1. It is OK that western economics thinks sound assignment system is spent fall in condition of established wealth of society, the Pareto that implementation society money wins is best.


2. According to the Pareto Principle, 80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities.

根据泊拉图原则,你 80%的成就来自于你 20%的活动。

3. Pareto在线翻译

3. In reality, it is nonexistent that Pareto is improved.


4. In Pareto's case it meant 20 percent of the people owned 80 percent of the wealth.

而 帕雷多的只是得出了20%的人拥有社会财富的80%这样的结论。

5. The most important notions of Pareto efficiency are also presented.


6. What is the purpose of a `Pareto` analysis?


7. A century ago Pareto observed that 80% of the wealth in Italy went to 20% of the population.


8. This paper introduces the development of Pareto Distribution Family and it's application in Economics, Sociology, Euthenics and Actuarial Statistics.


9. Thirdly, an external archive technique was set up, and through calculating the degree of dispersion, an appropriate update strategy was adopted to uniformly approximate the Pareto optimal solution set step-by-step.


10. Moreover, the inertia weight self-adjusting mechanism and Pareto-optimal set are introduced into the particle swarm optimization and an improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization is established. And then, the IMOPSO is employed to solve the optimal model and obtain the Pareto-optimal front. A case study shows that the former method is able to obtain the Pareto-optimal front with fine distribution properties.


11. This article indicates that the cooperation between harbors can improve mutual benefits and update Pareto by Bertrand Model analysis.


12. After Pareto made his observation and created his formula, many others observed similar phenomena in their own areas of expertise. Quality Management pioneer, Dr.

在帕雷多经过观察并建立了模型之后,许多人都在他们各自的领域发现了同样的现象,20世纪30-40年代,当时正工作在美国的质量工程师Joseph M。

13. A new kind of filter for Pareto solutions is presented. And a kind of critertion judging the stagnation of the particles in particle swarm optimization based on the filter is proposed. Based on which, a kind of multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed.


14. Some examples of such tools include real-time X-bar and R charts, X-bar and S charts, and Pareto charts.

举例来说,这些工具包括实时 X 条线图和 R 图表、X 条线图和 S 图表,以及帕累托图表。

15. Statistical simulations have been done on two parameter estimation approaches, namely, the matrix method and the probability weight matrix method by using the Monte Carlo method. And the results show that the probability weight matrix method has a good non-deviation behavior for the generalized Pareto distribution.


16. Chapter 1, based on Pareto optimality or called efficiency, extends the con-cepts of convex conjugate functions and subdifferentials etc., which are usedcommonly in the duality theory of nonlinear programming, to the case ofmulti-dimensional point-to-set maps with some domination structure, devel-ops D-Ω conjugate maps and D-Ω subdifferentials theory ofmulti-dimensional point-to-set maps, and by means of this theory, putts for-ward and studies a duality theory of multiobjective set-valuedprogramming——D-Ω conjugate duality theory for efficient solutions, in which, the corresponding weak, strong and inverse duality theorems are dis-cussed and proposed, and the saddle-point result for the generalizedLagrangian called D-Ω Lagrangian is given.


17. Pareto efficient redistribution occurs when on one is made worse off as a result of a transfer.


18. To say that an action is pareto superior is to say only that at least one person is higher along his or hers preference ranking, while no one else is any worse off with respect to his or hers.


19. An allocation of resources is pareto superior to an alternative allocation if and only if no one is made worse off by the distribution and the welfare of at least one person is improved.


20. If utilitarianism is wron9, a proponent of economic analysis has a choice: He or she can either abandon the normative use of the Pareto criteria in favor of a nonutility — based efficiency criterion or try to construct nonuti1itarian normative arguments for the Pareto criteria...



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