


the following arguments are required: DIR相关推荐

  1. (理解和3种方法完全解决pycharm报错)main.py: error: the following arguments are required: -d/--dataset

    文章目录 背景 理解 完全解决 方法1 方法2 方法3 背景 很多人只说解决方案,却不说原因,遂有此篇. 在pycharm中直接运行如下代码main.py报错: import argparse if ...

  2. error: the following arguments are required: cfg_file

    error: the following arguments are required: cfg_file 这里一共列举4种情况: 1)参数前面没有加-- 2)参数没有加default值 3)没有这个 ...

  3. python3 运行argparse XX.py: error: the following arguments are required: N An exception has occurred,

    Spyder(python 3.6) 运行含argparse模块的程序 # max sum.py import argparseparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(des ...

  4. error: the following arguments are required: img, config, checkpoint

    目录 01问题描述 02 问题分析 ​03 解决方案 01问题描述 在验证mmdetection环境是否安装成功的时候,出现如下错误: error: the following arguments a ...

  5. main.py: error: the following arguments are required:

    报错 "main.py: error: the following arguments are required:" 1.首先查看报错信息 如图下图所示 main.py: erro ...

  6. error: the following arguments are required

    [1]usage: run_one_image.py [-h] [--use_cuda] [--use_cython]                         image_path templ ...

  7. “ error: the following arguments are required: --model, --data“解决办法

    "error: the following arguments are required: --model, --data"解决办法 问题描述 解决办法 问题描述 pycharm运 ...

  8. train.py: error: the following arguments are required: --config解决办法

    train.py: error: the following arguments are required: --config解决办法 最近在跑github上的深度学习开源项目,在导入项目运行trai ...

  9. error: the following arguments are required: --cfg

    先看错误代码: parser.add_argument('--cfg', type=str, required=True, metavar="FILE", help='path t ...


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