
You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Today we highlight how to master the new Office interface, USB boot a computer with outdated BIOS, and snap windows to preset locations.

您有问题,我们有答案。 今天,我们重点介绍如何掌握新的Office界面,如何使用过时的BIOS通过USB引导计算机以及如何将窗口捕捉到预设位置。

学习新办公室功能区 (Learning the New Office Ribbon)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I feel silly asking this (in light of how long the new Office interface has been out) but my company finally got around to upgrading from Windows XP and Office 2000 so the new interface it totally new to me. Can you recommend any resources for quickly learning the Office ribbon and the new changes? I feel completely lost after two decades of the old Office interface. Help!

我问这个问题很愚蠢(考虑到新的Office界面已经推出多久了),但是我的公司终于开始从Windows XP和Office 2000升级,因此新界面对我来说是全新的。 您可以推荐一些资源来快速学习Office功能区和新更改吗? 在使用了二十年的旧Office界面之后,我感到完全迷失了。 帮帮我!



Where the Hell is Everything?


Dear Where the Hell,


We think most people were with you at some point in the last few years. “Where the hell is…” could possibly be the slogan for the new ribbon interface. You could browse through some of the dry tutorials online or even get a weighty book on the topic but the best way to learn something new is to get hands on. Ribbon Hero turns learning the new Office features and ribbon layout into a game. It’s no vigorous round of Team Fortress mind you, but it’s significantly more fun than reading a training document. Check out how to install and configure Ribbon Hero here. You’ll be teaching your coworkers new tricks in no time.

我们认为最近几年中大多数人都与您在一起。 “地狱在哪里……”可能是新功能区界面的口号。 您可以在线浏览一些干式教程,甚至可以找到有关该主题的重要书籍,但是学习新知识的最佳方法是动手操作。 Ribbon Hero将学习新的Office功能和功能区布局变成游戏。 您不必介意《军团要塞》的激烈尝试,但比阅读培训文档要有趣得多。 在此处查看如何安装和配置Ribbon Hero 。 您将立即教您的同事一些新技巧。

使用旧的BIOS通过USB引导 (Boot via USB with an Old BIOS)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’m trying to repurpose some old computers by updating them with lightweight Linux distros but the BIOS on most of the machines is ancient and creaky. How ancient? It doesn’t even support booting from a USB device! I have a large flash drive that I’ve turned into a master installation tool for jobs like this but I can’t use it. The computers in question have USB ports; they just aren’t recognized during the boot process. What can I do?

我正在尝试通过使用轻量级Linux发行版更新某些旧计算机来重新利用它们,但是大多数计算机上的BIOS既古老又笨拙。 有多古老? 它甚至不支持从USB设备引导! 我有一个很大的闪存驱动器,已经变成了用于此类作业的主安装工具,但无法使用。 问题的计算机具有USB端口。 它们只是在引导过程中未被识别。 我能做什么?

USB Bootin’ in Boise

USB Bootin'在博伊西

Dear USB Bootin’,

亲爱的USB Bootin',

It’s great you’re working to breathe life into old hardware! You’ve run into one of the limitations of older BIOSes, USB was around but nobody was thinking about booting off of it. Fortunately if you have a computer old enough to have that kind of BIOS it’s likely to also has a floppy drive or a CDROM drive. While you could make a bootable CDROM for your application we understand that you want to keep using the master USB installer you’ve made. In light of that we recommend PLoP Boot Manager. Think of it like a boot manager for your boot manager. Using it you can create a bootable floppy or CDROM that will enable USB booting of your master USB drive. Make a CD and a floppy version and you’ll have everything in your toolkit you need for future computer refurbishing projects. Read up on creating bootable media with PLoP Boot Manager here.

您正在努力为旧硬件注入生命,这真是太好了! 您已经遇到了旧版BIOS的局限性之一,USB出现了,但是没有人考虑启动它。 幸运的是,如果您有一台足够老的计算机可以使用这种BIOS,则它可能还具有软盘驱动器或CDROM驱动器。 尽管您可以为应用程序制作可引导CDROM,但我们了解到您想继续使用自己制作的USB主安装程序。 有鉴于此,我们建议使用PLoP Boot Manager。 将其视为启动管理器的启动管理器。 使用它,您可以创建可引导的软盘或CDROM,以使您可以启动主USB驱动器的USB。 制作一张CD和一张软盘版本后,您的工具包中就会包含将来计算机翻新项目所需的一切。 在此处阅读有关使用PLoP Boot Manager创建可启动媒体的信息。

捕捉窗口以预设坐标 (Snapping Windows to Preset Coordinates)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Once upon a time I had a company laptop that came with a little utility that snapped windows to preset areas of the screen. This was long before the snap-to-side features in Windows 7. You could essentially configure your screen into a grid pattern of your choosing and then windows would neatly snap into those grids. I have no idea what it was called or if was anymore than a gimmick from the computer manufacturer, but I’d really like to have it on my new computer!

从前,我有一台公司的笔记本电脑,它带有一个小实用程序,可以将窗口捕捉到屏幕的预设区域。 这远早于Windows 7中的“侧向对齐”功能。您可以将屏幕配置成您选择的网格模式,然后窗口将整齐地捕捉到这些网格中。 我不知道它叫什么,或者仅仅是计算机制造商的a头,但我真的很想在我的新计算机上安装它!

Bend and Snap in San Francisco,


Dear Bend and Snap,


If we had to guess, we’d guess your company must have had a set of laptops from Acer as the program you’re describing sounds exactly like Acer GridVista. Fortunately for you the application was extremely popular and Acer released it independently of their hardware. If, by chance, you’ve since upgraded to a multiple monitor setup the app even supports multiple monitors—many of the configurations are handy for arranging IM windows and other auxiliary communication tools. Check out our guide to installing and configuring Acer GridVista here for more information.

如果我们不得不猜测,我们可能会猜测您的公司一定有一台Acer笔记本电脑,因为您所描述的程序听起来完全像Acer GridVista。 对您来说幸运的是,该应用程序非常受欢迎,Acer发行了独立于其硬件的程序。 如果您已经偶然升级到多显示器设置,则该应用程序甚至支持多显示器-许多配置都非常方便安排IM窗口和其他辅助通讯工具。 在此处查看有关安装和配置Acer GridVista的指南,以了解更多信息。

Have a question you want to put before the How-To Geek staff? Shoot us an email at

您想向How-To Geek员工提出问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column. ask@howtogeek.com ,然后在Ask How-To Geek专栏中关注解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40793/ask-how-to-geek-learning-the-office-ribbon-booting-to-usb-with-an-old-bios-and-snapping-windows/



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