Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2013 - Visual C++ 2013 入门经典

Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2013 - Visual C++ 2013 入门经典


2. Errata


3. Table Of Contents - 目录表


Introduction xxxiiiChapter 1: Programming with Visual C++ 1Learning with Visual C++ 1Writing C++ Applications 2Learning Desktop Applications Programming 3The Integrated Development Environment 6Using the IDE 8Summary 23Chapter 2: Data, Variables, and Calculations 25The Structure of a C++ Program 26Defining Variables 38Fundamental Data Types 40Basic Input/Output Operations 47Calculating in C++ 52Type Conversion and Casting 63The auto Keyword 65Discovering Types 66The Bitwise Operators 67Introducing Lvalues and Rvalues 72Understanding Storage Duration and Scope 72Variables with Specific Sets of Values 79Namespaces 83Summary 86Chapter 3: Decisions and Loops 91Repeating a Block of Statements 109Summary 127Chapter 4: Arrays, Strings, and Pointers 129Handling Multiple Data Values of the Same Type 129Working with C-Style Strings 140Indirect Data Access 146Dynamic Memory Allocation 163Using References 168Library Functions for Strings 171Summary 176Chapter 5: Introducing Structure into Your Programs 179Understanding Functions 179Passing Arguments to a Function 188Returning Values from a Function 206Returning a Pointer 206Recursive Function Calls 214Summary 217Chapter 6: More about Program Structure 221Pointers to Functions 221Initializing Function Parameters 228Exceptions 229Handling Memory Allocation Errors 235Function Overloading 237Function Templates 241Using the decltype Operator 244An Example Using Functions 246Summary 264Chapter 7: Defining Your Own Data Types 267The struct in C++ 267Types, Objects, Classes, and Instances 276Understanding Classes 279Class Constructors 287Private Members of a Class 297The Pointer this 304Const Objects 306Arrays of Objects 309Static Members of a Class 310Pointers and References to Objects 314Summary 318Chapter 8: More on Classes 323Class Destructors 324Implementing a Copy Constructor 329Operator Overloading 331The Object Copying Problem 351Default Class Members 361Class Templates 362Perfect Forwarding 373Default Arguments for Template Parameters 376Aliases for Class Templates 381Template Specialization 382Using Classes 385Organizing Your Program Code 403Library Classes for Strings 405Summary 427Chapter 9: Class Inheritance and Virtual Functions 431Object-Oriented Programming Basics 432Inheritance in Classes 433Access Control Under Inheritance 437The Copy Constructor in a Derived Class 447Preventing Class Derivation 450Class Members as Friends 451Virtual Functions 453Casting Between Class Types 470Summary 475Chapter 10: The Standard Template Library 479What Is the Standard Template Library? 479Smart Pointers 485Algorithms 488Function Objects in the STL 489Function Adapters 490The Range of STL Containers 490Sequence Containers 490Associative Containers 543More on Iterators 556More on Function Objects 562More on Algorithms 564Type Traits and Static Assertions 566Lambda Expressions 567Summary 577Chapter 11: Windows Programming Concepts 579Windows Programming Basics 580The Structure of a Windows Program 586The Microsoft Foundation Classes 605Summary 610Chapter 12: Windows Programming with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MF C) 613The MFC Document/View Concept 614Creating MFC Applications 618Summary 635Chapter 13: Working with Menus and Toolbars 637Communicating with Windows 637Extending the Sketcher Program 642Elements of a Menu 643Adding Menu Message Handlers 646Adding Toolbar Buttons 656Summary 660Chapter 14: Drawing in a Window 663Basics of Drawing in a Window 663The MFC Drawing Mechanism 667Drawing Graphics in Practice 678Programming for the Mouse 680Drawing a Sketch 709Summary 713Chapter 15: Improving the View 717Sketcher Limitations 717Improving the View 718Deleting and Moving Elements 726Implementing a Context Menu 726Identifying an Element Under the Cursor 730Dealing with Masked Elements 743Summary 745Chapter 16: Working with Dialogs and Controls 747Understanding Dialogs 748Understanding Controls 748Creating a Dialog Resource 749Programming for a Dialog 751Supporting the Dialog Controls 755Completing Dialog Operations 758Using a Spin Button Control 763Using the Scale Factor 769Working with Status Bars 775The CString Class 779Using an Edit Box Control 780Summary 790Chapter 17: Storing and Printing Documents 793Understanding Serialization 793Applying Serialization 801Exercising Serialization 809Printing a Document 811Implementing Multipage Printing 815Summary 825Chapter 18: Programming for Windows 8 827Windows Store Applications 828Developing Windows Store Apps 829Windows Runtime Concepts 829C++ Component Extensions (C++/CX) 831The Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) 836Creating a Windows Store App 844Scaling UI Elements 873Transitions 875Summary 879Index 881


Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2013
(美) Ivor Horton 著, 李周芳, 江凌 译. Visual C++ 2013 入门经典[M]. 第 7 版. 清华大学出版社, 2015.

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