
by Peace Ojemeh (Perrie)

由Peace Ojemeh(Perrie)

用户体验案例研究:建立更好的体验(重新设计“和平航空”网站) (A UX case study: Building a better experience (Re-designing the Air Peace Airline website))

Traveling by air is always an awesome experience, but I think the stress of booking flights should be looked into. In today’s digital world, we value speed and simplicity, so it is very important to have a good Online Booking System to save time.

乘飞机旅行总是很棒的经历,但是我认为应该考虑预订航班的压力。 在当今的数字世界中,我们重视速度和简便性,因此拥有一个好的在线预订系统以节省时间非常重要。

For this reason, I picked Air Peace Airline, a Nigerian airline, as a case study for an effective User Experience (UX) design. To find ways to improve their booking systems, stay with me as we get out the solutions to our booking system.

因此,我选择尼日利亚航空公司Air Peace Airline作为有效用户体验(UX)设计的案例研究。 要找到改善其预订系统的方法,请与我在一起,为我们提供预订系统的解决方案。

设计过程 (The Design Process)

Following the design process, I started with usability testing and ended with validation:


研究 (Research)

After several discussions and interviews with friends, I found out the following:


  • Most people book their flights on their way to the airport大多数人在去机场的途中预订机票
  • Some others in the middle of a business meeting在商务会议中的其他一些人
  • For some, they book theirs while seeing a movie对于某些人,他们一边看电影一边预定
  • People wanted a section where they could get a cab, book a hotel, and see places they could visit, because some of them might not be familiar with the environment人们想要一个可以开出租车,预定酒店,看他们可以参观的地方的区域,因为其中一些人可能不熟悉环境

We validated the idea that most people book their flights while doing other things. In the end, users would prefer a nice, fast, and easy-to-use method to book their flights while continuing with their day-to-day activities.

我们验证了大多数人在做其他事情的同时预定机票的想法。 最后,用户希望在继续日常活动的同时预订一种不错,快速且易于使用的方法。

目标 (Objectives)

  • Payment processes should be made faster. Users should be able to make payments as quickly as possible, and then return to their various activities

    付款流程应加快。 用户应该能够尽快付款,然后返回到他们的各种活动

  • Implement a platform where all payments should be made on the site. Do this by collecting credit card details on the site instead of redirecting users. This would help with customer retention and reduce steps as well.建立一个平台,在该平台上应在网站上进行所有付款。 为此,请在网站上收集信用卡详细信息,而不是重定向用户。 这将有助于保留客户并减少步骤。
  • Being able to book a cab to take you to your destination would be another awesome experience能够预定出租车将您带到目的地将是另一种很棒的体验

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

  • Back up all design decisions with data.用数据备份所有设计决策。
  • Understand the payment flow, and devise a way to solve this issue.了解付款流程,并设计一种解决此问题的方法。
  • Propose design solutions and validate them.提出设计解决方案并进行验证。

角色 (Personas)

I created a persona for a typical user of the Air Peace website who wants to book a flight. I am using “Mr. Sammie Gold” as our user for today, but of course there are many other scenarios other than his.

我为想要预订航班的Air Peace网站的典型用户创建了一个角色。 我正在使用“先生 Sammie Gold”作为我们今天的用户,但是除了他之外,当然还有许多其他情况。

故事板 (Storyboard)

I moved a step further to create a storyboard for Mr. Sammie, who just wants to book a flight quickly and continue with his meeting.


设计原型 (Designing a prototype)

Check out the design on Bēhance.


预订流程 (The booking process)

Searching for the flight:


Mr sammie would appreciate a more simplified form:


Having less complex forms would actually lead to a better experience. This way, it gets easier moving from “booking” to “check in” to “my trip” with just “one click” and boom, you can start booking.

减少复杂的表格实际上会带来更好的体验。 这样,只需单击一下,就可以轻松地从“预订”到“签到”再到“我的旅行”,您可以开始预订。

Booking the flight, before and after redesign:


The form looks a lot easier and user friendly now right?


Selecting your preferred flight and type of seat:


Current personal info page:


This is a bit too crowded, so lets simplify it:


Now it looks straight to the point? Yeah!

现在看起来很直接了吗? 是的

The current payment flow page:


The old flow redirects user to “PayGate” and “Webpay,” which isn’t necessary at all. You can actually do all your payment on the Air Peace website. So, let’s fix that:

旧的流程将用户重定向到“ PayGate”和“ Webpay”,这根本没有必要。 您实际上可以在Air Peace网站上完成所有付款。 因此,让我们修复:

Oh wait!


Did you notice that on the payment flow, you have to select a payment method three times? This can put doubt and fear into a users mind, so let’s change that. Now let’s see:

您是否注意到在付款流程上必须选择3次付款方式? 这会使用户产生怀疑和恐惧,所以让我们对其进行更改。 现在让我们看看:

First of all, every payment is made on the Air Peace website itself. The user doesn’t have to stress himself out selecting a payment method — the system does that for you. And now, the steps have been cut down to two.

首先,每笔付款都是在“和平航空”网站上进行的。 用户不必费力地选择付款方式,系统会为您完成。 现在,步骤已减少到两个。

Voila! The user is done, a ticket is sent to his email, and Mr Sammie is happy — so he goes back to paying full attention to the meeting!

瞧! 用户完成后,向他的电子邮件发送了一张票,萨米先生感到很高兴-因此他回去全神贯注地参加了会议!

其他特性: (Other features:)

Oh yes! Now, a user can plan his trip. If he clicks on the “plan travel” button:

哦,是的! 现在,用户可以计划行程。 如果他单击“计划旅行”按钮:

  • He gets options to a book cab. Here he can see various ratings of cab companies, selects the one with the highest rating, and he’s done.他可以选择乘出租车。 在这里,他可以看到出租车公司的各种评级,选择评级最高的一家,他就完成了。
  • He can also get options to make hotel reservations. Hotels with different ratings are displayed clearly.他还可以选择进行酒店预订。 评级不同的酒店会清晰显示。

A user could look up beautiful places to visit in this new environment.


验证方式 (Validation)

After the prototyping, I conducted a validation test with some users and discovered that:


  • The website became much easier to use, as it is easy for the users to see what they want to do at first glance该网站变得更加易于使用,因为用户可以一眼就能看出他们想要做什么
  • It’s now easier to book flights, forms are simpler and faster to fill out, the payment flow has been shortened, and all activities are done on the Air Peace website instead of redirecting users elsewhere.现在可以更轻松地预订航班,更简单,更快速地填写表格,缩短付款流程,并且所有活动都在Air Peace网站上完成,而不是将用户重定向到其他地方。
  • The UI looks a lot more friendly and appealing to the eyes of the users用户界面看起来更加友好并且吸引了用户的眼球

Generally, people loved the end results! And now, more people want to use Air Peace for booking their flights.

通常,人们喜欢最终结果! 现在,越来越多的人希望使用Air Peace预订机票。

Thank you so much for reading through! I would love to get your feedback. And don’t forget to share if you think it made sense you.

非常感谢您的通读! 我希望得到您的反馈。 如果您认为有意义,也不要忘记分享

I’m Perrie Fidelis — I am a Product Designer. You can connect with me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Bēhance.

我是Perrie Fidelis,我是产品设计师。 您可以在Twitter , LinkedIn和Bēhance与我联系 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/airpeace-website-a-ux-case-study-e0ef593f2619/



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