NNI 小白入门 GridSearch示例



BatchTuner参考另一篇 添https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44110392/article/details/113065226


  • a simple implement of linear regression


    • 假如需要调参的是 batch_size, epochs_number, learning_rate

      • 为了方便演示,假设上面三个参数从给定的范围中选取,所以使用BatchTuner

        • 参数范围:

          epochs = [i for i in range(10, 20)]
          batch_sizes = [i for i in range(10, 20, 5)]
          learning_rates = [i*0.001 for i in range(1,3)]



NNI 环境配置

  • trialConcurrency: 并发数量
  • Trail-command: 每一次执行程序的命令
authorName: default
experimentName: example_Linear_Regression
trialConcurrency: 5
maxExecDuration: 1h
#choice: local, remote, pai
trainingServicePlatform: local
searchSpacePath: search_space.json
#choice: true, false
useAnnotation: false
tuner:builtinTunerName: GridSearch
trial:command: python3 linear_regression.pycodeDir: .gpuNum: 0
logDir: .




  • 下面是GridSearch要求的参数规范
 '''GridSearchTuner will search all the possible configures that the user define in the searchSpace.The only acceptable types of search space are ``choice``, ``quniform``, ``randint``Type ``choice`` will select one of the options. Note that it can also be nested.Type ``quniform`` will receive three values [``low``, ``high``, ``q``],where [``low``, ``high``] specifies a range and ``q`` specifies the interval.It will be sampled in a way that the first sampled value is ``low``,and each of the following values is 'interval' larger than the value in front of it.Type ``randint`` gives all possible intergers in range[``low``, ``high``). Note that ``high`` is not included.'''


{"epochs": {"_type": "randint","_value": [10, 20]},"batch_size": {"_type": "quniform","_value": [10, 20, 5]},"learning_rate":{"_type":"quniform","_value": [0.001, 0.004, 0.001]}


  • main函数

    • log是为了方便debug
    • nni.get_next_parameter()得到tuner中的下一组参数
      • 由于我写的参数是用dict的形式存储,所以我先生成了一组默认参数然后用读取到的参数update
  • train函数
    • 要在开始的时候用读入的参数初始化parameters
    • 最后要report_final_reault(),这里读入的数值会在最终的交互界面上画图
  • 其余函数与NNI无关
import torch as t
import numpy as np
import random
import nni
import loggingLOG = logging.getLogger('linear_regression')np.random.seed(1)
random.seed(1)def generate_date(true_w, true_b, num_examples):'''generate synthetic data'''x = np.random.normal(0, 1, (num_examples, len(true_w)))y = np.dot(x, true_w) + true_b# add noisey += np.random.normal(0, 0.01, y.shape)return t.Tensor(x), t.Tensor(y)def data_iter(batch_size, features, labels):'''reading data iteration by iteration'''num_examples = len(labels)indices = list(range(num_examples))# examples are read at randomrandom.shuffle(indices)for i in range(0, num_examples, batch_size):batch_indices = np.array(indices[i:min(i + batch_size, num_examples)])yield features[batch_indices], labels[batch_indices]def loss_func(y_hat, y):'''square loss'''return (y_hat - y)**2 / 2def sgd(params, lr, batch_size):'''minibatch stochastic gradient descent'''with t.no_grad():for param in params:param -= lr * param.grad / batch_sizeparam.grad.zero_()def linreg(X, w, b):"""The linear regression model."""return t.matmul(X, w) + bdef train(ARGS, features, labels):lr = ARGS['learning_rate']num_epochs = ARGS['epochs']net = linregloss = loss_funcbatch_size = ARGS['batch_size']w = t.Tensor([1, 1])w.requires_grad_(True)b = t.Tensor([0])b.requires_grad_(True)for epoch in range(num_epochs):for X, y in data_iter(batch_size, features, labels):l = loss(net(X, w, b), y)  # Minibatch loss in `X` and `y`# Compute gradient on `l` with respect to [`w`, `b`]l.sum().backward()sgd([w, b], lr,batch_size)  # Update parameters using their gradient# with t.no_grad():#     train_l = loss(net(features, w, b), labels)# print(f'epoch {epoch + 1}, loss {float(train_l.mean()):f}')res_loss = loss(net(features, w, b), labels)# print(w, b)loss_mean = res_loss.mean()nni.report_final_result(float(loss_mean))def generate_default_params():"""Generate default hyper parameters"""return {"epochs": 10, "batch_size": 10, "learning_rate": 0.003}if __name__ == "__main__":# generate datatrue_w = [2, -3.4]true_b = 4.2features, labels = generate_date(true_w=true_w,true_b=true_b,num_examples=200)# get parameters from tunerRECEIVED_PARAMS = nni.get_next_parameter()LOG.debug(RECEIVED_PARAMS)PARAMS = generate_default_params()PARAMS.update(RECEIVED_PARAMS)# traintrain(PARAMS, features, labels)

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