
Bored of using “Calibri, 11pt” for every mail you send in Outlook? Default bright, white email background making your eyes hurt? Fear not, you can change the default email theme to be whatever you want, and here’s how.

厌倦了在Outlook中发送的每封邮件都使用“ Calibri,11pt”吗? 默认明亮的白色电子邮件背景使您的眼睛受伤? 不用担心,您可以将默认的电子邮件主题更改为您想要的任何东西,这就是方法。

更改单个消息的主题 (Change the Theme for a Single Message)

If you want to change the theme for a single message you’re creating, go to Home > New Items > E-mail Message Using > More Stationery.


This will open up the “Theme or Stationery” window, where you can pick whatever theme you want.


Select the theme from the left menu to see a preview in the right-hand panel, and when you’ve found one you like, click “OK” to apply it to your message.


更改所有消息的主题 (Change the Theme for All Messages)

To change the default theme for all messages you send, go to File > Options > Mail (or File > Options > Ease of Access) and click the “Stationery and Fonts” button.


This will open the “Signatures and Stationery” window, where you can choose a default theme for new emails, as well as make changes to the theme for replies and forwards.


Click the “Theme” button to open the “Theme or Stationery” window again.


There are three options at the bottom to choose from, of which the bottom two will normally be turned on by default.


These options are:


  • Vivid Colors: Changes the font colors to ones which stand out a bit more for better contrast.


  • Active Graphics: Lets you add graphics in-line (that means “in the body of the email”) instead of adding them as an attachment. Don’t turn this off if you ever insert pictures, have an image in your signature, or use emojis.

    活动图形:允许您直接添加图形(即“在电子邮件正文中”),而不是将其作为附件添加。 如果您要插入图片,在签名中添加图片或使用表情符号,请不要关闭此功能。

  • Background Image: A lot of themes have a background image that is used in the body of the mail. If you just want the font changes and not the image, turn this off.

    背景图片:许多主题都有用于邮件正文的背景图片。 如果只想更改字体而不是图像,则将其关闭。

Select the theme you want and click “OK” to apply it to all new email messages you create from now on. You’ve also got the option to edit the font details for both new emails and replies/forwards, by clicking the relevant “Font” button.

选择所需的主题,然后单击“确定”以将其应用于您以后创建的所有新电子邮件中。 您还可以通过单击相关的“字体”按钮来编辑新电子邮件和回复/转发的字体详细信息。

These Font buttons won’t be available if you’ve selected the “Use Theme’s Font” option, so change that first if you want to edit the font.


You’ve also got the option of telling Outlook to “Pick a new color when replying or forwarding.” The colors Outlook chooses are not editable, but it can help the readability of a long email thread, if you don’t mind your recipient getting multi-colored replies from you.

您还可以选择告诉Outlook“在回复或转发时选择新颜色”。 Outlook选择的颜色是不可编辑的,但是如果您不介意收件人从您那里收到多种颜色的答复,则它可以提高长电子邮件线程的可读性。

These theme changes only affect HTML messages, which are the default types of messages in Outlook. If you’re the kind of person who prefers to send or read plain text messages, you can’t add a theme but you can change the default font type and size.

这些主题更改仅影响HTML消息,这是Outlook中的默认消息类型。 如果您是喜欢发送或阅读纯文本消息的人,则不能添加主题,但是可以更改默认字体类型和大小。

When you’ve made whatever changes you want, click “OK,” and you’re finished.


创建自己的主题 (Create Your Own Theme)

If you want to create your own theme, you can. Open a new message and customize the fonts, bullet points, background color, and anything else you want. Click File > Save As, and in the location paste the following location:

如果要创建自己的主题,可以。 打开一条新消息,然后自定义字体,项目符号,背景颜色以及其他所需的内容。 单击文件>另存为,然后在该位置粘贴以下位置:


Change the “Save as type” dropdown to HTML.


Click “Save.” Your new theme will now be available for you to select, either for individual messages or as the default. If you want other people to use this theme, such as members of your team, then share the file with them and get them to save it in the “%appdata%\microsoft\stationery” location.

点击“保存”。 现在,您可以选择新主题,无论是单个消息还是默认主题。 如果您希望其他人(例如团队成员)使用此主题,请与他们共享文件,然后让他们将其保存在“%appdata%\ microsoft \ stationery”位置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/400379/how-to-customize-the-theme-and-formatting-for-outlook-mail/



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