Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update gives you more control of Windows Update’s downloads and uploads. You can now set a download bandwidth limit, ensuring Windows Update won’t hog your Internet connection with its background downloads.

Windows 10的Fall Creators Update使您可以更好地控制Windows Update的下载和上传。 现在,您可以设置下载带宽限制,以确保Windows Update不会通过其后台下载占用您的Internet连接。

The Settings app also gives you more control of Windows Update’s background uploads and keeps track of how much data Windows Update has downloaded and uploaded. This setting also applies to app updates from the Store and updates for other Microsoft products, not just Windows updates.

设置应用程序还使您可以更好地控制Windows Update的后台上传,并跟踪Windows Update已下载和上传了多少数据。 此设置还适用于来自商店的应用程序更新以及其他Microsoft产品的更新,而不仅仅是Windows更新。

如何限制Windows Update的下载带宽 (How to Limit Windows Update’s Download Bandwidth)

To find this setting, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. Click “Advanced Options” under Update Settings.

要找到此设置,请转到“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows Update”。 单击更新设置下的“高级选项”。

Click the “Delivery Optimization” link on the Advanced options page.


Click the “Advanced Options” button here.


Activate the “Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background” and drag the slider to set a limit as a percentage of your total available bandwidth.


As this window notes, Windows Update won’t try to use all your bandwidth by default. Instead, Windows Update tries to “dynamically optimize” the amount of bandwidth it uses. But this option allows you to ensure Windows Update won’t go above a certain percentage of your available bandwidth, no matter what.

如该窗口所述,Windows Update在默认情况下不会尝试使用您的所有带宽。 相反,Windows Update尝试“动态优化”它使用的带宽量。 但是,此选项使您可以确保Windows Update无论如何都不会超出可用带宽的一定百分比。

如何限制Windows Update的上传带宽 (How to Limit Windows Update’s Upload Bandwidth)

You can also limit the upload bandwidth used by Windows Update. Windows Update normally uploads copies of updates to other PCs—either just your PCs on your local network or PCs on your local network and on the Internet, depending on what you choose on the “Delivery Optimization” screen.

您还可以限制Windows Update使用的上传带宽。 Windows Update通常会将更新的副本上载到其他PC(取决于您在“交付优化”屏幕上选择的内容)到您的本地网络上的PC或本地网络和Internet上的PC。

The sliders here allow you to choose how much bandwidth is used to upload updates to other PCs on the Internet and set a monthly upload limit, which is the maximum amount of data your PC uploads.


We think there’s no good reason to even have the Internet upload feature enabled in the first place, especially when more Internet service providers are enforcing data usage limits. Let other PCs download updates from Microsoft’s servers so Microsoft can pay for the data. You can still leave the “PCs on my local network” option enabled to have your PCs share the downloaded data among themselves, speeding up your updates and saving you download bandwidth.

我们认为没有充分的理由首先启用Internet上传功能,尤其是当更多的Internet服务提供商实施数据使用限制时。 让其他PC从Microsoft的服务器下载更新,以便Microsoft可以为数据付费。 您仍然可以保持“我的本地网络上的PC”选项处于启用状态,以使PC之间共享下载的数据,从而加快更新速度并节省下载带宽。

如何查看您的PC已下载和上传了多少数据 (How to View How Much Data Your PC Has Downloaded and Uploaded)

To view more information about how much data Windows Update has downloaded and uploaded, click the “Activity monitor” link on the Delivery Optimization page.

要查看有关Windows Update已下载和上传了多少数据的更多信息,请单击“交付优化”页面上的“活动监视器”链接。

This page shows you download and upload statistics, including how much data has been downloaded in the background and your average download speed. You can also see how much data you’ve downloaded from Microsoft, from PCs on your local network, and from PCs on the Internet.

此页面显示下载和上传统计信息,包括在后台下载了多少数据以及平均下载速度。 您还可以查看从Microsoft,本地网络上的PC和Internet上的PC下载了多少数据。

This includes Windows Update updates, Store app updates, and even updates to other Microsoft products on your system.

这包括Windows Update更新,Store应用程序更新,甚至是系统上其他Microsoft产品的更新。

Scroll down and you can also see how much data Windows Update has uploaded to both other PCs on the Internet and PCs on your local network.

向下滚动,您还可以查看Windows Update已上传到Internet上的其他PC和本地网络上的PC的数据量。


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