(1)Suppose you learn a word embedding for a vocabulary of 10000 words. Then the embedding vectors should be 10000 dimensional, so as to capture the full range of variation and meaning in those words.


(2)What is t-SNE?
[A]A linear transformation that allows us to solve analogies on word vectors.
[B]A non-linear dimensionality reduction technique.
[C]A supervised learning algorithm for learning word embeddings.
[D]An open-source sequence modeling library.


(3)Suppose you download a pre-trained word embedding which has been trained on a huge corpus of text. You then use this word embedding to train an RNN for a language task of recognizing if someone is happy from a short snippet of text, using a small training set.

x(input text) y(happy?)
I’m feeling wonderful today! 1
I’m bummed my cat is ill 0
Really enjoying this! 1

Then even if the word “ecstatic” does not appear in your small training set, your RNN might reasonably be expected to recognize “I’m ecstatic” as deserving a label y=1.


(4)Which of these equations do you think should hold for a good word embedding?(Check all that apply)
[A]eboy−egirl≈ebrother−esistere_{boy}-e_{girl} \approx e_{brother}-e_{sister}eboyegirlebrotheresister
[B]eboy−egirl≈esister−ebrothere_{boy}-e_{girl} \approx e_{sister}-e_{brother}eboyegirlesisterebrother
[C]eboy−ebrother≈egirl−esistere_{boy}-e_{brother} \approx e_{girl}-e_{sister}eboyebrotheregirlesister
[D]eboy−ebrother≈esister−egirle_{boy}-e_{brother} \approx e_{sister}-e_{girl}eboyebrotheresisteregirl


(5)Let EEE be an embedding matrix, and let o1234o_{1234}o1234 be a one-hot vector, corresponding to word 1234. Then to get the embedding of word 1234, why don’t we call ET∗o1234E^T*o_{1234}ETo1234 in Python?
[A]it is computationally wasteful.
[B]The correct formula is ET∗e1234E^T*e_{1234}ETe1234
[C]This doesn’t handle unknown words (<UNK>)
[D]None of the above: Calling the Python snippet as described above is fine.

解析:one-hot向量维度高,并且大多数为0,所以EEEo1234o_{1234}o1234 进行相乘效率很低。

(6)When learning word embeddings, we create an artificial task of estimating P(target∣context)P(target|context)P(targetcontext). It is okay if we do poorly on this artificial prediction task; the more important by-product of this task is that we learn a useful set of word embeddings.


(7)In the word2vec algorithm, you estimate P(t∣c)P(t|c)P(tc), where ttt is the target word and ccc is a context word, How are ttt and ccc chosen from the training set? Pick the best answer.
[A]ccc is the one word that comes immediately before ttt.
[B]ccc is the sequence of all the words in the sentence before ttt
[C]ccc is a sequence of several words immediately before ttt.
[D]ccc and ttt are chosen to be nearby words.


(8)Suppose you have a 10000 word vocabulary, and are learning 500-dimensional word embeddings. The word2vec mode: uses the following softmax function:
P(t∣c)=eθtTec∑t′=110000eθt′TecP\left( t|c \right) =\frac{e^{\theta _t^Te_c}}{\sum_{t'=1}^{10000}{e^{\theta _{t'}^{T}e_c}}} P(tc)=t=110000eθtTeceθtTec
Which of these statements are correct? Check all that apply.
[A]θt\theta_tθt and ece_cec are both 500 dimensional vectors.
[B]θt\theta_tθt and ece_cec are both 10000 dimensional vectors.
[C]θt\theta_tθt and ece_cec are both trained with an optimization algorithm such as Adam or gradient descent.
[D]After training, we should expect θt\theta_tθt to be very close to ece_cec when ttt and ccc are the same word.

Why does word2vec use 2 representations for each word?

(9)Suppose you have a 10000 word vocabulary, and are learning 500-dimensional word embeddings. The GloVe model minimizes this objective:
min⁡∑i=110000∑j=110000f(Xij)(θiTej+bi+bj′−log⁡Xij)2\min \sum_{i=1}^{10000}{\sum_{j=1}^{10000}{f\left( X_{ij} \right) \left( \theta _i^Te_j+b_i+b_j'-\log X_{ij} \right) ^2}} mini=110000j=110000f(Xij)(θiTej+bi+bjlogXij)2
Which of these statements are correct? Check all that apply.
[A]θi\theta_iθi and eje_jej should be initialized to 0 at the beginning of training.
[B]θi\theta_iθi and eje_jej should be initialized randomly at the beginning of training.
[C]XijX_{ij}Xij is the number of times word i appears in the context of word j.
[D]The weighting function f(.)f(.)f(.) must satisfy f(0)=0f(0)=0f(0)=0


(10)You have trained word embeddings using a text dataset of m1 words. You are considering using these word embeddings for a language task, for which you have separate labeled dataset of m2 words. keeping in mind that using word embeddings of a form of transfer learning, under which of these circumstance would you expect the word embeddings to be helpful?


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