

The Skype app included with Windows 10 now has a notification area icon. That’s great, but what if you never use Skype and don’t want it starting every time you sign in? Here’s how to get rid of it.

Windows 10随附的Skype应用程序现在具有通知区域图标。 太好了,但是如果您从不使用Skype并且不想在每次登录时都开始使用Skype,该怎么办? 这是摆脱它的方法。

Sure, you could just right-click the Skype tray icon and close it, but it’ll come right back the next time you boot your PC.


通过任务管理器禁用Skype自动启动 (Disable Skype Autostart via the Task Manager)

Thankfully, the latest versions of Skype now function like a normal Windows application again. You can’t use Skype’s built-in option to disable automatic startup without signing in first, but there’s a way around it: Disable it with the Task Manager.

幸运的是,最新版本的Skype现在可以再次像普通的Windows应用程序一样运行。 您不能使用Skype的内置选项来禁用自动启动而不先登录,但是有一种解决方法:使用任务管理器禁用它。

To find this option, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc or right-click your taskbar and select “Task Manager.”

要找到此选项,请按Ctrl + Shift + Esc或右键单击您的任务栏,然后选择“任务管理器”。

Click the “Startup” tab. If you don’t see any tabs, click “More Details” first.

点击“启动”标签。 如果看不到任何标签,请首先单击“更多详细信息”。

Look for “Skype” in the list, right-click it, and select “Disable.” Windows won’t open Skype automatically when you sign in anymore.

在列表中查找“ Skype”,右键单击它,然后选择“禁用”。 登录后,Windows不会自动打开Skype。

Skype will continue running if it’s already open when you do this, but you can right-click the Skype icon in your taskbar’s notification area (don’t call it a system tray!) and select “Quit Skype” to close it immediately.

当您执行此操作时,Skype已经打开,它将继续运行,但是您可以右键单击任务栏通知区域中的Skype图标(不要将其称为系统托盘! ),然后选择“退出Skype”以立即将其关闭。

如何在Windows 10上从系统托盘中删除Skype (How to Remove Skype From Your System Tray on Windows 10)

Update: You likely have the newer Skype app installed on your PC by now, so the above instructions should work. If they don’t, follow the below instructions for the older version of Skype.

更新:您现在可能已经在您的PC上安装了更新的Skype应用,因此上述说明应该可以使用。 如果不是,请按照以下有关旧版本Skype的说明进行操作。

With the older “Modern” Skype app, you can’t just right-click the Skype tray icon and close it like a traditional desktop app. Skype doesn’t give you a “Quit” option. Skype doesn’t give you a “Quit” option.

使用较旧的“现代” Skype应用程序,您不仅可以右键单击Skype托盘图标并像传统的桌面应用程序一样将其关闭。 Skype没有为您提供“退出”选项。 Skype没有为您提供“退出”选项。

Microsoft’s modern Skype app doesn’t even appear in your list of startup programs, so you can’t disable it by managing your startup programs from the Settings app or Task Manager.


However, you can hide the icon from Skype’s settings window. Right-click the Skype icon in your notification area and click “Settings” or open the Skype window, click the “…” menu button, and click “Settings.”

但是,您可以在Skype的设置窗口中隐藏该图标。 右键单击通知区域中的Skype图标,然后单击“设置”,或打开Skype窗口,单击“ ...”菜单按钮,然后单击“设置”。

Click the “General” category and disable the “Show Skype in the Windows notification area (system tray)” option. Skype’s notification area icon will vanish.

单击“常规”类别,然后禁用“在Windows通知区域(系统任务栏)中显示Skype”选项。 Skype的通知区域图标将消失。

Note that people can still send you Skype messages if you’re signed in, even if Skype doesn’t appear in the notification area. To stop that, sign out of Skype. Click the “…” menu in the Skype window and click “Sign Out” to do so.

请注意,即使您没有登录,Skype仍然可以向您发送Skype消息,即使您没有登录。 要停止此操作,请退出Skype。 单击Skype窗口中的“…”菜单,然后单击“退出”。

If you don’t want to use Skype at all, you can also uninstall it. Locate the Skype shortcut in your Start menu, right-click it, and select “Uninstall.” Windows 10 lets you uninstall many other built-in apps in this way, too.

如果您根本不想使用Skype,也可以将其卸载。 在“开始”菜单中找到Skype快捷方式,右键单击它,然后选择“卸载”。 Windows 10还允许您以这种方式卸载许多其他内置应用程序。

If you have multiple Skype applications installed and you just want to remove the built-in Windows 10 version, look for the Skype shortcut marked as a “Trusted Microsoft Store app” and remove it.

如果您安装了多个Skype应用程序,并且只想删除内置的Windows 10版本,请查找标记为“受信任的Microsoft Store应用程序”的Skype快捷方式并将其删除。

The traditional Skype desktop application does have a “Quit Skype” option available when you right-click its notification area icon. That version of Skype works like the traditional Skype client you’re used to.

当您右键单击其通知区域图标时,传统的Skype桌面应用程序确实具有“退出Skype”选项。 该版本的Skype就像您习惯的传统Skype客户端一样。

This is pretty confusing because the built-in Store version of Skype and the modern desktop version are almost the same thing, but the desktop version of Skype offers more features.




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