Hu, A., Park, J.H., Cao, J. et al. Event-triggered bipartite consensus over cooperation-competition networks under DoS attacks. Sci. China Technol. Sci. 64, 157–168 (2021).


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Problem description and preliminaries
    • 2.1 Multiagent modeling and signed graph
    • 2.2 Event-triggered bipartite consensus
    • 2.3 DoS attack
    • 2.4 Preliminaries
  • 3. Main
    • 3.1 Event-triggered scheme under DoS attacks
  • 4. Numerical simulations

1 Introduction

2 Problem description and preliminaries

2.1 Multiagent modeling and signed graph

x˙i(t)=ui(t)(1)\dot{x}_i(t) = u_i(t) \tag{1}x˙i​(t)=ui​(t)(1)

2.2 Event-triggered bipartite consensus

ui(t)=∑j∈Ni∣aij∣(sgn(aij)xj(t)−xi(t))(2)u_i(t) = \sum_{j \in N_i} |a_{ij}| (\text{sgn}(a_{ij}) ~ x_j(t) - x_i(t)) \tag{2}ui​(t)=j∈Ni​∑​∣aij​∣(sgn(aij​) xj​(t)−xi​(t))(2)

ui(t)=∑j∈Ni∣aij∣(sgn(aij)x^j(t)−x^i(t))(3)u_i(t) = \sum_{j \in N_i} |a_{ij}| (\text{sgn}(a_{ij}) ~ \red{\hat{x}_j(t)} - \red{\hat{x}_i(t)} ) \tag{3}ui​(t)=j∈Ni​∑​∣aij​∣(sgn(aij​) x^j​(t)−x^i​(t))(3)

x^i(t)=xi(tki)\hat{x}_i(t) = x_i(\red{t_k^i})x^i​(t)=xi​(tki​)
x^j(t)=xj(tk′j)\hat{x}_j(t) = x_j(\red{t_{k'}^j})x^j​(t)=xj​(tk′j​)

事件触发时刻用 tpit_p^itpi​ 表示
tki=max⁡tpi{tpi≤t,p=1,2,⋯}t_k^i = \max_{t_p^i} \{ t_p^i \le t, p = 1,2,\cdots \}tki​=maxtpi​​{tpi​≤t,p=1,2,⋯}
tk′j=max⁡tpj{tpj≤t,p=1,2,⋯}t_{k'}^j = \max_{t_p^j} \{ t_p^j \le t, p = 1,2,\cdots \}tk′j​=maxtpj​​{tpj​≤t,p=1,2,⋯}

2.3 DoS attack

TqT_qTq​ 表示攻击开始时间
τq\tau_qτq​ 表示攻击持续时间
[Tq,Tq+τq][T_q, T_q + \tau_q][Tq​,Tq​+τq​] 时间段内无信息交换

Δa(t0,t)\Delta^a(t_0,t)Δa(t0​,t) 表示在时间段 [t0,t][t_0, t][t0​,t] 内不能交换信息的总时间
Δs(t0,t)\Delta^s(t_0,t)Δs(t0​,t) 表示在时间段 [t0,t][t_0, t][t0​,t] 内能交换信息的总时间

2.4 Preliminaries

3. Main

3.1 Event-triggered scheme under DoS attacks

采样周期 h>0h>0h>0

tp+1i=min⁡μ=1,2,⋯{tpi+μh∣fi(tpi+μh)>0}(8)t^i_{p+1} = \min_{\mu=1,2,\cdots} \{ t_p^i + \mu h ~|~ f_i(t_p^i + \mu h) > 0 \} \tag{8}tp+1i​=μ=1,2,⋯min​{tpi​+μh ∣ fi​(tpi​+μh)>0}(8)

其中 fi(tpi+μh)f_i(t_p^i + \mu h)fi​(tpi​+μh) 是一个关于误差的函数。

4. Numerical simulations

程序 Main_2020.m 的结果:

加入事件触发机制 Main_2020_ETC.m

自己改的 DoS Main_2020_ETC_DoS.m

在之前工作的基础上,又修改了 DoS 的触发条件,改成了概率触发,对应程序 Main_2020_ETC_DoS2.m

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