ssm在注解整合时提示Bean named 'studentservice' is expected to be of type 'com.shuai.service.imp.studentServiceImpl',but was actually of type [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy13]


public class testController {
        private testImpl testImpl;
        public void addFload(String fname){
            fload fload = new fload();


public class testController {
        private testService testImpl;
        public void addFload(String fname){
            fload fload = new fload();

but was actually of type [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy13]相关推荐

  1. Bean named 'testImpl' must be of type [lcw.serviceimpl.testImpl], but was actually of type [com.sun.

    最近在写ssm的时候遇见了一个这样的错误Bean named 'testImpl' must be of type [lcw.serviceimpl.testImpl], but was actual ...

  2. but was actually of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy**'的两种解决方法

    错误描述:Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named '****' ...

  3. jmap报错unknown CollectedHeap type : class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_interface.CollectedHeap

    jmap报错 [root@host-10-0-197-189 service]# jmap -heap 12139 Attaching to process ID 12139, please wait ...

  4. Cannot convert value of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy10 implementing com.shuai.

    ssm之前修改了包名后提示Cannot convert value of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy10 implementing com.shuai. 在applicati ...

  5. The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from requi

    The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from requi ...

  6. Bean named '' is expected to be of type '' but was actually of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy30' 异常解决

    在我们使用Spring声明式事务管理的途中,有可能会出现以下的异常: Bean named '' is expected to be of type '' but was actually of ty ...

  7. Bean named XXX is expected to be of type XXX but was actually of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy28'

    现象 运行Spring Web程序时报出错误 BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named 'loginLogService' is expected to b ...

  8. Bean named 'rateBoardService' is expected to be of but was actually of type 'com.sun.proxy.$Proxy69'

    Bean named 'rateBoardService' is expected to be of type 'xxxx' 今天在写一个测试用例的时候遇到个Bug,提示语如下: 可以只看第一行 or ...

  9. Bean named**is expected to be of type**but was actually of type ‘com.sun.proxy.$Proxy**的解决办法

    错误描述: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: Bean named '****' ...


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