一? il&kkn.n

IL&FS:基础设施租赁和金融服务 (IL& FS: Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services)

IL&FS is an abbreviation of Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services. It is the largest infrastructure development and finance company in India. Its objective is to take part in the development and progress of the country by developing pioneering high standard infrastructure and offering advanced financial services to the client in India.

IL&FS是基础设施租赁和金融服务的缩写 。 它是印度最大的基础设施开发和金融公司。 它的目标是通过开发具有开创性的高标准基础设施并为印度的客户提供先进的金融服务来参与该国的发展与进步。

In 1987, it was founded and supported by the Central Bank of India (CBI), Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) and Unit Trust of India (UTI). The current Chairman of IL&FS is Uday Kotak.

1987年,它由印度中央银行(CBI),住房发展金融有限公司(HDFC)和印度单位信托(UTI)成立并提供支持。 IL&FS的现任主席是Uday Kotak。

Image source: https://www.thestatesman.com/india/ilfs-default-nearly-junk-assets-risk-future-of-millions-of-armed-forces-1502737895.html


The total number of companies of IL & FS is around 250 groups which offer services in different sectors from 2011.

从2011年开始, IL&FS的公司总数约为250家,可在不同领域提供服务。

Following mentioned below are some of these sectors and their respective companies,


基础设施服务 (Infrastructure Services)

  • IL&FS Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited


  • IL&FS Transportation Networks Limited: It is in charge of the development and execution of surface transport projects like highways, flyovers, bridges, etc.

    IL&FS Transportation Networks Limited:负责公路运输,天桥,桥梁等地面运输项目的开发和执行。

  • IL&FS Environmental Infrastructure & Services Limited


  • IL&FS Education and Technology Services Limited for education infrastructure development.


  • Noida Toll Bridge Company Limited (an SPV established to build, develop, work, function and maintain the DND Flyway to connect Noida with Delhi).

    诺伊达收费桥有限公司(一家SPV的建立,建造,开发,工作,功能和维护,以便将诺伊达与德里连接起来的DND Flyway)。

金融服务 (Financial Services)

  • IL&FS Financial Services Limited: The Investment Banking Arm of IL&FS

    IL&FS Financial Services Limited:IL&FS的投资银行部门

  • IL&FS Investment Managers Limited


  • ORIX Auto Infrastructure Services Limited


  • IL&FS Trust Company Limited (ITCL)

    IL&FS Trust Company Limited(ITCL)

技术服务 (Technology Services)

  • IL&FS Technology Ltd.

    IL&FS Technology Ltd.

专案 (Projects)

IL&FS has accomplished a variety of projects in diverse sectors like transportation, e-governance, power, finance, water, education, urban infrastructure, etc.


Following given below are some of its popular projects,


  • The world's largest CDM power project in the North East was executed by the assistance and aid of IL&FS.


  • India's first large-scale PPP water supply project and the world’s largest ZLD system.


  • K-Yan: A portable multimedia device provided specifically in rural India to make possible community-learning.


  • India's longest and safest road tunnel along the Jammu-Srinagar highway.


  • A 300-year old water palace (Jal Mahal) in Rajasthan refurbished by the assistance and aid of IL& FS.

    拉贾斯坦邦一座拥有300年历史的水上宫殿(Jal Mahal)在IL&FS的协助下进行了翻新。

企业社会责任 (CSR)

  • Medical Care in Cuddalore through the static clinic and mobile medical unit.


    Offers Industrial Stitching Training to women.


  • Helping women farmers in J&K through improved seeds, playhouses, drip irrigation systems, etc.


  • Supporting hill agriculture through modern techniques like drip irrigation, vermicomposting, tray nurseries, and plastic mulching, etc.


  • In the Himalayas in the catchment areas of its projects, installed solar lights in villages.


  • Launched Digital Duniya project for the students of rural communities in the catchment areas of its project to bridge the digital gap between rural and urban students.

    为项目集水区的农村社区学生启动了Digital Duniya项目,以弥合城乡学生之间的数字鸿沟。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/il-fs-full-form.aspx

一? il&kkn.n

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