



For some reason your raid card seems to think one of the disks in the raid 5 set is a "foreign" disk, this means the disk has probably failed and is not returning the serial number it did before. As a result the raid card see's the disk as foreign (it thinks its a disk its never seen before and this was un-expected to it),

Best Solutiion.

There should be no need to destroy the Raid5 set at all. Raid 5 is redundant so you can afford to lose 1 disk in a raid 5 set without losing the data or access to it (the machine will access this drive more slowly when a disk is failed). You need to carefully identify the disk shown as "foreign" in the raid card config, get the config utility to flash the lights on the disk, SAS disks on the Poweredge 2950 are hot swappable so go ahead now and pull this disk out of the unit.

Your raid card will now see something it can handle, a failed disk in a Raid 5 set. You will get some amber lights and warnings that the raid 5 set is degraded but your server should now boot.


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