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Proudly presenting the latest edition of one of the all-time bestselling books on the C++ language, successful author Ivor Horton repeats the formula that has made each previous edition so popular by teaching you both the standard C++ language and C++/CLI as well as Visual C++ 2008. Thoroughly updated for the 2008 release, this book shows you how to build real-world applications using Visual C++ and guides you through the ins and outs of C++ development.

Horton's accessible approach and detailed examples cover both flavors of the C++ language-native ISO/ANSIC++ Windows application development using the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), as well as the development of C++/CLI Windows applications using Windows Forms. He also introduces you to the techniques you can use for accessing data sources in both MFC and Windows Forms, and working examples demonstrate each programming technique that is being discussed. With this book by your side, you are well on your way to becoming a successful C++ programmer.

What you will learn from this book
*How to use the Standard Template Library, a powerful and extensive set of tools for organizing and manipulating data in your native C++ programs
*Techniques for finding errors in your C++ programs
*The ways that Microsoft(r) Windows(r) applications are structured and the elements that are essential for each application
*How to create and use common controls in order to build the graphical user interface for your application
*Ways to develop your own libraries using MFC
*The different controls that are available for accessing data sources, how they work, and how to customize them


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