XBMC already has an advanced movie library that can gather fan art, movie posters, and cast information all with a simple scan. With XBMC 10.0 you can also combine movie collections into a single entry in your library.

XBMC已经拥有一个高级电影库,可以通过简单的扫描收集粉丝艺术作品,电影海报和演员信息。 使用XBMC 10.0,您还可以将影片收藏组合到库中的单个条目中。

Note: XBMC has been replaced by Kodi. We have an updated guide to using movie sets in Kodi.

注意 :XBMC已被Kodi取代。 我们提供了有关在Kodi中使用电影背景的最新指南。

Despite if you think the second two Matrix movies should be included in the trilogy or not, combining movie collections and being able to reorder the movies in the order they were released is a much needed feature in any movie library. In XBMC there are a couple of ways to set up this feature, and if you prefer using a text editor check out the link below. We will set up the same feature using the XBMC web server and a custom web skin. To get started you need to make sure you have XBMC 10.0 Dharma installed. If you don’t have it installed you can get it for Windows, Linux, OS X, AppleTV, or as a live CD from the link below. Once you have it installed you need to add a movie source and then scan the source into your library.

尽管您认为三部曲中是否应该包含后两部Matrix电影,但在任何电影库中,都非常需要结合电影收藏并能够按照电影的发行顺序对其进行重新排序。 在XBMC中,有两种方法可以设置此功能,如果您更喜欢使用文本编辑器,请查看下面的链接。 我们将使用XBMC Web服务器和自定义Web皮肤设置相同的功能。 要开始使用,您需要确保已安装XBMC 10.0 Dharma。 如果您尚未安装,则可以从以下链接中获得Windows,Linux,OS X,AppleTV或实时CD的形式。 安装后,您需要添加电影源,然后将其扫描到库中。

While your movie files are being scanned into the library go to the XBMC network settings and enable the web interface.


If you are using Windows you will probably be prompted to add an exception to the firewall so accept the prompt and the port will be opened automatically.


Scroll down and click on web interface to change it from the default interface. When the option to select your interface comes up, select get more in the bottom left corner.

向下滚动并单击Web界面以将其从默认界面更改。 当出现选择界面的选项时,请在左下角选择获取更多信息。

Next install the XBMC Web Media Manager (XWMM) web interface.

接下来,安装XBMC Web媒体管理器(XWMM)Web界面。

Once it is installed select it as your active web interface.


Once the XWMM interface is enabled open up your browser and go to the IP address of your computer. If you see a web interface that looks like the picture below then your settings haven’t been applied and you should try restarting XBMC.

启用XWMM界面后,打开浏览器并转到计算机的IP地址。 如果您看到一个如下图所示的Web界面,则说明您的设置尚未应用,您应尝试重新启动XBMC。

Note: If you are running XBMC from the same computer you can use the loopback address in your browser.


Instead you should see the XWMM interface like the screenshot below.


The first thing you will want to do is create all of the movie collections that you have. To do that go to Tools -> manage movie sets.

您要做的第一件事就是创建所有拥有的电影收藏。 为此,请转到工具->管理影片集。

Click add and then update for each movie collection you have. Don’t worry about adding movies to the collections yet, that will come in a later step.

单击添加,然后为您拥有的每个电影收藏进行更新。 不必担心将影片添加到集合中,这将在以后的步骤中进行。

Close the movie set manager and browse to a movie you want to add to one of the sets you just created.


In the movie details area at the top, fill out the sort title to reflect which number the movie is in the collection. You can do this by either the number it is in the series, or by the date the movie was released. The idea is to keep the movies in release order instead of the default alphabetical order.

在顶部的电影详细信息区域中,填写排序标题以反映该电影在集合中的编号。 您可以通过系列中的编号或电影上映的日期来执行此操作。 这个想法是让电影保持发行顺序,而不是默认的字母顺序。

On the right hand side of the same window select other details and then drop down the set menu to add the movie to one of the sets you created earlier.


To double check that all the movies are added correctly you can go back to the movie set manager and check that your movies show up under the right set.


Note: Don’t worry about the sort order here, that will only be reflected in the library view of XBMC.


If everything is correct, go back to XBMC and browse the movie library. You should see your new collection when you sort the library by movie title. Highlight the movieset and open the menu to set a thumbnail that is relevant to the entire collection.

如果一切正确,请返回XBMC并浏览电影库。 按影片标题对库进行排序时,应该会看到新的收藏集。 突出显示小电影,然后打开菜单以设置与整个收藏集相关的缩略图。

Browse to the picture you want to use and hit OK to use it as the movieset thumb.


Now you movieset will have a better thumbnail that reflect the entire collection rather than just one movie.


If you select the collection you should see all of the movies you added in the order you gave them, rather than alphabetical order. Cover art, fan art, and movie information will still be there for the individual titles as well.

如果选择该收藏集,则应该看到添加的所有电影均按照给它们的顺序而不是字母顺序。 封面,粉丝艺术和电影信息仍将保留在各个标题中。

Once you are all done you can set your web interface back to the default and enjoy having your movie collections sorted in a logical manner.


There is one small problem with the sets showing up in the default web interface and not showing any movies within the set, but hopefully that is an acceptable trade off for having the movies sorted within XBMC properly.


How to set up movie sets with NFO files


XBMC download


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/33873/consolidate-movie-collections-in-xbmc-with-movie-sets/


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