
Disclaimer: all official Barclays assets used for this project are purely for educational/project purposes only and do not reflect the intentions of Barclays or any of its affiliates.


This project was created as my submission for D&AD’s New Blood Awards 2020 ‘Barclays UI/UX/IxD Digital Service Design’ brief. I, unfortunately, was not one of this year’s winners of a D&AD New Blood Pencil Award, but I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to submit this project and hope to submit more work in the future.

这个项目是我为D&AD的2020年新血液奖“巴克莱UI / UX / IxD数字服务设计”摘要提交的。 不幸的是,我不是今年D&AD新血笔奖的获得者之一,但我很感激能够有机会提交这个项目,并希望将来能提交更多的工作。

“ budgit”是一款资金管理应用,提供数字银行工具和服务,可为巴克莱客户提供日常银行服务 (‘budgit’ is a money management app providing digital banking tools and services that support Barclays customers with everyday banking)

Preface: to provide conceptual context, the app UI and branding were derived from Barclays’ existing ‘pingit’ app. This is explained in depth within the process deck and the ideation section in this piece.

前言:为了提供概念性上下文,应用程序的用户界面和品牌来自巴克莱现有的“ pingit”应用程序 。 在本部分的流程平台和构想部分中将对此进行深入说明。

App Promo Video I created in After Effects
我在After Effects中创建的App Promo视频

巴克莱希望了解他们如何能够帮助患有精神健康问题的弱势客户更好地管理他们的钱,进而改善他们的心理健康,通过新的数字解决方案弥合思想和金钱之间的鸿沟,该解决方案提供了支持这些人的工具和服务。有需要的人,以及他们的整个客户群,以及资金管理。 (Barclays wanted to see how they could help vulnerable customers with mental health issues manage their money better and, in turn, improve their mental well-being, bridging the gap between mind and money through a new digital solution that provides tools and services to support those in need, and their entire customer base, with money management.)

The full app prototype built in Figma and project deck (further detailing my decision-making and design-thinking process as well as all the process artefacts) can be found in my portfolio.

完整的应用程序原型 建在FIGMA和 项目甲板 ( 详细说明进一步我的 决策和设计思维过程以及所有过程的文物), 可以 发现 我的投资组合。

Timeline & ToolsProject completed over 8 weeks (March-May 2020) using Figma, Adobe CC Suite, Zoom, pens, paper, post-its, Google, music, meditation & copious amounts of caffeine.

使用Figma,Adobe CC Suite,Zoom,笔,纸,便签纸,Google,音乐,冥想和大量的咖啡因, 时间轴和工具项目在8周内(2020年3月至2020年)完成。

Team & RolesMe! :) I did the project alone, assuming the roles of UX Researcher, Information Architect, UI and Interaction Designer (plus animator and semi-filmmaker to create the app promo video you see above).

团队与角色我! :)我独自完成了该项目,并承担了UX研究人员,信息架构师,UI和交互设计师的角色(以及动画制作人和半电影制作人来创建您在上面看到的应用宣传视频)。

‘Manage’ features — money management tools and services

项目概况 (Project Overview)

简要 (Brief)

As stated in the Barclays brief


挑战 (Challenge)

“How can Barclays help vulnerable customers with mental health issues manage their money better?”


问题 (Problem)

“Mental health issues affect 1 in 4 people. Money and mental health are often intricately linked. One problem can feed off the other, creating a vicious cycle of growing financial problems and worsening mental health that is hard to escape. Across England more than 1.5 million people are experiencing both debt and mental health problems.”

精神健康问题影响四分之一的人。 金钱和心理健康常常是错综复杂的。 一个问题可能会滋生另一个问题,从而造成一个日益严重的财务问题和恶化的心理健康状况的恶性循环,这是很难避免的。 在整个英格兰,超过150万人正面临债务和心理健康问题。”

目标 (Goal)

“Barclays recognises the relationship between mental wellbeing and managing your money and want to make banking a little bit easier by providing tools and support to help people manage their money better and, as a result, improve their mental wellbeing. Use technology and innovation to develop a new digital experience, service or tool that bridges the gap between money and mental health, and provides support to those who are vulnerable. Your idea should help those in need but also consider how it can benefit the wider Barclays 25 million customer base.”

“巴克莱认识到心理健康与您的资金管理之间的关系,并希望通过提供工具和支持来帮助人们更好地管理其资金,从而改善他们的心理健康,从而使银行业务变得更容易一些。 使用技术和创新来开发新的数字体验,服务或工具,以弥合金钱与心理健康之间的鸿沟,并为弱势群体提供支持。 您的想法应该帮助有需要的人,但也要考虑它如何使巴克莱2500万客户群受益。”

Another beauty shot for ya!

结果 (Outcome)

Mental health issues can make it harder to earn, manage and spend money as well as ask for help, often causing unintentional financial difficulties that create a vicious cycle of compounding mind and money issues, making it hard to manage money and mental well-being.


引入budgit ,这是巴克莱生态系统的新成员。 (Introducing budgit, a new addition to the Barclays ecosystem.)

Made with vulnerable customers in mind, and built to be an experience accessible to all, budgit is a money management app that empowers and encourages customers to control, maintain, and track their spending.

由具有脆弱的客户记住,并建是对所有人开放的经验,budgit是一个资金管理应用程序 ,如虎添翼,并鼓励客户控制,维护和跟踪他们的消费。

Customers can get control of their money with a budget, gain awareness of their spending habits with insights, and access tools that assist them with financial management.

客户可以通过预算控制自己的资金,通过洞察力了解自己的消费习惯,并获得有助于其财务管理的 工具

Mental health is often the cause of financial difficulty and can affect anyone at any time. With budgit, Barclays can help millions of customers be financially proactive and support those who are most vulnerable with pre-emptive safeguards that lessen the friction between mind and money.

心理健康通常是造成财务困难的原因,并可能随时影响任何人。 有了budgit,巴克莱可以帮助数百万客户提高财务积极性,并通过采取先发制人的保护措施来减轻最脆弱的人的负担,从而减少理智与金钱之间的摩擦。

Offering adaptive & accommodating digital banking tools and services, budgit supports vulnerable customers with everyday banking, helping them manage their money better, and in doing so, improve their mental & financial health.

budgit提供自适应的,适应性强的 数字银行工具服务 ,通过日常 银行业务为弱势客户提供支持 ,帮助他们更好地管理资金,并改善他们的心理和财务健康状况

Core solution feature set

目标 (Goals)

个人目标 (Personal Goals)

  1. Execute an end-to-end UX project for a professional brief执行端到端UX项目以获得专业简介
  2. Learn and grow as an aspiring UI/UX Designer学习并成长为有抱负的UI / UX设计师
  3. Design a justified solution for a complex challenge to solve a real-world problem针对复杂的挑战设计合理的解决方案,以解决实际问题

项目目标 (Project Goals)

  1. Design a solution that meets user needs and Barclays’ business goals设计满足用户需求和巴克莱业务目标的解决方案
  2. Create an accessible, adaptive and accommodating digital tool/service that facilitates access to support with financial management创建可访问的,适应性强的,适应性强的数字工具/服务,以方便获得财务管理支持
  3. Empower and encourage vulnerable customers with managing their finances to lessen the friction between mind and money授权和鼓励弱势客户管理财务,以减轻理智与金钱之间的摩擦

方法 (Approach)

Money and mental health are intricately linked. Delivering a justified solution to a multifaceted challenge was a complex and iterative process. My success in executing the project was predicated by being equipped with knowledge from the jump around the target audience and the problem surrounding the challenge. To strategise my approach, I mapped out the design thinking process and UX methodologies, using it to initiate the project and as a guide throughout each phase of the design process.

金钱和心理健康有着千丝万缕的联系。 为多方面的挑战提供合理的解决方案是一个复杂且反复的过程。 我在执行该项目上的成功取决于对目标受众的跳跃知识以及与挑战相关的问题的知识。 为了制定我的方法策略,我制定了设计思维过程和UX方法论,并使用它来启动项目并作为设计过程每个阶段的指南。

技能专长 (Skills)

Design Thinking Process: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype‍, Test


UX Methodologies used: Market & User Research, Discussion Guide, User Interviews, Thematic Analysis, Quantitative & Qualitative Data Coding, Data Visualisation, Affinity Mapping, User Personas, Problem Framing, Competitive Analysis, Brainstorming, MVP & Feature Prioritisation, MoScOw, Sketching & Wireframing, Branding & Visual Identity, Information Architecture, User Flows, Design System, LoFi Mockups, Prototyping, HiFi Mockups, User Interface Design, Interaction Design, Usability Testing

使用的UX方法 :市场和用户研究,讨论指南,用户访谈,主题分析,定量和定性数据编码,数据可视化,相似性映射,用户角色,问题框架,竞争分析,头脑风暴,MVP和特征优先级,MoScOw,草图绘制和线框图,品牌和视觉识别,信息体系结构,用户流程,设计系统,LoFi样机,原型,HiFi样机,用户界面设计,交互设计,可用性测试

约束条件 (Constraints)

  • This was my first UX project using a professional brief and executing it alone in COVID quarantine with lack of resources and prior experience was challenging. My design process was in a constant state of iteration, using theory, lots of Googling, and intuition to guide me throughout each phase of the project.

    这是使用专业的 简短的COVID检疫与缺乏资源和经验之前单独执行它我的第一 UX项目是具有挑战性的。 我的设计过程处于迭代的恒定状态,使用理论,大量谷歌搜索和直觉来指导我贯穿项目的每个阶段。

  • Lack of resources, time, and experience made user research challenging, even more so due to the pandemic. In acquiring insights sufficient enough to deliver a solution, I improvised by conducting interviews remotely with people I knew.缺乏资源,时间和经验使用户研究具有挑战性,甚至由于大流行而更为严峻。 为了获得足够的见解来提供解决方案,我通过与认识的人进行远程采访来即兴创作。
  • Ideally, access to research methods (e.g. ethnographic research) with more time to try my hand at other UX deliverables (e.g. user journeys, empathy mapping) would have been optimal for the project.理想情况下,使用研究方法(例如人种志研究)以及更多时间来尝试其他UX可交付成果(例如用户旅程,同情映射)将是该项目的最佳选择。
  • When I started the project, I didn’t have any contacts/connections with professionals in the industry. At times, I was struggling and guidance would have been beneficial in many ways. Navigating the design thinking process alone meant relying on theory, intuition, Google, and a lot of failure. This ultimately pushed me to learn through the application of practices and tackling the struggles head-on. Thankfully, having finished this project, I now have mentors and connections to people in the industry to whom I’m deeply grateful for.

    当我开始该项目时,与行业专业人士之间没有任何联系/联系。 有时,我很挣扎,而指导在许多方面都是有益的。 仅浏览设计思维过程就意味着要依靠理论,直觉,谷歌和很多失败。 最终,这促使我从实践中学习并直面斗争。 值得庆幸的是,完成这个项目后,我现在对我深表感谢的业内人士提供了指导和联系。

项目起源 (Project Origins)

Cut to March, COVID-19 hit the world, and we are all in quarantine. With worries over losing my job and goals of pursuing UX up in the air, I decided to take on a design challenge. Watching the news was surreal. Given the scary and unpredictable nature of what was happening in the world, I felt no other choice but to do something productive and positive in lockdown to maintain sanity and work towards changing my life in the face of universal uncertainty and personal adversity. I looked around online for some real design challenges to figure out where to start instead of doing another redesign/self-made project. I discovered D&AD, learned about this year’s New Blood Awards, and picked the Barclays brief.

到3月,COVID-19流行了,我们都在隔离区。 出于对失去工作的担忧以及追求UX的目标,我决定接受设计挑战。 看新闻真是超现实。 鉴于世界上发生的事情令人恐惧和不可预测的性质,我别无选择,只能做一些富有成效和积极的事态发展,以保持理智,并面对普遍的不确定性和个人逆境改变我的生活。 我在网上四处寻找一些实际的设计挑战,以找出从哪里开始,而不是进行另一个重新设计/自制的项目。 我发现了D&AD,了解了今年的“新血液奖”,并选择了巴克莱简介。

The design challenge presented by Barclays resonated with me for a few reasons, and was the catalyst to this project coming to fruition, and becoming my first UX project using a professional design brief. It was centred around mental health, a very relevant and important topic in society, even more so with the timing of the project being at the height of the COVID pandemic.

巴克莱银行提出的设计挑战由于几个原因而引起了我的共鸣,并且是该项目得以实现的催化剂,并成为了我使用专业设计简介进行的第一个UX项目。 它以心理健康为中心,心理健康是社会中一个非常相关且重要的话题,随着项目的时间正处于COVID大流行的高峰期,这一点尤其重要。

The opportunity to attempt designing a solution that could help people with such integral parts of their lives (mind and money), was a privilege, especially in unprecedented times with uncertainty in the world around how people were going to survive, quite literally, and as importantly, financially. Having dealt with the challenges caused by mental health personally and exposed to the impact it has had on those around me who have dealt with their own mental health issues, I felt an added obligation to pick this specific brief amongst the available options offered by D&AD.

尝试设计一种可以帮助人们生活中不可或缺的部分(思想和金钱)的解决方案的机会是一种特权,尤其是在前所未有的时期,在世界各地人们如何生存方面存在不确定性,从字面上看,以及重要的是,财务上。 在亲自应对了心理健康带来的挑战并暴露了它对我周围处理自己的心理健康问题的人们的影响之后,我感到有额外的义务从D&AD提供的可用选项中选择此特定的摘要。

I also once worked for Barclays, at both retail and corporate. The multitude of experiences from my time with them proved to be invaluable in helping me throughout the project. Being able to view the challenge, research discoveries, and design ideas from both customer and business perspective influenced me to pick the brief in the first place and helped my design thinking (and overall creative) process throughout the project.

我也曾在巴克莱银行零售和公司工作。 我与他们在一起的许多经验被证明对整个项目的帮助非常宝贵。 能够从客户和业务的角度看待挑战,研究发现和设计思想,这使我首先选择了简介,并在整个项目中帮助了我的设计思想(和整体创意)过程。

先决条件 :解决问题 (Presearch: Scoping the problem)

“导致问题的原因是什么?” (“What are the problems causing the problem?”)

To better understand who I was designing for and why, I conducted preliminary research to scope the problem surrounding the challenge, gathering facts around the relationship between mental health and finances.

为了更好地了解我为谁 设计的 对象以及原因 ,我进行了初步研究,以解决围绕挑战的问题,收集有关 心理 健康与财务状况之间关系的事实。

The goal was to gain insight into the challenges faced by those dealing with mind and money issues, as well as the narrative around banking and mental health.

目的是深入了解处理心智和金钱问题的人面临的挑战 ,以及有关银行业和心理健康的叙述。

Being equipped with knowledge meant I could better approach user research with due diligence and empathy for the target audience and their problems, avoiding assumptions or personal experiences from influencing the design process from the jump.


Here is the compiled preliminary research:


Research, Facts/Quotes Source: The Money & Mental Health Policy Institute研究,事实/语录来源:金钱与心理健康政策研究所

关键见解 (Key Insight)

Mental health and financial issues are often linked and can compound each other to induce a vicious cycle of exacerbated mind & money problems that is hard to break. This often stems from challenges with money management, caused by mental health issues making it harder to earn money, manage spending, and get support.

心理健康和财务问题通常是相互联系的,并且可能彼此加重,从而引发难以克服的恶性循环,加剧了心智和金钱问题。 这通常是由于心理健康问题引起的资金管理方面的挑战,使得赚钱,管理支出和获得支持变得更加困难。

Having gained understanding and insight from preliminary research, I needed to speak to people suffering from mental health issues to gain nuanced insights into the problems they face with managing their money.


The primary goal in my approach was to fully understand their issues, needs, and goals, doing so by asking questions with empathy in mind.


Does their mental health impact money management? If so, how? What challenges do they face? Are there any specific financial problems commonly shared amongst the collective and their individual experiences? What, if any, tools and services do they use to help them? And what do they need?

他们的心理健康会影响理财吗? 如果是这样,怎么办? 他们面临什么挑战? 集体及其个人经验中是否普遍存在任何特定的财务问题? 他们使用什么工具和服务来帮助他们? 他们需要什么?

With an entire spectrum of nuances to consider, conducting research independently for something as varied, sensitive and private as mental health was difficult, even more so due to COVID-19.


用户研究 (User Research)

善待弱势客户 (Empathising with vulnerable customers)

“How am I going to do user research?”


方法 (Approach)

COVID-19, limited time, and lack of resources made conducting research, independently, challenging. The first step was figuring out my approach. Given my constraints, I streamlined the acquisition of relevant data from a primary source of user research, to efficiently derive insights contextual to the problem surrounding the challenge. I narrowed the scope of my study by defining some research goals to help me decide which research methods would be both viable and optimal amongst the few options.

COVID-19,时间有限且缺乏资源,使得独立进行研究充满了挑战。 第一步是弄清楚我的方法。 考虑到我的限制,我简化了从用户研究的主要来源获取相关数据的过程,以有效地根据与挑战 相关 的问题获取洞察力 我通过定义一些研究目标来缩小研究范围,以帮助我确定在少数选择中哪种研究方法既可行又最优。

研究目的与方法 (Research Goal & Method)

The goal was to gain holistic insights into the experiences mental health sufferers have with money management and, as Barclays customers, the current tools and services offered by the bank, primarily the Mobile Banking App. Catering to both user needs and business goals was key.

目的是全面了解精神健康患者在资金管理方面的经验,并作为巴克莱客户,了解银行目前提供的工具和服务,主要是移动银行应用程序。 兼顾用户 需求业务 目标是关键。

I considered online surveys but quantitative data alone would have limited the depth of insights. Qualitative research helped me empathise with the target audience and better define their problems in gaining a deeper understanding of the ‘how’s and ‘why’s for the challenges they faced between their mental health and money, as well as their views on Barclays.

我考虑过在线调查,但仅凭定量数据会限制洞察力的深度。 定性研究帮我同情与目标受众,更好地赢得了“如何”和'为什么对他们所面临的心理健康和金钱之间的挑战,以及他们对巴克莱的看法有更深的理解定义他们的问题。

I’d decided user interviews were the optimal research method, however, I was unsure if it’d be viable to acquire participants in lockdown, nor appropriate to ask anyone to take part in the middle of a global pandemic. Before proceeding, I reached out to people I knew to see if interviews were realistically logistic.‍

我认为用户访谈是最佳的研究方法,但是我不确定是否可以吸引锁定参与者,也不适合要求任何人参加全球性大流行。 在继续之前,我联系了一些我认识的人,看看采访是否符合逻辑。

“Can I find people to take part in interviews?”


参加者 (Acquiring Participants)

User interviews were the optimal research method but I was unsure if it’d be viable or appropriate to ask anyone to take part in the middle of a global pandemic. Reaching out to people I knew, I ended up with 12 willing participants. Given the serious and sensitive nature of the topics to be discussed, approaching them to take part in due diligence was vital, even more so due to COVID.

用户访谈是最佳的研究方法,但是我不确定让任何人参加全球性大流行是否可行或适当。 与我认识的人接触,最终我得到了12个愿意参加的人 。 考虑到将要讨论的主题的严重性和敏感性,对它们进行尽职调查非常重要,尤其是由于COVID。

Ensuring they would be comfortable with me asking questions around their mental health and finances was a priority, but I also needed to fulfil research goals. I defined some participant criterion which I prefaced to those who agreed to take part — if they dealt with mental health issues and were a Barclays customer.

确保他们对我的心理健康和财务状况提出问题是我的首要任务,但我也需要实现研究目标。 我定义了一些参与者标准,这些标准是那些同意参加的人(如果他们处理精神健康问题并且是巴克莱客户的话)的开头。

It helped that I knew the participants personally as they were comfortable with me asking if they met this. Having explained the project to them, they trusted me in being open to discussing personal topics and record their answers for research purposes.

我很了解参与者,因为他们对我很满意,问他们是否满足要求,这对我很有帮助。 在向他们解释了项目之后,他们相信我愿意讨论个人主题并记录他们的答案以供研究。

“How do I go about asking the right questions?”


讨论指南 (Discussion Guide)

Questions arose about my approach to interviewing participants. I’d never conducted user research before, so I did the best I could given my constraints, using the opportunity to put theory into practice. I referred to my research goals to clarify the objective of the interview questions — to prioritise privacy and sensitivity whilst gathering sufficient and relevant data to analyse. I then drafted a discussion guide with some initial questions. Given the nature of the topic, avoiding suggestiveness, interrogation, and violation was vital.

关于我采访参与者的方法引起了疑问。 我以前从未进行过用户研究,因此我尽了最大的努力,利用了将理论付诸实践的机会。 我提到了我的研究目标,以阐明访谈问题的目的 -在收集足够的 相关数据进行分析的同时,优先考虑隐私敏感性 。 然后,我起草了有关一些初始问题的讨论 指南 。 考虑到主题的性质,避免暗示,审讯和违规至关重要。

A few considerations emerged that impacted drafting questions


  1. A small pool of participants wasn’t going to be representative of the problems all mental health sufferers face with their money. Avoiding misrepresentation of the target audience, in deriving and using insights was vital; this was predicated by the questions I’d ask them.一小撮参与者并不能代表所有精神健康患者的金钱所面临的问题。 在推导和使用见解时,避免误导目标受众是至关重要的; 这是由我要问他们的问题所决定的。
  2. I wanted to meet the business goals that Barclays outlined in the brief. They highlighted that the solution should cater to their entire customer base, not just the target audience. Although my priority, solely focusing on solving the problems of the target audience wouldn’t necessarily create an inclusive solution, something I kept in mind to avoid segregating or excluding any potential users at scale.我想实现巴克莱在摘要中概述的业务目标。 他们强调,该解决方案应满足其整个客户群,而不仅仅是目标受众。 尽管我优先考虑仅解决目标受众的问题并不一定会创建一个包容性的解决方案,但我谨记要避免隔离或排除任何潜在用户。

设计问题和进行面试 (Designing Questions & Conducting Interviews)

The final questions split between two topics — mental health & money management and Barclay’s tools & services — majority of which were open-ended. I structured them sequentially to keep the conversation on topic and inflow such that the participants would incrementally elaborate their responses in a way that was non-intrusive and insightful enough for me to make informed decisions.

最后的问题分为两个主题- 心理健康和金钱管理以及巴克莱的工具和服务 -其中大多数是开放式的。 我按顺序安排了他们,以使话题保持在话题和流入的状态,以便参与者以一种非侵入性和深刻的洞察力逐步阐述他们的回答,以使我能够做出明智的决定。

I conducted interviews remotely via video calls, working around participant availability (again, impacted by COVID), each lasting around 30–40 mins. Interviewing 12 people remotely was more time consuming and difficult than I’d anticipated!

我进行了 通过视频通话进行远程访问,并围绕参与者的可用性(同样受COVID影响)进行讨论,每次访问持续约30-40分钟。 远程面试12个人比我预期的要耗时且困难!

项目研究资料库 (Project Research Repository)

The final interview questions (including drafts) and participant responses can be read here in my project research repository. I’ve omitted participant names, including only their background and age, and did not ask for information about their specific mental health diagnosis/condition; anybody who divulged details did so of their own accord.

最终面试问题(包括草稿)和参与者的回答可以在我的项目研究资料库中阅读。 我省略了参与者的姓名,仅包括他们的背景和年龄,也没有要求提供有关其特定心理健康诊断/状况的信息; 任何泄露细节的人都是自愿这样做的。

用户面试 (User Interviews)

I conducted 12 user interviews, gaining individual and collective insights from participants into the relationship between their mental health and money management, as well as their views on Barclays’ current offerings in this domain.


Individually, participants shared unique perceptions, interpretations and experiences of their mind and money problems. Collectively, the consensus corroborated with preliminary research findings.

参与者分别对自己的精神和金钱问题分享了独特的看法,理解和经验。 总的来说,共识与初步研究结果相佐证。

定义用户问题 (Defining user problems)

主题分析 (Thematic Analysis)

Interviewing people about their mental health and money management gave me a much deeper understanding of their problems and how they compound each other, both at scale & individually.


‍I quantified the qualitative user research data which helped to highlight relevant information and extract findings needed to efficiently reach my research objective and goal.


I coded the interview data, systematically categorising similar (if not identical) participant responses to each question, from which I identified common patterns & subsequent themes shared amongst the collective.

我对采访 数据进行了 编码 ,对每个问题的相似(如果不相同)的参与者回答进行系统分类,从中我识别出共同的模式和随后在集体中共享的主题

From this, I created charts to organise and visualise the compiled interview data into measurable metrics that I used to interpret user research into findings, such as pain points and other relevant discoveries. The participant verbatims to corroborate and validate the quantified interview data can be read in the interview answers, available to read here in the research repository.

据此,我创建了图表,将整理的访谈数据组织和可视化为可衡量的指标,这些指标用来解释用户对发现的研究 ,例如 和其他相关发现 。 可以在访谈答案中阅读参与者证实和验证量化访谈数据的详细信息, 在此处可以在研究资料库中阅读。

User Research Analysis
A timelapse of me listening to 80’s + 90’s synth pop in my living-room-turned-bedroom-and-design-studio quarantine setup
我在客厅转卧室和设计工作室隔离区中聆听80年代+ 90年代合成器流行音乐的延时镜头

亲和贴图 (Affinity Mapping)

I created an Affinity Map to synthesise and reframe the raw research data into meaningful knowledge, moving notes around to purge the excess and distill that which was important and contextual to the challenge.

我创建了一个亲和图,以将原始研究 数据 合成重组为有意义的知识,移动注释以清除多余的内容并提取出对挑战至关重要且与上下文相关的内容。

Summarising the discoveries from preliminary and user research, I extracted key information. First, I derived findings (pain points), and relevant discoveries from user research, through making links between interview data and preliminary research findings.

总结了初步研究和用户研究中的发现,我提取了关键信息。 首先,我通过在访谈数据和初步研究发现之间建立联系,得出了用户发现的发现(痛点)和相关发现。

Through a final rearrangement of the notes, I clustered the extracted insights and made further connections, identifying themes from which I defined a user need statement.

通过对笔记的最终重新排列,我对提取的见解进行了聚类并建立了进一步的联系 ,从而确定了定义用户需求陈述的主题。

We loveeeee post-its

痛点 (Pain Points)

I distilled discoveries down to contextual findings using the charts, identifying common problems participants shared with their mental health, money management, and Barclays’ offerings. From this trifecta, I derived pain points which helped to further understand the challenges they faced between mind and money. Beneath each pain point are corresponding findings from research analysis.

我使用图表将发现精简为上下文发现,确定参与者在心理健康,理财和巴克莱提供的服务中遇到的 常见 问题 。 从这三部曲中,我得出了痛点,这些痛点有助于进一步了解他们在思想和金钱之间面临的挑战。 在每个疼痛点下方都有来自研究分析的相应发现。

其他发现 (Additional Findings)

Further discoveries highlighted collective goals, wants, needs, and preferences of participants in regards to Barclays’ tools and services, primarily that which are offered in their Mobile Banking App, providing some additional context to the pain points.

进一步的发现凸显了参与者对巴克莱工具和服务(主要是其移动银行应用程序中提供的工具和服务)的集体目标,需求,需求和偏好,从而为痛点提供了更多 背景

见解 (Insights)

To begin identifying opportunities for design, I extracted insights from the research that intersected the trifecta of mental health, money management & Barclays to keep them contextual to the challenge & relevant to research objectives & goals. To provide context, where ‘user’ is mentioned, it refers to the target audience (i.e. vulnerable customers with mental health issues).

为了开始确定设计机会 ,我从与精神健康,资金管理和巴克莱三项交叉的研究中得出了见解,以使它们与挑战保持关联并与研究目的和目标相关。 为了提供上下文,在提到“用户”时,它指的是目标受众(即存在心理健康问题的弱势客户)。

A compilation of my core findings

用户角色 (User Personas)

‍I created user personas to represent the target audience and get further clarity of who I was designing for and why. This helped better understand their common frustrations, goals, and needs, acting as a point of reference to make informed design decisions with the target audience in mind throughout the design process.

我创建了用户角色来代表目标受众,并进一步明确了我的设计目标和原因。 这有助于更好地了解他们的共同挫败感,目标和需求,作为在整个设计过程中牢记目标受众的明智决策的参考点。

用户需求陈述:构筑问题 (User Need Statement: Framing The Problem)

Using research insights, I defined a user need statement to summarise the needs & goals of the target audience. Condensing my perspective of the problem provided a clear vision of what needed to be solved and helped to generate rationalised ideas in approaching ideation (and acted as a metric of success), ensuring I designed a solution for users, by users.

通过研究洞察力,我定义了一个用户需求陈述,以总结目标受众的需求目标 。 凝聚我对问题的观点,为解决问题提供了清晰的愿景,并有助于在解决想法时产生合理化的想法(并作为成功的指标),确保我为用户设计了一种解决方案。

Vulnerable customers with mental health issues need access to adaptive and accommodating digital banking tools and services that provide support with everyday banking so that they can better manage their money.


问题陈述:应对挑战 (Problem Statement: Reframing The Challenge)

Having framed the problem with the user need statement, I defined a problem statement to reframe the original question posed by the design challenge. This inspired initial ideas and helped inform design decisions in ideation, ensuring that potential solutions ideas I had explored aligned with user needs identified from the insights.

用用户需求陈述来框架问题后,我定义了一个问题 陈述以重新构架设计挑战所提出的原始问题。 这启发了最初的构想,并帮助在构想中为设计决策提供了信息,从而确保我探索的潜在解决方案构想与洞察中确定的用户需求 保持一致

How might Barclays provide digital tools and services that support vulnerable customers with everyday banking to help facilitate better money management?


User Research Synthesis

With clarity about what problem needed to be solved, I needed direction for how to go about delivering potential solutions. Before entering ideation, I revisited the brief and explored Barclays’ brand and product ecosystem to dictate the scope for competitive analysis and help guide me towards designing a solution that met user needs and business goals.

明确需要解决的问题后,我需要如何提供潜在解决方案的方向。 在进入构想之前,我回顾了简短的内容,并探讨了巴克莱的品牌和产品生态系统,以决定竞争分析的范围,并帮助指导我设计满足用户需求和业务目标的解决方案。

二次研究 (Secondary Research)

品牌与简介 (Brand & Brief)

I analysed and redefined Barclays’ business goals from the brief to give them more context based on primary research insights. This helped me approach ideation with design ideas that had a rationale and guided me throughout the Develop phase, informing and validating my design decisions. Redefining the business goals helped to focus the scope of my research into Barclays’ brand, heritage, and product ecosystem.

我从摘要中分析并重新定义了巴克莱的业务目标,以便根据主要的研究见解为他们提供更多的背景信息。 这帮助我以合理的设计思想来实现想法 ,并在整个开发阶段指导我,告知并验证我的设计决策 。 重新定义业务目标有助于将我的研究重点集中在巴克莱的品牌,传统和产品生态系统上。

To approach ideation with some ideas for the delivery of potential solutions, I wanted to see if and what Barclays had done prior, and do currently, to help customers manage their money via digital channels, primarily their app offerings. I analysed their Mobile Banking App, probing the UI and UX to find design opportunities from links found between findings and research insights, which expanded on and validated some of the user research discoveries.

为了用一些想法来解决交付潜在解决方案的想法,我想看看巴克莱银行是否以及过去以及现在所做的工作,以帮助客户通过数字渠道(主要是应用程序产品)管理其资金。 我分析了他们的移动银行应用程序,对UI和UX进行了探查,以从发现与研究见解之间的链接中找到设计机会,从而扩展并验证了一些用户研究发现。

竞争分析 (Competitive Analysis)

“Which competitors should I scope?”


I conducted competitive analysis to expand on discoveries and identify design opportunities that could help generate potential ideas for solutions.

我进行了竞争性分析,以扩大 发现范围并确定可帮助产生解决方案潜在想法的设计机会。

Key DiscoveryI discovered there was a gap in the market and that challenger banks were the direct competitors in the scope of this design challenge, not Barclays’ direct competitors (traditional banks).

关键发现我发现市场存在缺口 ,挑战者银行是此设计挑战范围内的直接 竞争对手 ,而不是巴克莱的直接竞争对手( 传统银行 )。

None of the traditional banks’ apps offered money management features comparable to that of challenger banks. Direct competitor money management offerings were almost identical, if not less, than that of Barclays’, who didn’t offer many tools and services via their digital channels aside from providing advice & pointing customers to solutions available by external parties.‍Based on this, I focused my analysis on challenger bank apps, the goal being to identify their USP’s to see what they offer to help people manage their money that traditional banks didn’t.

传统银行的应用程序都没有提供与挑战银行可比的资金管理功能。 直接竞争对手的资金管理产品几乎与巴克莱完全相同,甚至与巴克莱的完全相同。巴克莱除了提供建议和为客户提供外部合作伙伴提供的解决方案外,没有通过其数字渠道提供许多工具和服务。我专注 我的 分析 在挑战者银行应用程序上 ,目标是确定他们的USP,以查看他们提供的帮助人们管理传统银行所没有的资金的产品。

Challenger bank apps offered an unparalleled user experience in comparison to traditional banking apps, providing a plethora of tools and services to help users with money management focused around spending and budgeting. From this, I identified design ideas for solutions that aligned with insights and user needs.

与传统的银行应用程序相比,Challenger银行应用程序提供了无与伦比的用户体验,提供了大量工具和服务来帮助用户进行针对支出和预算的资金管理。 由此,我确定了与见识和用户需求相一致的解决方案的设计思路。

Secondary Research


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