


下面是C语言实现。初始值是5381,遍历整个串,按照hash * 33 +c的算法计算。得到的结果就是哈希值。

unsigned long

hash(unsigned char *str)


unsigned long hash = 5381;

int c;

while (c = *str++)

hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */

return hash;




DJB 在 Redis中的应用


static uint32_t dict_hash_function_seed = 5381;

/* And a case insensitive hash function (based on djb hash) */

unsigned int dictGenCaseHashFunction(const unsigned char *buf, int len) {

unsigned int hash = (unsigned int)dict_hash_function_seed;

while (len--)

hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (tolower(*buf++)); /* hash * 33 + c */

return hash;



Java 字符串哈希

看了上面的再看Java内置字符串哈希就很有意思了。Java对象有个内置对象hash,它缓存了哈希结果,如果当前对象有缓存,直接返回。如果没有缓存,遍历整个字符串,按照hash * 31 + c的算法计算。

public int hashCode() {

int h = hash;

if (h == 0 && value.length > 0) {

char val[] = value;

for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {

h = 31 * h + val[i];


hash = h;


return h;





const primeRK = 16777619

// hashstr returns the hash and the appropriate multiplicative

// factor for use in Rabin-Karp algorithm.

func hashstr(sep string) (uint32, uint32) {

hash := uint32(0)

for i := 0; i < len(sep); i++ {

hash = hash*primeRK + uint32(sep[i])


var pow, sq uint32 = 1, primeRK

for i := len(sep); i > 0; i >>= 1 {

if i&1 != 0 {

pow *= sq


// 只有32位,超出范围的会被丢掉

sq *= sq


return hash, pow




Thomas Wang’s 32 bit Mix Function



int hash32shift(int key)


key = ~key + (key << 15); // key = (key << 15) - key - 1;

key = key ^ (key >>> 12);

key = key + (key << 2);

key = key ^ (key >>> 4);

key = key * 2057; // key = (key + (key << 3)) + (key << 11);

key = key ^ (key >>> 16);

return key;





Hash Lowercase Random UUID Numbers

============= ============= =========== ==============

Murmur 145 ns 259 ns 92 ns

6 collis 5 collis 0 collis

FNV-1a 152 ns 504 ns 86 ns

4 collis 4 collis 0 collis

FNV-1 184 ns 730 ns 92 ns

1 collis 5 collis 0 collis▪

DBJ2a 158 ns 443 ns 91 ns

5 collis 6 collis 0 collis▪▪▪

DJB2 156 ns 437 ns 93 ns

7 collis 6 collis 0 collis▪▪▪

SDBM 148 ns 484 ns 90 ns

4 collis 6 collis 0 collis**

SuperFastHash 164 ns 344 ns 118 ns

85 collis 4 collis 18742 collis

CRC32 250 ns 946 ns 130 ns

2 collis 0 collis 0 collis

LoseLose 338 ns - -

215178 collis





在Codis上就使用了这个哈希算法做哈希分片,SlotId= crc32(key) % 1024。


func archAvailableIEEE() bool {

return cpu.X86.HasPCLMULQDQ && cpu.X86.HasSSE41





// Hashing algorithm inspired by

// xxhash: https://code.google.com/p/xxhash/

// cityhash: https://code.google.com/p/cityhash/


func memhash(p unsafe.Pointer, seed, s uintptr) uintptr {

if GOARCH == "386" && GOOS != "nacl" && useAeshash {

return aeshash(p, seed, s)


h := uint32(seed + s*hashkey[0])


memhash并不是可导出函数,我在runtime包里增加了一个memhash_test.go的测试文件,执行go test -benchmem -run=^$ -bench ^BenchmarkMemHash$。

package runtime_test

import (

. "runtime"



func BenchmarkMemHash(b *testing.B) {

for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

for _, g := range goldenMurmur3 {

StringHash(g.in, 0)




type _Golden struct {

out uint32

in string


var goldenMurmur3 = []_Golden{

{0x00000000, ""},

{0x3c2569b2, "a"},

{0x9bbfd75f, "ab"},

{0xb3dd93fa, "abc"},

{0x43ed676a, "abcd"},

{0xe89b9af6, "abcde"},

{0x6181c085, "abcdef"},

{0x883c9b06, "abcdefg"},

{0x49ddccc4, "abcdefgh"},

{0x421406f0, "abcdefghi"},

{0x88927791, "abcdefghij"},

{0x91e056d3, "Discard medicine more than two years old."},

{0xc4d1cdf9, "He who has a shady past knows that nice guys finish last."},

{0x92a09da9, "I wouldn't marry him with a ten foot pole."},

{0xba22e6c4, "Free! Free!/A trip/to Mars/for 900/empty jars/Burma Shave"},

{0xb3ba11cb, "The days of the digital watch are numbered. -Tom Stoppard"},

{0x941ada4d, "Nepal premier won't resign."},

{0x03f1f7b4, "For every action there is an equal and opposite government program."},

{0x03946117, "His money is twice tainted: 'taint yours and 'taint mine."},

{0x91e89ce1, "There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home. -Ken Olsen, 1977"},

{0xdc39bd00, "It's a tiny change to the code and not completely disgusting. - Bob Manchek"},

{0xe898a1fa, "size: a.out: bad magic"},

{0xcb5affb4, "The major problem is with sendmail. -Mark Horton"},

{0xc84510d4, "Give me a rock, paper and scissors and I will move the world. CCFestoon"},

{0xd4466554, "If the enemy is within range, then so are you."},

{0xe718d618, "It's well we cannot hear the screams/That we create in others' dreams."},

{0xa6fb1684, "You remind me of a TV show, but that's all right: I watch it anyway."},

{0x65cb8d60, "C is as portable as Stonehedge!!"},

{0x164935d1, "Even if I could be Shakespeare, I think I should still choose to be Faraday. - A. Huxley"},

{0x33e03966, "The fugacity of a constituent in a mixture of gases at a given temperature is proportional to its mole fraction. Lewis-Randall Rule"},

{0x04944630, "How can you write a big system without C++? -Paul Glick"},



BenchmarkMemHash-8 3000000 475 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op


BenchmarkJava32-8 500000 2548 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op

BenchmarkDJB-8 500000 2516 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op

BenchmarkElf32-8 500000 3204 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op

BenchmarkJenkins32-8 500000 3154 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op

BenchmarkMarvin32-8 500000 3375 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op

BenchmarkMurmur-8 1000000 2184 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op

BenchmarkSDBM32-8 500000 2789 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op

BenchmarkSQLite32-8 1000000 2419 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op

BenchmarkSuperFastHash-8 1000000 2003 ns/op 1456 B/op 30 allocs/op 硬件加速的和这些比确实可以碾压。




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