带有拉普拉斯平滑的Naive Bayes python代码实现

​ 今天,数据分析课讲到了朴素贝叶斯算法,想起以前用MATLAB写过一次,但是时间过得太久,代码早就不知道哪去了,正好最近本人在专攻python,也是为了提升一下python能力,所以一时兴起,在下课之后,以朴素贝叶斯的基本思路,对照着老师课后留的作业题目,自己用python码了码,因为本文只是一个学习笔记作用,也无关于什么算法讲解,再加上时间有限(作业巨多呀),下面就简单说明这个算法中的思路关键点python实现代码

​ 首先针对朴素贝叶斯的作用需要明确一下:分类,比如我们可以把它用到文本分类、垃圾文本过滤、情感预测、推荐系统等领域,那么首先,我们在我们依据贝叶斯原理进行分类时,最应该清楚的就是贝叶斯原理


​ 其次呢,要了解到几个关键点是:

  • 独立性、条件独立性概念;

  • 独立≠不相关,一定要明确区分二者,不相关,代表着两个变量之间的正负变化关系;

  • 拉普拉斯平滑,这个平滑处理主要要解决的是:零概率问题的出现


例题:由下表训练集学习一个朴素贝叶斯分类器,并确定x=(2, Small)的类别y。表中X1,X2为特征,取值的集合分别为X1={1, 2, 3},X2={Small, Medium, Large},Y为类标记,Y={1, -1}。


ID X1 X2 Y ID X1 X2 Y
1 1 Small -1 8 2 Medium 1
2 1 Medium -1 9 2 Large 1
3 1 Medium 1 10 2 Large 1
4 1 Small 1 11 3 Large 1
5 1 Small -1 12 3 Medium 1
6 2 Small -1 13 3 Medium 1
7 2 Medium -1 14 3 Large 1



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd#  训练集14组(X1,X2,Y)
a = np.array([[1, "Small", -1], [1, "Medium", -1], [1, "Medium", 1],[1, "Small", 1], [1, "Small", -1], [2, "Small", -1],[2, "Medium", -1], [2, "Medium", 1], [2, "Large", 1],[2, "Large", 1], [3, "Large", 1], [3, "Medium", 1],[3, "Medium", 1], [3, "Large", 1]])
b = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=['X1', 'X2', 'Y'])# 多计数器
count_x1 = np.zeros((3, 2))
count_x2 = np.zeros((3, 2))
# 概率值(1,-1)
p_y1 = 0
p_y2 = 0
# 测试集
test = pd.Series({'X1': 2, 'X2': 'Small'})# P(YK|X1,X2)=P(X1|YK)*P(X2|YK)*P(YK)/P(X)
# 计数器统计训练集相应数据
for index, row in b.iterrows():if row['Y'] == "1":if row['X1'] == "1":count_x1[0][0] += 1elif row['X1'] == "2":count_x1[1][0] += 1else:count_x1[2][0] += 1if row['X2'] == "Small":count_x2[0][0] += 1elif row['X2'] == "Medium":count_x2[1][0] += 1else:count_x2[2][0] += 1else:if row['X1'] == "1":count_x1[0][1] += 1elif row['X1'] == "2":count_x1[1][1] += 1else:count_x1[2][1] += 1if row['X2'] == "Small":count_x2[0][1] += 1elif row['X2'] == "Medium":count_x2[1][1] += 1else:count_x2[2][1] += 1# 带有拉普拉斯平滑的朴素贝叶斯计算过程
def train(test):if test['X1'] == 1:if test['X2'] == 'Small':p_y11 = ((count_x1[0][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[0][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[0][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[0][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)if test['X2'] == 'Medium':p_y11 = ((count_x1[0][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[1][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[0][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[1][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)if test['X2'] == 'Large':p_y11 = ((count_x1[0][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[2][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[0][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[2][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)elif test['X1'] == 2:if test['X2'] == 'Small':p_y11 = ((count_x1[1][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[0][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[1][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[0][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)if test['X2'] == 'Medium':p_y11 = ((count_x1[1][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[1][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[1][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[1][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)if test['X2'] == 'Large':p_y11 = ((count_x1[1][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[2][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[1][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[2][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)else:if test['X2'] == 'Small':p_y11 = ((count_x1[2][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[0][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[2][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[0][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)if test['X2'] == 'Medium':p_y11 = ((count_x1[2][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[1][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[2][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[1][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)if test['X2'] == 'Large':p_y11 = ((count_x1[2][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x2[2][0] + 1) / (count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[0] + 1) / 16)p_y12 = ((count_x1[2][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x2[2][1] + 1) / (count_x2.sum(axis=0)[1] + 3)) * ((count_x1.sum(axis=0)[1] + 1) / 16)p_y1 = p_y11 / (p_y11 + p_y12)p_y2 = p_y12 / (p_y11 + p_y12)print("Y为1的概率为:", p_y1)print("Y为-1的概率为:", p_y2)if p_y1 > p_y2:print("该测试集为1类")else:print("该测试集为-1类")# 调用

​ 以上就是关于这道题的代码以及运行结果,具体大家需要先去了解一下朴素贝叶斯分类算法的思路(针对小白,大佬当我没说,尽管在评论区怼我,技术进步源于“交流”嘛!),剩下的看注释就完全可以理解,我也是个菜鸡,代码也没用到什么高深的东西,相信大家都能看懂,其余就留在评论区吧,我每天大约都会登录csdn,大家的留言基本都会看到。

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