


- 《穷理查年鉴》

Practice is the best of all instructors.


Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other.




How long will a system programming job take? How much effort will be required? How does one estimate?

I have earlier suggested ratios that seem to apply to planning time, coding, component test, and system test. 


First, one must say that one does not estimate the entire task by estimating the coding portion only and then applying the ratios. The coding is only one-sixth or so of the problem, and errors in its estimate or in the ratios could lead to ridiculous results.


Second, one must say that data for building isolated small programs are not applicable to programming systems products. For a program averaging about 3200 words, for example, Sackman, Erikson, and Grant report an average code-plus-debug time of about 178 hours for a single programmer, a figure which would extrapolate to give an annual productivity of 35,800 statements per year. A program half that size took less than one-fourth as long, and extrapolated productivity is almost 80,000 statements per year.[1] Planning, documentation, testing, system integration, and training times must be added. The linear extrapolation of such sprint figures is meaningless. Extrapolation of times for the hundred-yard dash shows that a man can run a mile in under three minutes.


Before dismissing them, however, let us note that these numbers, although not for strictly comparable problems, suggest that effort goes as a power of size even when no communication is involved except that of a man with his memories.

图8.1讲述了这个悲惨的故事。它阐述了Nanus和Farr2在System Development Corporation公司所做研究,结果表明该指数为1.5,即,

Figure 8.1 tells the sad story. It illustrates results reported from a study done by Nanus and Farr[2] at System Development Corporation. This shows an exponent of 1.5; that is,

工作量 = (常数)×(指令的数量)^1.5【工作量随着指令的指数级增长】

注释: incomplete-未终结的




Another SDC study reported by Weinwurm[3] also shows an exponent near 1.5.

A few studies on programmer productivity have been made, and several estimating techniques have been proposed. Morin has prepared a survey of the published data.[4] Here I shall give only a few items that seem especially illuminating.

Portman的数据(Portman's Data)

曼彻斯特Computer Equipment Organization(Northwest)的ICL软件部门的经理Charles Portman,提出了另一种有用的个人观点5。


Charles Portman, manager of ICL's Software Division, Computer Equipment Organization (Northwest) at Manchester, offers another useful personal insight.[5]

He found his programming teams missing schedules by about one-half—each job was taking approximately twice as long as estimated. The estimates were very careful, done by experienced teams estimating man-hours for several hundred subtasks on a PERT chart. When the slippage pattern appeared, he asked them to keep careful daily logs of time usage. These showed that the estimating error could be entirely accounted for by the fact that his teams were only realizing 50 percent of the working week as actual programming and debugging time. Machine downtime, higher-priority short unrelated jobs, meetings, paperwork, company business, sickness, personal time, etc. accounted for the rest. In short, the estimates made an unrealistic assumption about the number of technical work hours per man-year. My own experience quite confirms his conclusion.[6]

Aron的数据(Aron's Data)

Joel Aron,IBM在马里兰州盖兹堡的系统技术主管,在他所工作过的9个大型项目(简要地说,大型意味着程序员的数目超过25人,将近30,000行的指令)7的基础上,对程序员的生产率进行了研究。他根据程序员(和系统部分)之间的交互划分这些系统,得到了如下的生产率:

非常少的交互:10,000 指令每人年




Joel Aron, manager of Systems Technology at IBM in Gaithersburg, Maryland, has studied programmer productivity when working on nine large systems (briefly, large means more than 25 programmers and 30,000 deliverable instructions).[7] He divides such systems according to interactions among programmers (and system parts) and finds productivities as follows:

The man-years do not include support and system test activities, only design and programming. When these figures are diluted by a factor of two to cover system test, they closely match Harr's data.

Harr的数据(Harr's Data)

John Harr,Bell电话实验室电子交换系统领域的编程经理,在1969年春季联合计算机会议8的论文中,汇报了他和其他人的经验。这些数据如图8.2、8.3和8.4所示。

John Harr, manager of programming for the Bell Telephone Laboratories' Electronic Switching System, reported his and others' experience in a paper at the 1969 Spring Joint Computer Conference.[8] These data are shown in Figs. 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4.


Of these, Fig. 8.2 is the most detailed and the most useful. The first two jobs are basically control programs; the second two are basically language translators. Productivity is stated in terms of debugged words per man-year. This includes programming, component test, and system test. It is not clear how much of the planning effort, or effort in machine support, writing, and the like, is included.



The productivities likewise fall into two classifications; those for control programs are about 600 words per man-year; those for translators are about 2200 words per man-year. Note that all four programs are of similar size—the variation is in size of the work groups, length of time, and number of modules. Which is cause and which is effect? Did the control programs require more people because they were more complicated? Or did they require more modules and more man-months because they were assigned more people? Did they take longer because of the greater complexity, or because more people were assigned? One can't be sure. The control programs were surely more complex. These uncertainties aside, the numbers describe the real productivities achieved on a large system, using present-day programming techniques. As such they are a real contribution.

Figures 8.3 and 8.4 show some interesting data on programming and debugging rates as compared to predicted rates.


IBM OS/360的经验,尽管没有Harr那么详细的数据,但还是证实了那些结论。就控制程序组的经验而言,生产率的范围大约是600~800(经过调试的指令)/人年。语言翻译小组所达到的生产率是2000~3000(经过调试的指令)/人年。这包括了小组的计划、代码构件测试、系统测试和一些支持性活动。就我的观点来说,它们同Harr的数据是可比的。

IBM OS/360 experience, while not available in the detail of Harr's data, confirms it. Productivities in range of 600–800 debugged instructions per man-year were experienced by control program groups. Productivities in the 2000–3000 debugged instructions per man-year were achieved by language translator groups. These include planning done by the group, coding component test, system test, and some support activities. They are comparable to Harr's data, so far as I can tell.


Aron's data, Harr's data, and the OS/360 data all confirm striking differences in productivity related to the complexity and difficulty of the task itself. My guideline in the morass of estimating complexity is that compilers are three times as bad as normal batch application programs, and operating systems are three times as bad as compilers.[9]


Harr和OS/360的数据都是关于汇编语言编程的,好像使用高级语言系统编程的数据公布得很少。Corbato的MIT项目MAC报告表示在MULTICS系统上,平均生产率是经调试的1200行 PL/I 语句(大约在1和2百万指令之间)/人年。

Both Harr's data and OS/360 data are for assembly language programming. Little data seem to have been published on system programming productivity using higher-level languages. Corbatò of MIT's Project MAC reports, however, a mean productivity of 1200 lines of debugged PL/I statements per man-year on the MULTICS system (between 1 and 2 million words).[10]


This number is very exciting. Like the other projects, MULTICS includes control programs and language translators. Like the others, it is producing a system programming product, tested and documented. The data seem to be comparable in terms of kind of effort included. And the productivity number is a good average between the control program and translator productivities of other projects.


.. 对常用编程语句而言,生产率似乎是固定的。这个固定的生产率包括了编程中需要注释,并可能存在错误的情况.

.. 使用适当的高级语言,编程的生产率可以提高5倍。

But Corbatò's number is lines per man-year, not words! Each statement in his system corresponds to about three to five words of handwritten code! This suggests two important conclusions.

• Productivity seems constant in terms of elementary statements, a conclusion that is reasonable in terms of the thought a statement requires and the errors it may include.[11]

Programming productivity may be increased as much as five times when a suitable high-level language is used.[12]

Chapter 8 Appendix:

1. Sackman, H., W. J. Erikson, and E. E. Grant, "Exploratory experimentation studies comparing online and offline programming performance," CACM, 11, 1 (Jan., 1968), pp. 3–11.

2. Nanus, B., and L. Farr, "Some cost contributors to large-scale programs," AFIPS Proc. SJCC, 25 (Spring, 1964), pp. 239–248.

3. Weinwurm, G. F., "Research in the management of computer programming," Report SP-2059, System Development Corp., Santa Monica, 1965.

4. Morin, L. H., "Estimation of resources for computer programming projects," M. S. thesis, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1974.

5. Portman, C., private communication.

6. An unpublished 1964 study by E. F. Bardain shows programmers realizing 27 percent productive time. (Quoted by D. B. Mayer and A. W. Stalnaker, "Selection and evaluation of computer personnel," Proc. 23rd ACM Conf., 1968, p. 661.)

7. Aron, J., private communication.

8. Paper given at a panel session and not included in the AFIPS Proceedings.

9. Wolverton, R. W.; "The cost of developing large-scale software," IEEE Trans. on Computers, C-23, 6 (June, 1974) pp. 615–636. This important recent paper contains data on many of the issues of this chapter, as well as confirming the productivity conclusions.

10. Corbatò, F. J., "Sensitive issues in the design of multi-use systems," lecture at the opening of the Honeywell EDP Technology Center, 1968.

11. W. M. Taliaffero also reports a constant productivity of 2400 statements/year in assembler, Fortran, and Cobol. See "Modularity. The key to system growth potential," Software, 1, 3 (July 1971) pp. 245–257.

12. E. A. Nelson's System Development Corp. Report TM-3225, Management Handbook for the Estimation of Computer Programming Costs, shows a 3-to-1 productivity improvement for high-level language (pp. 66–67), although his standard deviations are wide.



Freder ick P.Brooks,Jr.(1931年4月19日 - 2022年11月17日 )曾荣获美国计算机领域最具声望的图灵奖(A.M.TURINGAWARD)桂冠。美国计算机协会(ACM)称赞他“对计算机体系结构、操作系统和软件工程作出了里程碑式的贡献”。

Brooks博士是北卡罗莱纳大学KENAN-FLAGLER商学院的计算机科学教授。他被认为是“IBM 360系统之父”,曾担任360系统的项目经理,以及360系统项目设计阶段的经理。凭借在此项目中的杰出贡献,他与BobEvarls和Erich BIocll在1985年荣获了美国国家技术奖(National Medal of Technology)。Brooks博士早期曾担任IBM公司stretcPl和Harvest计算机的体系结构设计师。


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