




def Multipliers(a, b):return a * b


def Multipliers(a, b):return a * bresult = Multipliers(2, 3)
print("The result is %d" % result)







def testScore():score = int(raw_input("Input your real grade: "))if score >= 90 and score <= 100:print("Your testscore is A.")elif score >= 80 and score <= 89:print("Your testscore is B.")elif score >= 70 and score <= 79:print("Your testscore is C.")elif score >=60 and score <= 69:print("Your testscore is D.")elif score < 60:print("Your failed in this test and got a F.")else:print("Try input some numbers.")testScore()


def testYear():years = int(raw_input("Input a year in your mind: "))if (years % 4 == 0 and years % 100 != 0) or (years % 4 == 0 and years % 100 == 0):print("This year is a leap year.")else:print("This is a normal year.")testYear()


def usDollar():dollars = float(raw_input("Input under 1 dollar like 0.76: "))dollars *= 100quartcoin = dollars // 25tencoin = (dollars - quartcoin * 25) // 10fivecoin = (dollars - quartcoin * 25 - tencoin * 10) // 5onecoin = (dollars - quartcoin * 25 - tencoin * 10 - fivecoin * 5)print("Dollars is %d Quartcoin and %d Tencoin and %d Fivecoin and %d Onecoin."% (quartcoin, tencoin, fivecoin, onecoin))usDollar()


def Calculator():N1 = int(raw_input("Input number 1: "))N2 = float(raw_input("Input number 2: "))sign = raw_input("Input what you want N1 N2 do: ")if sign == '+':print("N1 + N2 == %f" % (N1 + N2))elif sign == '-':print("N1 - N2 == %f" % (N1 - N2))elif sign == '*':print("N1 * N2 == %f" % (N1 * N2))elif sign == '/':print("N1 / N2 == %f" % (N1 / N2))elif sign == '%':print(N1 % N2)elif sign == '**':print("N1 ** N2 == %f" % (N1 ** N2))else:print("Out of ranges.")Calculator()



def taxes(m):percent = 0.05tax = earnmoney * percentreturn tax
if __name__ == '__main__':earnmoney = int(raw_input("Input your earn money number: "))print taxes(earnmoney)



def geo():side = int(raw_input("Input one side with figure: "))print("[s] means square, [c] means cubic")figures = raw_input("input figure you want to calculate: ")if figures == 's':a = side * sideprint("The area is %d. " % a)elif figures == 'c':a = side * side * 6b = side * side * sideprint("The area is %d. The bulk is %d." % (a ,b))geo()


def geo():side = float(raw_input("Input one side with figure: "))print("[s] means square, [c] means cubic, [r] means round, [sp] means spheres.")figures = raw_input("input figure you want to calculate: ")if figures == 's':a = side * sideprint("The area is %d. " % a)elif figures == 'c':a = side * side * 6b = side * side * sideprint("The area is %d. The bulk is %d." % (a, b))elif figures == 'sp':a = 4 * 3.14 * side * sideb = 4 / 3 * 3.14 * side * side * sideprint("The area is %f. The bulk is %f." % (a, b))elif figures == 'r':a = 3.14 * side * sideprint("The area is %f." % a)else:print("Please follow the orders.")


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math      if __name__=='__main__':  ss = input()  print '正方形面积:',ss*ss  print '立方体面积:',ss*ss*6  print '立方体体积:',ss*ss*ss  print '圆面积:',ss*ss*math.pi  print '球面积:',ss*ss*math.pi*4  print '球体积:',ss*ss*ss*math.pi*4/3.0 


>>> 17 + 32
>>> 017 + 32
>>> 017 + 032




from __future__ import division
def transForm():print("[f] means Fah, [c] means Cel.")Fah = float(raw_input("Input Fahrenheit: "))Cel = float(raw_input("Input Celsius: "))choice = raw_input(">>> ")if choice == 'f':Cel = (Fah - 32) * (5 / 9)print(Cel)elif choice == 'c':Fah = (Cel * (9 / 5)) + 32print(Fah)else:print("Please follow orders.")transForm()



def reMainder():for i in range(21):if i % 2 == 0:print("The dual is %d" % i)reMainder()


def reMainder():for i in range(21):if i % 2 == 1:print("The dual is %d" % i)reMainder()



def reMainder():inti1 = int(raw_input("Input an int number: "))inti2 = int(raw_input("Input an other number: "))if inti1 % inti2 == 0:return True
    else:return False





def tranS(h, m):mins = hour * 60 + minreturn minshour = int(raw_input("Input hours: "))
min = int(raw_input("Input minutes: "))
if (hour < 23 and hour > -1) and (min < 60 and min > -1):print("The times is %d." % tranS(hour, min))
else:print("Input some right numbers.")
5-14. 银行利息。写一个函数,以定期存款利率为参数, 假定该账户每日计算复利,请计算并返回年回报率。
def inTerest(i, p):return p * (1 + i) ** 365i = float(raw_input("Input rates: "))
p = int(raw_input("Input your money: "))
print("Your interest is %f." % inTerest(i, p))


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-   def gongyueshu(m , n):  if m< n:  min = m  else:  min = n  for i in range(min , 0 ,-1):  if m % i ==0 and n % i ==0:  return i  return 0  def gongbeishu(m , n):  l = gongyueshu(m,n)  return m * n / l  if __name__ == '__main__':  m = input()  n = input()  print '最大公约数:',gongyueshu(m, n)  print '最小公倍数:',gongbeishu(m, n) 


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  def Payment(cost,total):  count = 0  print '             Amount Remaining'  print 'Pymt#   Paid        Balance'  print '-----   ------   --------'  while True:  print '%-2d       $%.2f      $%6.2f'%(count,total,cost)  if cost - total >=0:  cost = cost-total  else:  if cost !=0:  print '%-2d       $%.2f       $%6.2f'%(count+1,cost,0)  break  count += 1  if __name__=='__main__':  cost = input('Enter opening balance:')  total = input('Enter monthly payment:')  Payment(cost,total)  


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