

Polygons 多边形类

  • 2D Polygons 二维多边形

作者:Geert-Jan Giezeman, Wieger Wesselink

简介:This package provides a 2D polygon class and operations on sequences of points, like bounding box, extremal points, signed area, simplicity and convexity test, orientation, and point location. The demo includes operations on polygons, such as computing a convex partition, and the straight skeleton.


Introduced in 引入版本: CGAL 0.9
BibTeX 文献排版cgal:gw-p2-17b
License 版权许可LGPL 
Windows Demo 示例程序Operations on Polygons
Common Demo Dlls 示例程序动态链接库dlls





  • 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations 二维正则布尔集合运算

作者:Efi Fogel, Ophir Setter, Ron Wein, Guy Zucker, Baruch Zukerman, Dan Halperin

简介:This package consists of the implementation of Boolean set-operations on point sets bounded by weakly x-monotone curves in 2-dimensional Euclidean space. In particular, it contains the implementation of regularized Boolean set-operations, intersection predicates, and point containment predicates.


Introduced in 引入版本: CGAL 3.2

Depends on 库依赖:2D Arrangements

BibTeX 文献排版:cgal:fwzh-rbso2-17b

License 版权许可:GPL

Windows Demo Windows示例程序:Boolean operations

Common Demo Dlls 动态链接库:dlls





  • 2D Boolean Operations on Nef Polygons  Nef多边形的二维布尔运算

作者:Michael Seel

简介:A Nef polygon is any set that can be obtained from a finite set of open halfspaces by set complement and set intersection operations. Due to the fact that all other binary set operations like union, difference and symmetric difference can be reduced to intersection and complement calculations, Nef polygons are also closed under those operations. Apart from the set complement operation there are more topological unary set operations that are closed in the domain of Nef polygons interior, boundary, and closure. Nef 多边形是任意一组通过补集和交集运算获得的有限开半空间。事实上,由于其它的二进制几何运算,例如并集、差集以及对称差可以简化为交集和补集运算,在这些运算下Nef多边形也是封闭的。除了补集操作以外,还有更多的拓扑一元集合操作在Nef多边形内部,边界和闭包的域中关闭。

Introduced in 引入版本: CGAL 2.3
BibTeX 文献排版:cgal:s-bonp2-17b
License 版权许可:GPL 
Windows Demo 示例文件:2D Nef Polygons
Common Demo Dlls 动态链接库:dlls





  • 2D Boolean Operations on Nef Polygons Embedded on the Sphere 嵌入在球体上的Nef多边形二维布尔运算

作者:Peter Hachenberger, Lutz Kettner

简介:This package offers the equivalent to 2D Nef Polygons in the plane. Here halfplanes correspond to half spheres delimited by great circles.该包提供了相当于平面上二维Nef多边形的功能。这里半平面对应大元分隔的半球面。

Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 3.1
Depends on 依赖库:2D Boolean Operations on Nef Polygons 
BibTeX 文献排版:cgal:hk-bonpes2-17b
License 版本许可:GPL





  • 2D Polygon Partitioning 二维多边形分割

作者:Susan Hert

简介:This package provides functions for partitioning polygons in monotone or convex polygons. The algorithms can produce results with the minimal number of polygons, as well as approximations which have no more than four times the optimal number of convex pieces but they differ in their runtime complexities.该包提供了单调或凸多边形中分割多边形的功能方法。该算法可以产生最少多边形,也可以产生不超过四倍的凸点最佳数,而两者在运行时复杂度上有所不同。

Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 2.3
BibTeX 文献排版:cgal:h-pp2-17b
License 版本许可:GPL 
Windows Demos 示例程序:2D Polygon Partition,Operations on Polygons
Common Demo Dlls 动态链接库:dlls





  • 2D Straight Skeleton and Polygon Offsetting 二维直线骨架与多边形内缩

作者:Fernando Cacciola

简介:This package implements an algorithm to construct a halfedge data structure representing the straight skeleton in the interior of 2D polygons with holes and an algorithm to construct inward offset polygons at any offset distance given a straight skeleton. 该包实现了一个生成表示有洞二维多边形直线骨架的半边数据结构算法和一个生成给定骨架任意内缩量的内部偏置多边形算法。

Introduced in 引入版本: CGAL 3.2
Depends on 依赖库: Halfedge Data Structures 
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:c-sspo2-17b
License 版本许可: GPL 
Windows Demos 示例程序: 2D Straight Skeleton, Operations on Polygons
Common Demo Dlls 动态依赖库: dlls





  • 2D Minkowski Sums 二维闵可夫斯基求和

作者:Ron Wein, Alon Baram, Eyal Flato, Efi Fogel, Michael Hemmer, Sebastian Morr

简介:This package consists of functions that compute the Minkowski sum of two simple straight-edge polygons in the plane. It also contains functions for computing the Minkowski sum of a polygon and a disc, an operation known as offsetting or dilating a polygon. The package can compute the exact representation of the offset polygon, or provide a guaranteed approximation of the offset. 该包包含了计算两个平面上简单直边多边形的闵可夫斯基求和功能。同时还包含了计算一个多边形的闵可夫斯基求和的功能和多边形的内缩或扩张运算操作。

Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 3.3
Depends on 依赖库: 2D Arrangements, 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation,2D Triangulation 
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:w-rms2-17b
License 版本许可: GPL





  • 2D Polyline Simplification 二维多段线的简化

作者:Andreas Fabri

简介:This package enables to simplify polylines with the guarantee that the topology of the polylines does not change. This can be done for a single polyline as well as for a set of polyline constraints in a constrained triangulation. The simplification can be controlled with cost and stop functions. 该包可以简化多段线,且能确保多段线的拓扑结构不发生改变。该过程可以试试在一个单一的多线段上,也可以在一组三角线约束上实施。简化过程可以由成本和停止方法控制。

Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 4.6
Depends on 依赖库: 2D Triangulation 
BibTeX 文献排版: cgal:f-ps2-17b
License 版本许可: GPL 
Windows Demo 示例程序: Polyline Simplification
Common Demo Dlls 动态链接库: dlls





  • 2D Visibility Computation 二维可视化计算

作者:Michael Hemmer, Kan Huang, Francisc Bungiu, Ning Xu

简介:This package provides several variants to compute the visibility area of a point within polygonal regions in two dimensions. 该包提供了两个维度上多边形区域的点的可视化区域计算的多种方式。

Introduced in 版本引入: CGAL 4.7
Depends on 依赖库: 2D Arrangements 
Depends on 依赖库: 2D Triangulation 
BibTeX 文献排版: hhb-visibility-2-17b
License 版本许可: GPL





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