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<html lang="zh-CN"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>Calculator</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css"><script src='js/main.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
</head><body onkeypress="keyboard();"><div id="calculator"><!--计算器主体框架--><div class="setting"><!--计算器标头--><p class="head">Calculator</p></div><div class="display"><!--显示界面--><input type="text" id="exp" class="expression" disabled><!--表达式区域--><input type="text" id="ans" class="answer" disabled><!--答案区域--></div><div class="keyboard"><!--键盘--><ul><li onclick="model()">M</li><li onclick="append('C')">C</li><li onclick="append('B')">B</li><li onclick="append('/')">/</li><li onclick="append(1)">1</li><li onclick="append(2)">2</li><li onclick="append(3)">3</li><li onclick="append('*')">×</li><li onclick="append(4)">4</li><li onclick="append(5)">5</li><li onclick="append(6)">6</li><li onclick="append('-')">-</li><li onclick="append(7)">7</li><li onclick="append(8)">8</li><li onclick="append(9)">9</li><li onclick="append('+')">+</li><li onclick="append('.')">.</li><li onclick="append(0)">0</li><li onclick="plus_min();">±</li><li onclick="append('=')">=</li></ul></div></div><div id="expand"><ul><li onclick="Sqrt();">√</li><li onclick="append('(')">(</li><li onclick="append(')')">)</li><li onclick="append('sin(')">sin</li><li onclick="append('cos(')">cos</li></ul></div>
</body></html><!--Made by Vincent Zhang  2017/07/10-->



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var modelFlag = 0;function append(str) {if (str == 'C') {exp.value = "";ans.value = "";} else if (str == 'B') {cstr = String(exp.value);cstr = cstr.substring(0, cstr.length - 1);exp.value = cstr;if (exp.value.length != 0)caculate();elseans.value = "";} else if (str == '=') {caculate();} else {exp.value += str;caculate();}
}function plus_min() {cstr = String(exp.value);if (cstr[0] == '-') {cstr = cstr.substring(1, cstr.length);exp.value = cstr;caculate();} else {cstr = "-" + cstr;exp.value = cstr;caculate();}
}function caculate() {expStr = String(exp.value);while (expStr.search(/sin\((\S*)\)/) != -1) {contant = expStr.match(/sin\(([^\)]*)\)/);expStr = expStr.replace(contant[0], String(Math.sin(parseFloat(contant[1]) / 180 * Math.PI)));}while (expStr.search(/cos\((\S*)\)/) != -1) {contant = expStr.match(/cos\(([^\)]*)\)/);expStr = expStr.replace(contant[0], String(Math.cos(parseFloat(contant[1]) / 180 * Math.PI)));}if (expStr.length == 0) {ans.value = "0";} else {ans.value = eval(expStr);}
}function keyboard() {key = window.event.keyCode;if (key >= 45 && key <= 57) {append(String.fromCharCode(key));} else if (key >= 40 && key <= 43) {append(String.fromCharCode(key));} else if (key == 13) {caculate();} else if (key == 8) {append('B');}
}function model() {if (modelFlag == 0) {document.getElementById("calculator").style.width = "400px";document.getElementById("expand").style.top = String(document.getElementById("calculator").offsetTop + 242) + "px";document.getElementById("expand").style.left = String(document.getElementById("calculator").offsetLeft + 2) + "px";document.getElementById("expand").style.display = "block";modelFlag = 1;} else {document.getElementById("expand").style.display = "none";document.getElementById("calculator").style.width = "320px";modelFlag = 0;}
}function Sqrt() {if (ans.value > 0) {ans.value = Math.sqrt(ans.value);exp.value = "";} else {ans.value = "Erro";exp.value = "";}



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