

typedef struct _st_clist {struct _st_clist *next;struct _st_clist *prev;
} _st_clist_t;



typedef struct _st_stack {_st_clist_t links;char *vaddr;                /* Base of stack's allocated memory */int  vaddr_size;            /* Size of stack's allocated memory */int  stk_size;              /* Size of usable portion of the stack */char *stk_bottom;           /* Lowest address of stack's usable portion */char *stk_top;              /* Highest address of stack's usable portion */void *sp;                   /* Stack pointer from C's point of view */
#ifdef __ia64__void *bsp;                  /* Register stack backing store pointer */
} _st_stack_t;



typedef struct _st_cond {_st_clist_t wait_q;       /* Condition variable wait queue */
} _st_cond_t;



struct _st_thread {int state;                  /* Thread's state */int flags;                  /* Thread's flags */void *(*start)(void *arg);  /* The start function of the thread */void *arg;                  /* Argument of the start function */void *retval;               /* Return value of the start function */_st_stack_t *stack;         /* Info about thread's stack */_st_clist_t links;          /* For putting on run/sleep/zombie queue */_st_clist_t wait_links;     /* For putting on mutex/condvar wait queue */
#ifdef DEBUG_st_clist_t tlink;          /* For putting on thread queue */
#endifst_utime_t due;             /* Wakeup time when thread is sleeping */_st_thread_t *left;         /* For putting in timeout heap */_st_thread_t *right;          /* -- see docs/timeout_heap.txt for details */int heap_index;void **private_data;        /* Per thread private data */_st_cond_t *term;           /* Termination condition variable for join */jmp_buf context;            /* Thread's context */


typedef struct _st_mutex {_st_thread_t *owner;        /* Current mutex owner */_st_clist_t  wait_q;        /* Mutex wait queue */
} _st_mutex_t;

6、_st_pollq  poll对象

typedef struct _st_pollq {_st_clist_t links;          /* For putting on io queue */_st_thread_t  *thread;      /* Polling thread */struct pollfd *pds;         /* Array of poll descriptors */int npds;                   /* Length of the array */int on_ioq;                 /* Is it on ioq? */
} _st_pollq_t;


typedef struct _st_eventsys_ops {const char *name;                          /* Name of this event system */int  val;                                  /* Type of this event system */int  (*init)(void);                        /* Initialization */void (*dispatch)(void);                    /* Dispatch function */int  (*pollset_add)(struct pollfd *, int); /* Add descriptor set */void (*pollset_del)(struct pollfd *, int); /* Delete descriptor set */int  (*fd_new)(int);                       /* New descriptor allocated */int  (*fd_close)(int);                     /* Descriptor closed */int  (*fd_getlimit)(void);                 /* Descriptor hard limit */
} _st_eventsys_t;



typedef struct _st_vp {_st_thread_t *idle_thread;  /* Idle thread for this vp */st_utime_t last_clock;      /* The last time we went into vp_check_clock() */_st_clist_t run_q;          /* run queue for this vp */_st_clist_t io_q;           /* io queue for this vp */_st_clist_t zombie_q;       /* zombie queue for this vp */
#ifdef DEBUG_st_clist_t thread_q;       /* all threads of this vp */
#endifint pagesize;_st_thread_t *sleep_q;      /* sleep queue for this vp */int sleepq_size;          /* number of threads on sleep queue */#ifdef ST_SWITCH_CBst_switch_cb_t switch_out_cb;    /* called when a thread is switched out */st_switch_cb_t switch_in_cb;  /* called when a thread is switched in */
} _st_vp_t;



typedef struct _st_netfd {int osfd;                   /* Underlying OS file descriptor */int inuse;                  /* In-use flag */void *private_data;         /* Per descriptor private data */_st_destructor_t destructor; /* Private data destructor function */void *aux_data;             /* Auxiliary data for internal use */struct _st_netfd *next;     /* For putting on the free list */
} _st_netfd_t;


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