
操作系统:Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS

Mono版本:Mono JIT compiler version 4.3.0 (master/3445ac5 Tue Jun 16 20:43:48 CST 2015)



Repo successfully built.

Product binaries are available at /data/git/coreclr/bin/Product/Linux.x64.Debug




error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘AssemblyTitle‘ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)



error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘AssemblyDescription‘ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)




error CS0246:

The type or namespace name ‘MethodImplAttribute‘ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)



error CS0518: Predefined type ‘System.Object‘ is not defined or imported



error CS0103: The name ‘MethodImplOptions‘ does not exist in the current context


16 Warning(s)

15231 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:04:12.30

Build Exit Code = 1

问题未找到解决方法,在GitHub上提交了Issue:#2073 。




Determining latest version

Latest version is 1.0.0-beta6-12082

Downloading dnx-mono.1.0.0-beta6-12082 from https://www.myget.org/F/aspnetvnext/api/v2

Installing to /root/.dnx/runtimes/dnx-mono.1.0.0-beta6-12082

dnvm needs unzip to proceed.


dnx-mono.1.0.0-beta6-12082 already installed.

Cannot find dnx-mono.1.0.0-beta6-12082, do you need to run ‘dnvm install 1.0.0-beta6-12082‘?


apt-get unzipdnvm upgrade-u


warn: Dynamic view compilation failed.

/tmp/6dc38ab7770645d48e9ae31c479dec2c-1.cs(10953,13): error CS0103: The name `IsBuildV2‘ does not exist in the current context

/tmp/6dc38ab7770645d48e9ae31c479dec2c-1.cs(10955,15): error CS0103: The name `DnuPack‘ does not exist in the current context

/tmp/6dc38ab7770645d48e9ae31c479dec2c-1.cs(10961,17): error CS0103: The name `DnuPack‘ does not exist in the current context


verbose: Stack trace:

at Spark.Compiler.BatchCompiler.Compile (Boolean debug, System.String languageOrExtension, System.String[] sourceCode) <0x41536f50 + 0x010ae> in :0

at Spark.Compiler.CSharp.CSharpViewCompiler.CompileView (IEnumerable`1 viewTemplates, IEnumerable`1 allResources) <0x4152fc40 + 0x0009b> in :0

at Spark.SparkViewEngine.CreateEntryInternal (Spark.SparkViewDescriptor descriptor, Boolean compile) <0x4150b670 + 0x002a0> in :0

at Spark.SparkViewEngine.CreateEntry (Spark.SparkViewDescriptor descriptor) <0x4150b370 + 0x0005a> in :0

at Spark.SparkViewEngine.CreateInstance (Spark.SparkViewDescriptor descriptor) <0x4150b330 + 0x00019> in :0

at Sake.Engine.Loader.DefaultLoader.Load (Sake.Engine.Options options) <0x414f3580 + 0x004b0> in :0

at Sake.Engine.SakeEngine.Execute (Sake.Engine.Options options) <0x414f2f10 + 0x002e1> in :0

at Sake.Engine.SakeEngine.Execute (System.String[] args) <0x414c5fd0 + 0x00047> in :0

at Sake.Program.Main (System.String[] args) <0x414a8d80 + 0x000f7> in :0

在GitHub上提交了Issue:#2080 。


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