Zhang F, Wang H, Tan C, et al. The distributed optimal consensus algorithms for general linear multi-agent systems[C]//2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE, 2017: 3351-3354.


  • Theorem 1
  • Theorem 2

x˙i(t)=Axi(t)+Bui(t)(1)\dot{x}_i(t) = A x_i(t) + B u_i(t) \tag{1}x˙i​(t)=Axi​(t)+Bui​(t)(1)


NNN 个智能体
x˙(t)=A~x(t)+B~u(t)(3)\dot{x}(t) = \tilde{A} x(t) + \tilde{B} u(t) \tag{3}x˙(t)=A~x(t)+B~u(t)(3)

ui(t)=−K∑j=1Naij(xi(t)−xj(t))u_i(t) = -K \sum_{j=1}^{N} a_{ij} (x_i(t) - x_j(t))ui​(t)=−Kj=1∑N​aij​(xi​(t)−xj​(t))

u(t)=−(L⊗K)x(t)u(t) = -(L \otimes K) x(t)u(t)=−(L⊗K)x(t)

Theorem 1

Theorem 2

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