
Easy 2048 Again —–zoj 3802

Time Limit: 2 Seconds Memory Limit: 65536 KB

Dark_sun knows that on a single-track road (which means once he passed this area, he cannot come back again), there are some underground treasures on each area of the road which has the value of 2, 4, 8 or 16. Dark_sun can decide whether to dig them or not in order to get the highest score. The calculation rule of the total score is similar to the game Flappy 2048.

Dark_sun’s bag is like a queue. When he gets a treasure, the treasure will be pushed back into the end of the bag. And the score will add the value of the treasure. For example, when there are treasures on the road in the order of {2, 8, 4, 8} and if Dark_sun decides to dig all of them, he will get the final score of 2+8+4+8=22. And his bag will finally become the sequence of {2, 8, 4, 8}.

If the adjacent treasures in the Dark_sun’s bag have the same value, they will mix into a bigger treasure which has the value of their sum (the double value of the previous one). And Dark_sun will get a combo score of the value of bigger treasure. For example in the previous case, if Dark_sun decides to dig only the {2, 8, 8} treasure in sequence. He will get the basic score of 18(2+8+8). And when the last treasure (value 8) is pushed back into his bag, his bag will turn {2, 8, 8} into {2, 16} and he will get a bonus score of 16. And his final score will become 18+16=34 (which is the best strategy in this case.)

Notice that the treasures mix to the bigger one automatically when there are the same adjacent treasures. For example, when there are treasures of {2, 2, 4, 8, 16} on the road, and if Dark_sun decides to dig all of them, he will get the basic score of 32(2+2+4+8+16) and a bonus score of 60(4+8+16+32). At last he will get the total score of 92 and the bag becomes {32}.

Now, Dark_sun wants to get the highest score (no matter what’s the treasure in his bag), can you tell him the what’s the highest score?


The first line is an integer n, which is the case number. In each case, the first line is an integer L, which is the length of the road.(0 < L ≤ 500) The second line contains L integers which can only be 2, 4, 8 or 16. This means the value of treasure on each area of the road.


For each case, you should output an integer. The answer is the maximum of the total score which Dark_sun may get.

Sample Input

2 8 4 8
2 2 4 8 16
8 4 4 2 8 4 2 2

Sample Output



In the third sample case, Dark_sun will choose {8,4,4,8,4,2,2}. Firstly, the first three treasures will be combined to 16 and then the {16,8,4,2,2} will become 32. And he will get the basic score 32(8+4+4+8+4+2+2) and the bonus score 84(8+16+4+8+16+32).




我将16 8 4 2简化为 8 4 2 1,这样只需将最后的答案*2,即可还原。
观察数字合并的过程,发现如果包中存放32 16 8 4 2显然可以合并
后来分析32 8 4 2 2这样的情形仍然有机会将32合并,因为包中的数可变为32 16,所以32仍然有机会合并。特征是数递减,并且没有重复,否则已经合并
分析会发现包中最大的数为 500*8=4000,由于 212=4096>4000 2^{12}=4096>4000,故数最大只可能为 211 2^{11}。
(之前的做法问题在于没法保存32 8 4 2中的32这样的数,因为状态表示是dp[8][3],现在正好解决了这个问题)


using namespace std;
#define for0(a, n) for (int (a) = 0; (a) < (n); (a)++)
#define for1(a, n) for (int (a) = 1; (a) <= (n); (a)++)
#define mem(a,x)  memset(a,x,sizeof a)
#define ysk(x)  (1<<(x))
const int maxn=500  ;
const int maxS= ysk(12)-1  ;//最大状态(状压),估计值,实际此题达不到
int n,dp[2][maxS+5];//2代表滚动数组int lowbit(int x)  {  return x&(-x);} //提取x最后一个1,比如110110(二进制),那么返回的结果是10(二进制),即2(十进制)。int cal(int s,int k)//计算一段连续可消的数的奖励分数,即8 4 2如果遇到一个2,那么奖励分数是4+8+16
{int ans=0;while(s&k){k<<=1;ans+=k;}return ans;
}void solve()
{cin>>n;mem(dp,-1);int now=0,nex=1,x;for1(__ii,n)//输入n个数{cin>>x;x>>=1;//为简化题目,将16 8 4 2变成 8 4 2 1,最后将答案*2即可。dp[nex][x]=max(dp[nex][x],x);//如果此数作为第一个数for1(s,maxS) if(~dp[now][s])//如果当前状态存在{dp[nex][s]=max(dp[nex][s],dp[now][s]);//不将当前数放入包内int k=lowbit(s),newState,addScore;if(  x>k ) newState=x,addScore=x;else{newState=s+x;addScore= (s&x) ? x+ cal(s,k):x;}dp[nex][newState]=max(dp[nex][newState],dp[now][s]+addScore);}now^=1,nex^=1;}//寻找到答案int ans=0;for1(s,maxS) if(~dp[now][s]) ans=max(ans,dp[now][s]);ans<<=1;//最后还要*2,因为之前所有数都除2了。printf("%d\n",ans);
int main()
{std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);int T,x;cin>>T;while(T--) solve();return 0;

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