
An EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file is special type of image file containing a PostScript program. If you’ve stumbled upon one of these files,  you’ve probably noticed quickly that few programs can open it properly. So how can you view it?

EPS(封装的PostScript)文件是包含PostScript程序的特殊类型的图像文件。 如果您偶然发现了其中一个文件,可能很快就会注意到几乎没有程序可以正确打开它。 那你怎么看呢?

On Windows, you will find dozens of programs that do the trick, but here are the two we recommend.


使用EPS Viewer保持简单 (Keep It Simple with EPS Viewer)

The simplest way to view EPS files is to use EPS Viewer, which is a simple single-function application intended to view EPS files only.

查看EPS文件的最简单方法是使用EPS Viewer ,这是一个简单的单功能应用程序,仅用于查看EPS文件。

After you have installed the application, you need to open your EPS file (if it is not associated with EPS Viewer). EPS Viewer doesn’t come with any preferences, so if your EPS files doesn’t automatically open with it, the right-click on the file and choose “Open with > Choose another app”.

安装该应用程序后,您需要打开EPS文件(如果它与EPS Viewer没有关联)。 EPS Viewer没有任何首选项,因此,如果您的EPS文件没有自动打开,请右键单击该文件,然后选择“打开方式>选择其他应用程序”。

Under “Other options” select EPS Viewer and then check the box next to “Always use this app to open .eps files”.

在“其他选项”下,选择“ EPS Viewer”,然后选中“始终使用此应用程序打开.eps文件”旁边的框。

EPS Viewer has few options beyond just being a simple way to view EPS files. Aside from the ability to open and save your file, you can also resize it, zoom in or out, and rotate it left or right.

除了查看EPS文件的简单方法外,EPS Viewer几乎没有其他选择。 除了可以打开和保存文件之外,您还可以调整文件大小,放大或缩小以及向左或向右旋转文件。

When you want to save a file, you can convert it to another more usable format including JPEG, Bitmap, PNG, GIF, and TIFF.


If you’re just looking for something simple that will get the job done, then EPS Viewer will fit the bill.

如果您只是在寻找简单的东西来完成工作,那么EPS Viewer会很合适。

使用Ifranview进行更多操作 (Do More with Ifranview)

If you want something a little more practical that also opens other types of image files, then you might want to try Irfanview. It’s a good program to have around anyway: it’s been around for a long time, and can open the vast majority of image files.

如果您想要更实用的方法来打开其他类型的图像文件,则可以尝试使用Irfanview 。 无论如何,这是一个很好的程序:它已经存在很长时间了,并且可以打开绝大多数图像文件。

Most of these image files will open in Irfanview as soon as you install it, but with EPS files, you need to take some extra steps.


plugins package.plugins软件包 。

First, you need to install Ifranview’s plugins. This is a simple EXE files you can download from the Irfanview site.

首先,您需要安装Ifranview的插件 。 这是一个简单的EXE文件,您可以从Irfanview网站下载。

The second item you will need is Ghostscript, an open source PostScript interpreter. Ghostscript also installs with an EXE file, which takes just a few seconds and requires no further configuration. From the Ghostscript downloads page, you want to choose “Postscript and PDF interpreter/renderer”, and then install the package appropriate to your version of Windows (32 bit or 64 bit).

您将需要的第二项是Ghostscript ,这是一个开源的PostScript解释器。 Ghostscript还安装了一个EXE文件,该文件只需要几秒钟,并且不需要进一步配置。 在“ Ghostscript下载”页面上 ,您想要选择“ Postscript和PDF解释器/渲染器”,然后安装适合您的Windows版本 (32位或64位)的软件包。

Once you have the Irfanview main application, its plugins, and Ghostscript installed, you’re ready to view EPS files.


Irfanview has the same basic features as EPS Viewer: you can open, save, rotate, and zoom.

Irfanview具有与EPS Viewer相同的基本功能:您可以打开,保存,旋转和缩放。

It also does a whole lot more, though. Looking at the Edit menu, you see we can insert text, crop the image, and even mark the image up with paint tools.

不过,它还可以做更多的事情。 查看“编辑”菜单,您会看到我们可以插入文本,裁剪图像,甚至可以使用绘画工具标记图像。

Open the Image menu and options abound. You can adjust the color depth, sharpen, flip it vertically or horizontally, and much more.

打开图像菜单,选项比比皆是。 您可以调整颜色深度,锐化,垂直或水平翻转颜色等等。

If you go through it menu by menu, you see that Irfanview is packed with many features that go beyond the simple ability to view EPS files (though it does that quite well too).


When it comes to EPS files then, the hard part isn’t necessarily finding an application to open them. There are many out there. Rather, it’s what you want the application to do for you. If you simply need something that opens EPS files, with basic features including the ability to export to other image formats, then EPS Viewer is probably your best bet. However, if you want something that is more a jack-of-all-trades image viewer, something that will open a variety of image file types and also give you some more advanced editing features, then Irfanview is a great choice.

当涉及到EPS文件时,最困难的部分不一定是找到一个打开它们的应用程序。 有很多。 相反,这就是您希望应用程序为您完成的工作。 如果您只需要打开EPS文件的功能,而这些文件的基本功能包括可以导出为其他图像格式的功能,那么EPS Viewer可能是最好的选择。 但是,如果您想要的是更多功能的图像查看器,并且可以打开各种图像文件类型并为您提供更高级的编辑功能,那么Irfanview是一个不错的选择。




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