在XE8中,使用indy10里有关TCP连接的控件时,断开连接有时候会抛出Connection Closed Gracefully的异常,下面我找到了抛出该异常的源码:

procedure TIdIOHandler.RaiseConnClosedGracefully;
begin(* ************************************************************* //------ If you receive an exception here, please read. ----------If this is a SERVER-------------------The client has disconnected the socket normally and this exception is used to notify theserver handling code. This exception is normal and will only happen from within the IDE, notwhile your program is running as an EXE. If you do not want to see this, add this exceptionor EIdSilentException to the IDE options as exceptions not to break on.From the IDE just hit F9 again and Indy will catch and handle the exception.Please see the FAQ and help file for possible further information.The FAQ is at http://www.nevrona.com/Indy/FAQ.htmlIf this is a CLIENT-------------------The server side of this connection has disconnected normaly but your client has attemptedto read or write to the connection. You should trap this error using a try..except.Please see the help file for possible further information.// ************************************************************* *)raise EIdConnClosedGracefully.Create(RSConnectionClosedGracefully);


(* ************************************************************* //
  ------ If you receive an exception here, please read. ----------

------ 如果你收到此异常,请阅读下面内容 ----------

If this is a SERVER

  The client has disconnected the socket normally and this exception is used to notify the
  server handling code. This exception is normal and will only happen from within the IDE, not
  while your program is running as an EXE. If you do not want to see this, add this exception
  or EIdSilentException to the IDE options as exceptions not to break on.




From the IDE just hit F9 again and Indy will catch and handle the exception.


Please see the FAQ and help file for possible further information.
  The FAQ is at http://www.nevrona.com/Indy/FAQ.html


If this is a CLIENT

  The server side of this connection has disconnected normaly but your client has attempted
  to read or write to the connection. You should trap this error using a try..except.
  Please see the help file for possible further information.



// ************************************************************* *)

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