanced View Settings dialog box to close it.


Your chosen grid line style should display as separators between each email in your list.


Notice that when you select an email, a dotted line displays around the email. That can be another way to distinguish an email from others, as well. If you have the Reading Pane turned off (in the Layout section of the View tab), it does no harm to select an email to call it out in the list.

请注意,当您选择电子邮件时,电子邮件周围会显示一条虚线。 这也可能是区分电子邮件与其他电子邮件的另一种方法。 如果关闭了“阅读窗格”(在“视图”选项卡的“布局”部分中),则在列表中选择一封电子邮件将其无害。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/173201/how-to-create-a-clearer-separation-between-each-email-in-your-message-list-in-outlook-2013/

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