本文整理匯總了Python中django.template.TemplateSyntaxError方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Python template.TemplateSyntaxError方法的具體用法?Python template.TemplateSyntaxError怎麽用?Python template.TemplateSyntaxError使用的例子?那麽恭喜您, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在模塊django.template的用法示例。


示例1: do_form_field

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_form_field(parser, token):


Render a WTForms form field allowing optional HTML attributes.

Invocation looks like this:

{% form_field form.username class="big_text" οnclick="alert('hello')" %}

where form.username is the path to the field value we want. Any number

of key="value" arguments are supported. Unquoted values are resolved as

template variables.


parts = token.contents.split(' ', 2)

if len(parts) < 2:

error_text = '%r tag must have the form field name as the first value, followed by optional key="value" attributes.'

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(error_text % parts[0])

html_attrs = {}

if len(parts) == 3:

raw_args = list(args_split(parts[2]))

if (len(raw_args) % 2) != 0:

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag received the incorrect number of key=value arguments.' % parts[0])

for x in range(0, len(raw_args), 2):

html_attrs[str(raw_args[x])] = Variable(raw_args[x + 1])

return FormFieldNode(parts[1], html_attrs)


示例2: do_get_available_languages

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_get_available_languages(parser, token):


This will store a list of available languages

in the context.


{% get_available_languages as languages %}

{% for language in languages %}


{% endfor %}

This will just pull the LANGUAGES setting from

your setting file (or the default settings) and

put it into the named variable.


# token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments

args = token.contents.split()

if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_available_languages' requires 'as variable' (got %r)" % args)

return GetAvailableLanguagesNode(args[2])


示例3: do_get_language_info

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_get_language_info(parser, token):


This will store the language information dictionary for the given language

code in a context variable.


{% get_language_info for LANGUAGE_CODE as l %}

{{ l.code }}

{{ l.name }}

{{ l.name_local }}

{{ l.bidi|yesno:"bi-directional,uni-directional" }}


args = token.split_contents()

if len(args) != 5 or args[1] != 'for' or args[3] != 'as':

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' requires 'for string as variable' (got %r)" % (args[0], args[1:]))

return GetLanguageInfoNode(parser.compile_filter(args[2]), args[4])


示例4: do_get_language_info_list

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_get_language_info_list(parser, token):


This will store a list of language information dictionaries for the given

language codes in a context variable. The language codes can be specified

either as a list of strings or a settings.LANGUAGES style tuple (or any

sequence of sequences whose first items are language codes).


{% get_language_info_list for LANGUAGES as langs %}

{% for l in langs %}

{{ l.code }}

{{ l.name }}

{{ l.name_local }}

{{ l.bidi|yesno:"bi-directional,uni-directional" }}

{% endfor %}


args = token.split_contents()

if len(args) != 5 or args[1] != 'for' or args[3] != 'as':

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' requires 'for sequence as variable' (got %r)" % (args[0], args[1:]))

return GetLanguageInfoListNode(parser.compile_filter(args[2]), args[4])


示例5: do_get_current_language

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_get_current_language(parser, token):


This will store the current language in the context.


{% get_current_language as language %}

This will fetch the currently active language and

put it's value into the ``language`` context



# token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments

args = token.contents.split()

if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_language' requires 'as variable' (got %r)" % args)

return GetCurrentLanguageNode(args[2])


示例6: language

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def language(parser, token):


This will enable the given language just for this block.


{% language "de" %}

This is {{ bar }} and {{ boo }}.

{% endlanguage %}


bits = token.split_contents()

if len(bits) != 2:

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument (language)" % bits[0])

language = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])

nodelist = parser.parse(('endlanguage',))


return LanguageNode(nodelist, language)


示例7: localize_tag

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def localize_tag(parser, token):


Forces or prevents localization of values, regardless of the value of


Sample usage::

{% localize off %}

var pi = {{ 3.1415 }};

{% endlocalize %}


use_l10n = None

bits = list(token.split_contents())

if len(bits) == 1:

use_l10n = True

elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'):

raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" % bits[0])


use_l10n = bits[1] == 'on'

nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocalize',))


return LocalizeNode(nodelist, use_l10n)


示例8: localtime_tag

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def localtime_tag(parser, token):


Forces or prevents conversion of datetime objects to local time,

regardless of the value of ``settings.USE_TZ``.

Sample usage::

{% localtime off %}{{ value_in_utc }}{% endlocaltime %}


bits = token.split_contents()

if len(bits) == 1:

use_tz = True

elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'):

raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" %



use_tz = bits[1] == 'on'

nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocaltime',))


return LocalTimeNode(nodelist, use_tz)


示例9: timezone_tag

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def timezone_tag(parser, token):


Enables a given time zone just for this block.

The ``timezone`` argument must be an instance of a ``tzinfo`` subclass, a

time zone name, or ``None``. If is it a time zone name, pytz is required.

If it is ``None``, the default time zone is used within the block.

Sample usage::

{% timezone "Europe/Paris" %}

It is {{ now }} in Paris.

{% endtimezone %}


bits = token.split_contents()

if len(bits) != 2:

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument (timezone)" %


tz = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])

nodelist = parser.parse(('endtimezone',))


return TimezoneNode(nodelist, tz)


示例10: get_current_timezone_tag

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def get_current_timezone_tag(parser, token):


Stores the name of the current time zone in the context.


{% get_current_timezone as TIME_ZONE %}

This will fetch the currently active time zone and put its name

into the ``TIME_ZONE`` context variable.


# token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments

args = token.contents.split()

if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_timezone' requires "

"'as variable' (got %r)" % args)

return GetCurrentTimezoneNode(args[2])


示例11: ifusergroup

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def ifusergroup(parser, token):

""" Check to see if the currently logged in user belongs to one or more groups

Requires the Django authentication contrib app and middleware.

Usage: {% ifusergroup Admins %} ... {% endifusergroup %}, or

{% ifusergroup Admins Clients Programmers Managers %} ... {% else %} ... {% endifusergroup %}



tokens = token.split_contents()

groups = []

groups += tokens[1:]

except ValueError:

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Tag 'ifusergroup' requires at least 1 argument.")

nodelist_true = parser.parse(('else', 'endifusergroup'))

token = parser.next_token()

if token.contents == 'else':

nodelist_false = parser.parse(('endifusergroup',))



nodelist_false = template.NodeList()

return GroupCheckNode(groups, nodelist_true, nodelist_false)


示例12: ifappexists

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def ifappexists(parser, token):

""" Conditional Django template tag to check if one or more apps exist.

Usage: {% ifappexists tag %} ... {% endifappexists %}, or

{% ifappexists tag inventory %} ... {% else %} ... {% endifappexists %}



tokens = token.split_contents()

apps = []

apps += tokens[1:]

except ValueError:

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Tag 'ifappexists' requires at least 1 argument.")

nodelist_true = parser.parse(('else', 'endifappexists'))

token = parser.next_token()

if token.contents == 'else':

nodelist_false = parser.parse(('endifappexists',))



nodelist_false = template.NodeList()

return AppCheckNode(apps, nodelist_true, nodelist_false)


示例13: do_macro

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_macro(parser, token):


args = token.split_contents()

tag_name, macro_name, args = args[0], args[1], args[2:]

except IndexError:

m = ("'%s' tag requires at least one argument (macro name)"

% token.contents.split()[0])

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(m)

# TODO: could do some validations here,

# for now, "blow your head clean off"

nodelist = parser.parse(('endkwacro',))


## Metadata of each macro are stored in a new attribute

## of 'parser' class. That way we can access it later

## in the template when processing 'usemacro' tags.


parser._macros[macro_name] = DefineMacroNode(macro_name, nodelist, args)

return parser._macros[macro_name]


示例14: do_loadmacros

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_loadmacros(parser, token):


tag_name, filename = token.split_contents()

except IndexError:

m = ("'%s' tag requires at least one argument (macro name)"

% token.contents.split()[0])

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(m)

if filename[0] in ('"', "'") and filename[-1] == filename[0]:

filename = filename[1:-1]

t = get_template(filename)

macros = t.nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(DefineMacroNode)

## Metadata of each macro are stored in a new attribute

## of 'parser' class. That way we can access it later

## in the template when processing 'usemacro' tags.


for macro in macros:

parser._macros[macro.name] = macro

return LoadMacrosNode()


示例15: wtm_include

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def wtm_include(parser, token):


args = token.contents.split(None)[1:]

nodelist = None

if len(args) == 1:

nodelist = parser.parse(("wtm_endinclude",))



return IncludeNode(nodelist, *args)

except ValueError:

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(

"%r tag requires arguments" % token.contents.split()[0]



示例16: do_get_language_info

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_get_language_info(parser, token):


This will store the language information dictionary for the given language

code in a context variable.


{% get_language_info for LANGUAGE_CODE as l %}

{{ l.code }}

{{ l.name }}

{{ l.name_translated }}

{{ l.name_local }}

{{ l.bidi|yesno:"bi-directional,uni-directional" }}


args = token.split_contents()

if len(args) != 5 or args[1] != 'for' or args[3] != 'as':

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' requires 'for string as variable' (got %r)" % (args[0], args[1:]))

return GetLanguageInfoNode(parser.compile_filter(args[2]), args[4])


示例17: do_get_language_info_list

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def do_get_language_info_list(parser, token):


This will store a list of language information dictionaries for the given

language codes in a context variable. The language codes can be specified

either as a list of strings or a settings.LANGUAGES style list (or any

sequence of sequences whose first items are language codes).


{% get_language_info_list for LANGUAGES as langs %}

{% for l in langs %}

{{ l.code }}

{{ l.name }}

{{ l.name_translated }}

{{ l.name_local }}

{{ l.bidi|yesno:"bi-directional,uni-directional" }}

{% endfor %}


args = token.split_contents()

if len(args) != 5 or args[1] != 'for' or args[3] != 'as':

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' requires 'for sequence as variable' (got %r)" % (args[0], args[1:]))

return GetLanguageInfoListNode(parser.compile_filter(args[2]), args[4])


示例18: language

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def language(parser, token):


This will enable the given language just for this block.


{% language "de" %}

This is {{ bar }} and {{ boo }}.

{% endlanguage %}


bits = token.split_contents()

if len(bits) != 2:

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument (language)" % bits[0])

language = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])

nodelist = parser.parse(('endlanguage',))


return LanguageNode(nodelist, language)


示例19: localize_tag

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def localize_tag(parser, token):


Force or prevents localization of values, regardless of the value of


Sample usage::

{% localize off %}

var pi = {{ 3.1415 }};

{% endlocalize %}


use_l10n = None

bits = list(token.split_contents())

if len(bits) == 1:

use_l10n = True

elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'):

raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" % bits[0])


use_l10n = bits[1] == 'on'

nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocalize',))


return LocalizeNode(nodelist, use_l10n)


示例20: localtime_tag

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def localtime_tag(parser, token):


Force or prevent conversion of datetime objects to local time,

regardless of the value of ``settings.USE_TZ``.

Sample usage::

{% localtime off %}{{ value_in_utc }}{% endlocaltime %}


bits = token.split_contents()

if len(bits) == 1:

use_tz = True

elif len(bits) > 2 or bits[1] not in ('on', 'off'):

raise TemplateSyntaxError("%r argument should be 'on' or 'off'" %



use_tz = bits[1] == 'on'

nodelist = parser.parse(('endlocaltime',))


return LocalTimeNode(nodelist, use_tz)


示例21: timezone_tag

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def timezone_tag(parser, token):


Enable a given time zone just for this block.

The ``timezone`` argument must be an instance of a ``tzinfo`` subclass, a

time zone name, or ``None``. If it is ``None``, the default time zone is

used within the block.

Sample usage::

{% timezone "Europe/Paris" %}

It is {{ now }} in Paris.

{% endtimezone %}


bits = token.split_contents()

if len(bits) != 2:

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'%s' takes one argument (timezone)" %


tz = parser.compile_filter(bits[1])

nodelist = parser.parse(('endtimezone',))


return TimezoneNode(nodelist, tz)


示例22: get_current_timezone_tag

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def get_current_timezone_tag(parser, token):


Store the name of the current time zone in the context.


{% get_current_timezone as TIME_ZONE %}

This will fetch the currently active time zone and put its name

into the ``TIME_ZONE`` context variable.


# token.split_contents() isn't useful here because this tag doesn't accept variable as arguments

args = token.contents.split()

if len(args) != 3 or args[1] != 'as':

raise TemplateSyntaxError("'get_current_timezone' requires "

"'as variable' (got %r)" % args)

return GetCurrentTimezoneNode(args[2])


示例23: test_add_to_builtins

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def test_add_to_builtins(self):

from compat import add_to_builtins

# Explicit import of tags

template = Template(

'{% load test_app_tags %}'

'{% my_tag %}'


self.assertIn('Return value of my_tag', template.render(Context({})))

# No import

with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError):

template = Template(

'{% my_tag %}'



# No import but add_to_builtins call


template = Template(

'{% my_tag %}'


self.assertIn('Return value of my_tag', template.render(Context({})))


示例24: show_pageitems

​點讚 6

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def show_pageitems(_, token):

"""Show page items.


.. code-block:: html+django

{% show_pageitems per_page %}


# Validate args.

if len(token.contents.split()) != 1:

msg = '%r tag takes no arguments' % token.contents.split()[0]

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(msg)

# Call the node.

return ShowPageItemsNode()


示例25: clean_content

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def clean_content(self):

content = self.cleaned_data.get('content')



except template.TemplateSyntaxError, e:

raise forms.ValidationError(_('Syntax error in template: %s') % e)


示例26: annotate_form_field

​點讚 5

# 需要導入模塊: from django import template [as 別名]

# 或者: from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError [as 別名]

def annotate_form_field(parser, token):


Set an attribute on a form field with the widget type

This means templates can use the widget type to render things differently

if they want to. Django doesn't make this available by default.


args = token.split_contents()

if len(args) < 2:

raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(

"annotate_form_field tag requires a form field to be passed")

return FormFieldNode(args[1])



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  10. 【转】新.Net开发必备工具详解之Snippet Compiler。