
Are you looking for better ways of bringing the team together? Would you benefit from an arsenal of tools that facilitate team working, while boosting productivity and creativity?

您是否正在寻找使团队团结起来的更好方法? 您会从众多有助于团队合作,同时提高生产力和创造力的工具中受益吗?

Project managers in development teams have to be leaders of balance, progress, decision, and business need.




Maybe you need to consider the workplace of the future: the potential for virtual teams to collaborate in new ways using interactive technologies.

也许您需要考虑未来的工作场所 :虚拟团队使用交互技术以新方式进行协作的潜力。

If you're developing software and applications for the web and touchscreen devices, you need the cutting-edge of interactive technologies to help you communicate, test, display, and tweak your work in ways that push creative possibilities.


Read on for 6 ways to incorporate interactive technology into your development team.


软件开发团队的需求 (The Needs of the Software Development Team)

Software is only ever as good as its user interface. Web technologies are inherently interactive, so it makes absolute sense that the tools that you use to develop them have interactivity built into their core.

软件的性能仅与其用户界面一样好。 Web技术本质上是交互式的,因此,用于开发它们的工具绝对具有交互性,这是绝对有意义的。

1.互动显示器 (1. Interactive displays)

The web is a visual medium. Sure, it's made up of billions and billions of words, but – at its core – successful web apps have user-interactivity at their heart.

网络是一种视觉媒介。 当然,它由数十亿个单词组成,但是-从本质上讲,成功的Web应用程序的核心是用户交互性。

But when you're working as a team to develop applications that might look good on a mobile phone screen, you can't cram everyone around a single 10-inch screen.


Interactive displays deliver 4K definition, with an interactive touchscreen that replicates the mobile experience.


They add tactility to the development process; offering fingertip control during every stage of the design, testing, and implementation processes.

它们在开发过程中增加了触感; 在设计,测试和实施过程的每个阶段都提供指尖控制。

Interactive displays offer teams the ability to work collaboratively, using a central portal: designing and developing individual elements of an app in unison, while individual workstations connect wirelessly to a primary display.


2.通讯中心 (2. Communication Hubs)

Email has become a stalwart of communication within organisations.


But does it suit your mode of operation?


Most of us multi-task – there are few of us who have the privilege of working on just one project at a time. And if you're receiving emails from all angles, it can be almost impossible to track individual workstreams.

我们大多数人都是多任务的,很少有人有机会一次只完成一个项目。 而且,如果您正从各个角度接收电子邮件,则几乎不可能跟踪单个工作流。

There's an ever-growing collection of virtual messaging services that can help keep each workstream separate and more manageable.


These are our favourite messaging services:


  • Slack is a messenger service that allows you to compartmentalise conversations into channels; giving you message threads, rather than a sporadic trail of emails. Slack integrates natively with Dropbox, Google Drive, Trello, Google Calendar, Google+ Hangouts, MS OneDrive and many other useful services that make work more efficient and collaboration more natural.

    Slack是一项Messenger服务,可让您将对话分为通道; 为您提供消息线索,而不是零星的电子邮件线索。 Slack与Dropbox,Google云端硬盘,Trello,Google日历,Google +环聊,MS OneDrive和许多其他有用的服务进行了本机集成,从而使工作更高效,协作更自然。

  • Microsoft Teamsintegrates with Office 365 and specialises in bringing large teams together. Consolidating video messaging, email, document creation suites, and project monitoring applications, MS Teams offers one central platform so that everyone can see what each other is doing. Projects become viewable from a single portal, facilitating transparent tracking of objectives and milestones. In combination with interactive displays, MS Teams really does come to life: bringing genuine and reliable flexibility to the workplace.

    Microsoft Teams与Office 365集成,专门致力于将大型团队聚集在一起。 MS Teams整合了视频消息,电子邮件,文档创建套件和项目监视应用程序,提供了一个中央平台,因此每个人都可以看到彼此在做什么。 您可以从一个门户网站查看项目,从而可以透明地跟踪目标和里程碑。 结合交互式显示器,MS团队确实可以发挥作用:为工作场所带来真正可靠的灵活性。

3.文件共享 (3. File Sharing)

In web development teams, you're working with large amounts of data.


Cloud access is ideal for sharing large files and collaborating on shared documents. Sharing, editing, and developing large files becomes accessible from anywhere with an internet connection and an Internet Enabled Device.

云访问是共享大文件和在共享文档上进行协作的理想选择。 使用Internet连接和启用Internet的设备,可以从任何地方访问共享,编辑和开发大文件。

The most popular file sharing portals are Dropbox and Google Drive. However, if your systems are driven by Windows, it makes sense to also consider MS OneDrive which integrates natively with MS Teams, Office 365, and Skype.

最受欢迎的文件共享门户是DropboxGoogle Drive 。 但是,如果您的系统由Windows驱动,则还应考虑与MS Teams,Office 365和Skype本机集成的MS OneDrive

4.虚拟会议空间 (4. Virtual meeting spaces)

Once upon a time – not that long ago – video conferencing required a cripplingly expensive infrastructure, a dedicated physical room, and a super-clunky ISDN line (remember those?).


And the feature set was laughably minimal: a jerky video image and out-of-sync sound were the best you could hope for.




The advent of broadband and speedy consumer mobile devices have made video conferencing something that all teams can access from places that were previously unthinkable.


Examples of amazing video conferencing applications include:


  • Zoom – Hold online meetings with an almost infinite number of participants. All sessions are recordable and shareable, making them a valuable resource to refer back to. Other features include screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, breakout rooms, and HD video streaming and audio. Zoom offers the best of all worlds to help the team collaborate.

    缩放 –举行在线会议,几乎无数的参与者。 所有会话都是可记录且可共享的,从而使它们成为可参考的宝贵资源。 其他功能包括屏幕共享,虚拟白板,分组讨论室以及高清视频流和音频。 Zoom提供了世界上最好的,以帮助团队协作。

  • Google Hangouts sounds like it's aimed at the teenage / SnapChat market, but in actuality, it can accommodate meetings of up to 15 people. The feature set isn't extensive as Zoom, but for a free service, you can't really go wrong.

    Google Hangouts听起来像是针对青少​​年市场/ SnapChat市场,但实际上,它可以容纳多达15人的会议。 该功能集不像Zoom那样广泛,但是对于免费服务,您真的不会出错。

  • Skype, of course, is the godfather of the video call and it can be used for up to 25 people.

    当然, Skype是视频通话的教父,最多可用于25个人。

5.项目管理工具 (5. Project management tools)

If you're working with remote development teams, PM tools are a valuable addition to the interactive technologies on offer.


Basecamp is suited to large teams. It currently costs $99 a month, but that flat fee includes access for unlimited users, on unlimited projects. It includes live messaging, real-time chat, to-do lists, schedules, file storage, document sharing and creation, and automatic check-ins. All of those features all in one place means that you don't need most of the other interactive technologies discussed in this article.

大本营适合大型团队。 目前,它每月的费用为99美元,但是固定费用包括无限用户无限制使用项目的费用。 它包括实时消息传递,实时聊天,任务列表,日程表,文件存储,文档共享和创建以及自动签入。 所有这些功能都集中在一个地方,这意味着您不需要本文讨论的大多数其他交互式技术。

Wrike is free and won a Best PM software award in 2017. It allows everyone to keep track of project updates in real time and defines job priorities if involved in several simultaneous projects.


Apollo helps to integrate project data and communications seamlessly. The $14 per month subscription is for one project only, but you can purchase additional project capability.

Apollo帮助无缝集成项目数据和通信。 每月14美元的订阅仅适用于一个项目,但您可以购买其他项目功能。

6.社交业务平台 (6. Social Business Platforms)

There's a broad range of social media-style platforms that assimilate the processes pertinent to web development into a user-friendly environment that helps projects stay on track, keeping all communication threads public and transparent.


Some of our favourite platforms are:


  • Atlassian


  • Asana


  • Igloo


  • Bloomfire


  • Yammer


Each provides a community hub that helps to strengthen the communication networks throughout entire organisations.


These platforms offer access via desktops and tablets, and across all major mobile devices.


Integrating work with the familiar social network environment makes multi-locational working more feasible. Social platforms are particularly popular with millennials.

将工作与熟悉的社交网络环境集成在一起使多地点工作更加可行。 社交平台在千禧一代中特别受欢迎 。

So, if you're looking to incorporate interactive technologies into your development team, it's well worth exploring the rapidly-growing market for new and innovative ways of sharing, collaborating, and contributing.


Finding a solution that works for your business is now possible. These interactive technologies help the work environment fit around people's lives; rather than workplaces that chain employees to desks, risking the well-being of your valuable people.

现在可以找到适合您业务的解决方案。 这些交互式技术有助于使工作环境适应人们的生活。 而不是将员工束缚在办公桌上的工作场所,这会冒着宝贵人员的福祉的风险。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/6-ways-to-bring-your-development-team-together-with-technology/



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