React-router-dom v6 无限级嵌套路由的实现


入口文件 index.js
root.render(<BrowserRouter><App /></BrowserRouter>
import React, { ReactNode, useEffect } from 'react'
import Layout from './layout'
import { Routes, Route, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
import NoMatch from './views/NoMatch'
import { HasAuthRoutes, IRoute } from './router';
import Login from './views/Login';
import AuthPage from './views/AuthPage';
import NoAuthPage from './views/NoAuthPage';const getRouteData = (items: IRoute[]): ReactNode => {return => {if (r.children && r.children.length > 0) {return (<Route index={r.path == '/'} key={r.key} element={r.component}>{getRouteData(r.children)}</Route>)}return (<Route index={r.path == '/'} key={r.key} path={r.path} element={r.component}></Route>)})
}export default function App() {return (<><AuthPage><Routes><Route path="/" element={<Layout />}>{getRouteData(HasAuthRoutes)}<Route path="*" element={<NoMatch />} /></Route></Routes></AuthPage><NoAuthPage><Routes><Route path="/login" element={<Login />} /></Routes></NoAuthPage></>)
import React, { Suspense, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { LaptopOutlined, NotificationOutlined, UserOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { Breadcrumb, Layout, Menu, MenuProps } from 'antd';
import { IRoute, HasAuthRoutes, NoAuthRoutes } from '../router'
import { findkeyByPath, findPathByKey } from '../utils'
import { Outlet, Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router'const { Header, Content, Sider } = Layout;const getItems = (items: IRoute[]): MenuProps['items'] => => ({// label: <Link to={r.key || ''}>{r.title}</Link>,label: r.title,key: r.key,children: r.children ? getItems(r.children) : null,
}))const findKey = () : { acKeys: string[], openKeys: string[] } => {let pathname = window.location.pathnamelet currentRoute = findkeyByPath(pathname, HasAuthRoutes) as { route: IRoute, openKeys: string[] }return {acKeys: [currentRoute.route.key],openKeys: currentRoute.openKeys}
}const MyLayout = () => {let navigate = useNavigate();const [ openKeys, setOpenKeys ] = useState<string[]>([])const { pathname } = useLocation()const onMenuSelect = (arg: { keyPath: any[], key: string }): void => {console.log(arg, 'arg');let route = findPathByKey(arg.key, HasAuthRoutes) as IRouteconsole.log('route', route);navigate(route.path as string);}const onOpenChange = (arg: any) => {console.log(arg, 'arg');setOpenKeys(arg)}return <div><Layout><Header className="header"><div className="logo" /><Menu theme="dark"onOpenChange={onOpenChange}defaultSelectedKeys={findKey().acKeys}mode="horizontal" onSelect={onMenuSelect} items={getItems(HasAuthRoutes)} /></Header><Layout><Sider width={200} className="site-layout-background"><Menumode="inline"defaultSelectedKeys={findKey().acKeys}defaultOpenKeys={findKey().openKeys}style={{height: '100%',borderRight: 0,}}// onOpenChange={onOpenChange}onSelect={onMenuSelect}items={getItems(HasAuthRoutes)}/></Sider><Layoutstyle={{padding: '0 24px 24px',}}><ContentclassName="site-layout-background"style={{padding: 24,margin: 0,minHeight: 280,}}><Suspense fallback="xx"><Outlet /></Suspense></Content></Layout></Layout></Layout></div>
}export default MyLayout

以上Suspense 是用于页面内容懒加载,<Outlet/> 类似于vuerouter-view组件

import { HasAuthRoutes, IRoute } from '../router'export const findPathByKey = (key: string, routes: IRoute[]): IRoute | undefined => {// 递归查对应的pathif (routes && routes.length > 0) {for (let route of routes) {if (route.key == key && route.path) {return route} else {let item = findPathByKey(key, route.children || [])if (item) return item}}}
}export const findkeyByPath = (path: string, routes: IRoute[]): IRoute | undefined => {// 递归查对应的keyif (routes && routes.length > 0) {for (let route of routes) {console.log(route, 'route');if (route.path == path) {return route} else {if (route.children && route.children.length > 0) {let findItem = findkeyByPath(path, route.children || [])if (findItem) return findItem} }}}
}export const findOpenKeysByKey = (key: string, initRoutes: IRoute[]) => {// 找到所有的父级的key组成数组let opKeys: any[] = []const findFunc = (key: string, routes: IRoute[]) => {for (let i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {const route = routes[i];if(route.children?.some(it1 => it1.key === key)){// 如果子元素中有key是和他一样的话,那就先把最后一层的key push进去并且放最后一项opKeys.unshift(route.key)// 重新递归findFunc(route.key, initRoutes)}else{// 继续递归findFunc(key, route.children || [])}}return opKeys}return findFunc(key, initRoutes)}
import { ReactNode, lazy } from 'react'const Home = lazy(() => import('../views/Home'));
const About = lazy(() => import('../views/About'));
const Dashboard = lazy(() => import('../views/Dashboard'));
const VeryManyComp = lazy(() => import('../views/VeryManyComp'));
const UserList = lazy(() => import('../views/UserList'));
const UserDetail = lazy(() => import('../views/UserDetail'));
const Login = lazy(() => import('../views/Login'));export interface IRoute {title: stringkey: stringpath?: stringexact?: booleanchildren?: IRoute[]component?: ReactNode
}export const HasAuthRoutes: IRoute[] = [{title: '首页',key: 'home',path: '/',exact: true,component: <Home />},{title: '关于',key: 'about',path: '/about',exact: true,component: <About />},{title: 'dashboard',key: 'dashboard',path: '/dashboard',exact: true,component: <Dashboard />},{title: 'test1',key: 'test1',children: [{title: 'test1-1',key: 'test1-1',children: [{title: 'test1-1-1',key: 'test1-1-1',children: [{title: 'test1-1-1-1',key: 'test1-1-1-1',path: '/test1-1-1-1',component: <VeryManyComp />}]}]}]},{title: '用户',key: 'user',path: '/user',children: [{title: '用户列表',key: 'list',children: [{title: '用户小明1',key: 'xm',path: '/user/list/xm',component: <UserList />,exact: true,}]},{title: '用户详情',key: 'detail',path: '/user/detail',component: <UserDetail />,},]}



import React, { Suspense, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { LaptopOutlined, NotificationOutlined, UserOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { Breadcrumb, Layout, Menu, MenuProps } from 'antd';
import { IRoute, HasAuthRoutes, NoAuthRoutes } from '../router'
import { findkeyByPath, findPathByKey } from '../utils'
import { Outlet, Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'
import { useNavigate } from 'react-router'
import { useMenu } from '../hooks'const { Header, Content, Sider } = Layout;const getItems = (items: IRoute[]): MenuProps['items'] => => ({// label: <Link to={r.key || ''}>{r.title}</Link>,label: r.title,key: r.key,children: r.children ? getItems(r.children) : null,
}))const findKey = (): { acKeys: string[], openKeys: string[] } => {// const { pathname } = useLocation()let pathname = window.location.pathnamelet currentRoute = findkeyByPath(pathname, HasAuthRoutes) as { route: IRoute, openKeys: string[] }return {acKeys: [currentRoute.route.key],openKeys: currentRoute.openKeys}
}const MyLayout = () => {let navigate = useNavigate();const [route, openKeys] = useMenu()console.log(route, openKeys, 'route, openKeys');const onMenuSelect = (arg: { keyPath: any[], key: string }): void => {console.log(arg, 'arg');// browserHistory.push(arg.key);let route = findPathByKey(arg.key, HasAuthRoutes) as IRouteconsole.log('route', route);navigate(route.path as string);}const onOpenChange = (arg: any) => {console.log(arg, 'arg');// setOpenKeys(arg)}return <Menumode="inline"defaultSelectedKeys={[route.key]}defaultOpenKeys={openKeys}style={{height: '100%',borderRight: 0,}}onSelect={onMenuSelect}items={getItems(HasAuthRoutes)}/>
}export default MyLayout


import { useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'
import { HasAuthRoutes, IRoute } from '../router'
import { findkeyByPath, findOpenKeysByKey } from '../utils'export function useMenu(): any[] {const { pathname } = useLocation()const result = useMemo(() => {let route = findkeyByPath(pathname, HasAuthRoutes)let openKeys = findOpenKeysByKey(route?.key as string, HasAuthRoutes)return [ route, openKeys ]}, [pathname])return result


export const findOpenKeysByKey = (key: string, initRoutes: IRoute[]) => {// 找到所有的父级的key组成数组let opKeys: any[] = []const findFunc = (key: string, routes: IRoute[]) => {for (let i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {const route = routes[i];if(route.children?.some(it1 => it1.key === key)){// 如果子元素中有key是和他一样的话,那就先把最后一层的key push进去并且放最后一项opKeys.unshift(route.key)// 重新递归findFunc(route.key, initRoutes)}else{// 继续递归findFunc(key, route.children || [])}}return opKeys}return findFunc(key, initRoutes)}


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