
Start ripping your DVDs and Blu-Rays to Kodi and your collection can get overwhelming fast. Happily, Kodi lets you sort movies into sets.

开始将DVD和蓝光光盘翻录到Kodi,您的收藏很快就会变得不堪重负。 令人高兴的是,Kodi允许您将电影分类。

Sets organize movies into a collection that works almost like they were a TV series, putting each part of the series in order. It’s great for trilogies, but also for sprawling comic book universes that you’d like to re-watch in order.

集合将电影整理成一个集合,就像电视连续剧一样运作,将电视连续剧的各个部分排列得井井有条。 这对于三部曲非常有用,但对于想要按顺序重新观看的庞大漫画世界也是如此。

How sets work is outlined on the Kodi wiki, but here’s a quick primer complete with screenshots.

Kodi Wiki上概述了集的工作方式,但这是一个快速入门,其中包含屏幕截图。

浏览您的集合 (Browse Your Sets)

If you’ve imported a bunch of movies, you’ve probably got some sets already. You can find them on the home screen. Just look for the “Sets” option.

如果您导入了一堆电影,则可能已经有一些电影了。 您可以在主屏幕上找到它们。 只需查找“设置”选项。

You’ll see a list of all the sets currently in your collection.


Pick one of these and you’ll see all the movies you’ve got in that set.


It’s a neat feature, but it’s not exactly easy to find. The good news is that you can make it more prominent.

这是一个很好的功能,但并不是很容易找到。 好消息是您可以使其更加突出。

请参阅默认设置 (See Sets By Default)

With a quick setting tweak, sets will show by default when you browse your library. Head to Settings >Media, then to the “Videos” tab. Make sure the “Show movie sets” option is enabled.

通过快速设置调整,默认情况下,浏览库时将显示设置。 转到设置>媒体,然后转到“视频”标签。 确保已启用“显示电影集”选项。

Now, head back to your Movies library, and each set you have shows up as one entry in the list.


如何创建自己的集合 (How to Create Your Own Sets)

Kodi is pretty good about creating useful sets on its own, but sometimes you might want to sort things yourself, or even create your own sets of seemingly unrelated movies. You can do that.

Kodi擅长自己创建有用的场景,但有时您可能想自己整理内容,甚至创建自己的看似无关的电影。 你可以做到的。

Select a movie you’d like to add to a custom set (or move to a different set), and then press “c” on your keyboard. Click “Manage” on the popup menu that appears.

选择您要添加到自定义集(或移至其他集)的电影,然后按键盘上的“ c”。 在出现的弹出菜单上单击“管理”。

This brings up a new popup menu. Choose the “Manage movie set” option here.

这将弹出一个新的弹出菜单。 在此处选择“管理电影集”选项。

You’ll then be able to choose which set this movie should belong to.


You can also use the “Add movie to a new set” button to the right of the existing set list to create a new set for the movie. After clicking that option, construct an appropriate name, and then assign other movies you feel belong should go there.

您还可以使用现有集列表右侧的“将电影添加到新集”按钮为该电影创建一个新集。 单击该选项后,构造一个适当的名称,然后分配您认为应该属于的其他电影。

There’s no limit to how many sets you can make. However, movies can only be in one set at a time.

可以制作多少套没有限制。 但是,一次只能放一部电影。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/345269/consolidate-movie-collections-in-kodi-with-movie-sets/



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