

1)查看ssd硬盘的盘符: sudo fdisk -l

2)快速格式化: sudo mkfs.ext4 -T default /dev/sdc

关于mkfs命令的T参数, man mkfs.ext4 有一段解释:

-T usage-type[,...]Specify how the filesystem is going to be used, so that mke2fs can choose optimal filesystem parameters for that use.   Theusage  types  that  are supported are defined in the configuration file /etc/mke2fs.conf.  The user may specify one or moreusage types using a comma separated list.If this option is is not specified, mke2fs will pick a single default usage type based on the size of the filesystem to  becreated.   If  the filesystem size is less than 3 megabytes, mke2fs will use the filesystem type floppy.  If the filesystemsize is greater than or equal to 3 but less than 512 megabytes, mke2fs(8) will use  the  filesystem  type  small.   If  thefilesystem  size is greater than or equal to 4 terabytes but less than 16 terabytes, mke2fs(8) will use the filesystem typebig.  If the filesystem size is greater than or equal to 16 terabytes, mke2fs(8) will use the filesystem type huge.  Other‐wise, mke2fs(8) will use the default filesystem type default.


mkdir -p /mnt/abc
mount -t auto /dev/sdc /mnt/abc


1)卸载: umount /mnt/abc

2)如果碰到无法卸载,提示:device is busy等等,可以用fuser命令: fuser -km /mnt/abc


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