
TypeError: empty() received an invalid combination of arguments - got (tuple, dtype=NoneType, device=NoneType), but expected one of:* (tuple of ints size, *, tuple of names names, torch.memory_format memory_format, torch.dtype dtype, torch.layout layout, torch.device device, bool pin_memory, bool requires_grad)* (tuple of ints size, *, torch.memory_format memory_format, Tensor out, torch.dtype dtype, torch.layout layout, torch.device device, bool pin_memory, bool requires_grad)



feature_fields = data_X.max().values + 1
feature_fields = feature_fields.astype(np.int)
[     2      2      2      2      2      2      2      2      2      22      2      2    869    525 117271  53414    210     13   9476407      3  18942   4274 102028   2989     26   6932  82353     103192   1593      4  93248     15     14  21964     60  17029]

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