方法 描述
abs Absolute value
acos Arc-cosine
add Pointwise sum x+y
addeq Pointwise sum x+=y
all All the components of x are true
and Pointwise x && y
andeq Pointwise x &= y
any One or more of the components of x are true
asin Arc-sine
atan Arc-tangeant
atan2 Arc-tangeant (two parameters)
band Pointwise x & y
bench Benchmarking routine
bnot Binary negation ~x
bor Binary or x
bxor Binary xor x^y
ccsDim Dimensions of sparse matrix
ccsDot Sparse matrix-matrix product
ccsFull Convert sparse to full
ccsGather Gather entries of sparse matrix
ccsGetBlock Get rows/columns of sparse matrix
ccsLUP Compute LUP decomposition of sparse matrix
ccsLUPSolve Solve Ax=b using LUP decomp
ccsScatter Scatter entries of sparse matrix
ccsSparse Convert from full to sparse
ccsTSolve Solve upper/lower triangular system
ccs Supported ops include: add/div/mul/geq/etc…
cLU Coordinate matrix LU decomposition
cLUsolve Coordinate matrix LU solve
cdelsq Coordinate matrix Laplacian
cdotMV Coordinate matrix-vector product
ceil Pointwise Math.ceil(x)
cgrid Coordinate grid for cdelsq
clone Deep copy of Array
cos Pointwise Math.cos(x)
det Determinant
diag Create diagonal matrix
dim Get Array dimensions
div Pointwise x/y
diveq Pointwise x/=y
dopri Numerical integration of ODE using Dormand-Prince RK method. Returns an object Dopri. Evaluate the ODE solution at a point
方法 描述
dot 点乘,矩阵与向量相乘不需要先把向量转置
eig 特征值m.lambda.x和特征向量m.E.x
epsilon 2.220446049250313e-16
eq Pointwise comparison x === y
exp Pointwise Math.exp(x)
floor Poinwise Math.floor(x)
geq Pointwise x>=y
getBlock Extract a block from a matrix
getDiag Get the diagonal of a matrix
gt Pointwise x>y
identity Identity matrix
imageURL Encode a matrix as an image URL
inv Matrix inverse
isFinite Pointwise isFinite(x)
isNaN Pointwise isNaN(x)
largeArray Don’t prettyPrint Arrays larger than this
leq Pointwise x<=y
linspace Generate evenly spaced values
log Pointwise Math.log(x)
lshift Pointwise x<
lshifteq Pointwise x<<=y
lt Pointwise x
LU Dense LU decomposition
LUsolve Dense LU solve
mapreduce Make a pointwise map-reduce function
mod Pointwise x%y
modeq Pointwise x%=y
mul Pointwise x*y
neg Pointwise -x
neq Pointwise x!==y
norm2 Square root of the sum of the square of the entries of x
norm2Squared Sum of squares of entries of x
norminf Largest modulus entry of x
not Pointwise logical negation !x
or Pointwise logical or x
oreq Pointwise x
parseCSV Parse a CSV file into an Array
parseDate Pointwise parseDate(x)
parseFloat Pointwise parseFloat(x)
pointwise Create a pointwise function
pow Pointwise Math.pow(x)
precision Number of digits to prettyPrint
prettyPrint Pretty-prints x
random Create an Array of random numbers
rep Create an Array by duplicating values
方法 描述
round Pointwise Math.round(x)
rrshift Pointwise x>>>y
rrshifteq Pointwise x>>>=y
rshift Pointwise x>>y
rshifteq Pointwise x>>=y
same x and y are entrywise identical
seedrandom The seedrandom module
setBlock Set a block of a matrix
sin Pointwise Math.sin(x)
solve Solve Ax=b
solveLP Solve a linear programming problem
solveQP Solve a quadratic programming problem
spline Create a Spline object Evaluate the Spline at a point
Spline.diff Differentiate the Spline
Spline.roots Find all the roots of the Spline
sqrt Pointwise Math.sqrt(x)
sub Pointwise x-y
subeq Pointwise x-=y
sum Sum all the entries of x
svd Singular value decomposition
t Create a tensor type T (may be complex-valued)
T. Supported are: abs, add, cos, diag, div, dot, exp, getBlock, getDiag, inv, log, mul, neg, norm2, setBlock, sin, sub, transpose
T.conj Pointwise complex conjugate
T.fft Fast Fourier transform
T.get Read an entry
T.getRow Get a row
T.getRows Get a range of rows
T.ifft Inverse FFT
T.reciprocal Pointwise 1/z
T.set Set an entry
T.setRow Set a row
T.setRows Set a range of rows
T.transjugate The conjugate-transpose of a matrix
tan Pointwise Math.tan(x)
tensor Tensor product ret[i][j] = x[i]*y[j]
toCSV Make a CSV file
transpose Matrix transpose
uncmin Unconstrained optimization
version Version string for the numeric library
xor Pointwise x^y
xoreq Pointwise x^=y


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