Booting Windows 10 in safe mode is a good idea if you can’t start Windows 10 normally, and you need to do some troubleshooting. Here’s how to get out of safe mode when you’re finished and want to use your PC normally.

如果您无法正常启动Windows 10, 则以安全模式启动Windows 10是一个好主意,并且您需要进行一些故障排除。 完成并想要正常使用PC时,以下是退出安全模式的方法。

什么是安全模式? (What Is Safe Mode?)

Safe mode is essentially a troubleshooting service. If you’re using unstable hardware drivers that cause you to see the blue screen of death or if you’ve been infected with malware, launching Windows 10 in safe mode allows you to boot up your PC to get to the root cause of the problem. In some cases, it may be your only way to start your PC without reinstalling Windows.

安全模式本质上是一种故障排除服务 。 如果您使用不稳定的硬件驱动程序会导致蓝屏死亡或被恶意软件感染,则可以在安全模式下启动Windows 10来启动PC来找出问题的根本原因。 在某些情况下,这可能是不重新安装Windows即可启动PC的唯一方法。

Why? Because, when you start Windows 10 in safe mode, startup programs and other services configured to start on startup aren’t launched, hardware support is minimized, screen resolution is decreased, and no third-party software or drivers are enabled. In safe mode, you can roll back drivers, check system logs, and remove software that may be causing issues.

为什么? 因为,当您以安全模式启动Windows 10时,不会启动启动程序和其他配置为在启动时启动的服务,因此硬件支持被最小化,屏幕分辨率降低了,并且未启用任何第三方软件或驱动程序。 在安全模式下,您可以回滚驱动程序,检查系统日志并删除可能引起问题的软件。

如何在Windows 10上退出安全模式 (How to Exit Safe Mode on Windows 10)

If you want to exit safe mode, all you need to do is restart your Windows PC. You can do this by clicking the “Windows Icon” in the bottom-left corner to open the “Start” menu, selecting “Power,” and then “Restart.”

如果要退出安全模式,则只需重启Windows PC。 您可以通过单击左下角的“ Windows图标”打开“开始”菜单,选择“电源”,然后选择“重新启动”来执行此操作。

There are other methods for restarting your PC, such as by executing shutdown /r from Command Prompt. Regardless of the method you choose, you’ll be prompted to start Windows 10 normally on restart.

还有其他重新启动PC的方法 ,例如通过从命令提示符执行shutdown /r 。 无论选择哪种方法,系统都将提示您重新启动Windows 10。

You can also restart normally without the prompt. To do this, open the “Run” window by pressing Windows+R. Once open, type “msconfig” in the text box next to “Open” and click “OK.”

您也可以在没有提示的情况下正常重启。 为此,请按Windows + R打开“运行”窗口。 打开后,在“打开”旁边的文本框中键入“ msconfig”,然后单击“确定”。

Select the “Boot” tab in the window that appears.


Finally, in the “Boot Options” section, uncheck the box next to “Safe Boot” and click “OK.”


Now, you won’t be disturbed by the prompt when you restart.



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