

Given any string of N (≥5) characters, you are asked to form the characters into the shape of U. For example, helloworld can be printed as:

h d
e l
l r

That is, the characters must be printed in the original order, starting top-down from the left vertical line with n​1​​characters, then left to right along the bottom line with n​2​​ characters, and finally bottom-up along the vertical line with n​3​​ characters. And more, we would like U to be as squared as possible – that is, it must be satisfied that n​1​​=n​3​​=max { k | k≤n​2​​ for all 3≤n​2​​≤N } with n​1​​+n​2​​+n​3​​−2=N.

Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. Each case contains one string with no less than 5 and no more than 80 characters in a line. The string contains no white space.

Output Specification:
For each test case, print the input string in the shape of U as specified in the description.

Sample Input:

Sample Output:
h !
e d
l l



2、n1+n2+n3 = N+2
3、n2 >= 3
4、n1 <= n2

低级解法:定义双重循环,i循环为n2,从3开始遍历;j循环为n1,从i开始遍历,等于0时停止 。 找到解后,按给定规律输出。(解放双手,暴力万岁)



using namespace std;
int main() {ios::sync_with_stdio(false);string s; cin >> s;int len = s.length(), b, l_r;for(int i = 3; ; i++)                     //求n1和n2 for(int j = i; j >= 1; j--) if(j*2 + i == len+2) {b = i; l_r = j-1; goto loop;}loop:;//输出 int k = 0;   //计数器 for(int i = 0; i < l_r+1; i++) {   //行数 for(int j = 0; j < b; j++) { //列数 if(i != l_r) if(j == 0) putchar(s[k]);else if(j == b-1) putchar(s[len- k++ -1]);  else putchar(' ');else putchar(s[k++]); } putchar('\n'); }return 0;


using namespace std;
int main(){string input;  cin>> input//读取字符串int n1=(input.size()+2)/3,n2=input.size()+2-2*n1;//获取n1,n2//进行输出for(int i=0;i<n1-1;++i){//前n1-1行,需要输出首尾两个字符,且每行字符数为n2printf("%c",input[i]);for(int j=0;j<n2-2;++j)printf(" ");printf("%c\n",input[input.size()-i-1]);}//最后一行将没有输出的n2个字符一次性输出for(int i=0;i<n2;++i)printf("%c",input[n1-1+i]);return 0;


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