As the new academic year begins, here is an update on Girton Conversations, Girton’s initiative to engage the whole college community in addressing major issues of wider relevance. If you are new to College and don’t know what this is, check out the link below.

The theme of Our Fragile Planet will continue for another year (see As environmental concerns increase, these issues are more pressing than ever. We encourage you to consider incorporating this theme into your existing events and activities, whether small or large, or even beginning new conversations. We will be telling new students about Green Girton, including Our Fragile Planet, at Freshers’ events next week. There will be a Fellows Research Evening on the theme later in the term (23rd M+November) and we will be organising a college-wide event on COP 26. We hope that the Signs of Spring photography competition will return in the Lent Term so do look out for it, as well as a student design competition. The rest is over to you to get some conversations started.

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