1. This account of the aspect of reformation of Chinese Opera reveals its features and limitations.


2. From making the first cut to applying the finish, this comprehensive reference details every aspect of woodcarving.


3. Communication war is an important aspect of information war. It is important to destroy enemy抯 communication networks and to interfere enemy抯 data link.


4. In the aspect of theory study, the paper discusses the influence factor of tourism impact.


5. In order to research on the vision effect of deceleration of road rumble stripes, this thesis reviews the development of road rumble stripes home and abroad, introduces detailedly the varieties, design principles and materials of the general road rumble stripes of domestic and oversears, and does research for the vision effect of road rumble stripes from the aspect of Traffic Psychology and Traffic Engineering.


6. In the aspect of equipment, the company will use advanced materials, processing, welding, painting, lifting, transportation and other equipment in the domestic to increase production efficiency and to ensure products` qualities.


7. At the aspect of the concept of human nature, this thesis is tried to grasp the core significance of humanity and the intrinsic clue of Confucius thoughts.


8. One of the most positive attributes of this aspect is the ability to be detached from what you are discussing.


9. Due to the target-aspect sensitivity of HRRP samples, radar HRRP target recognition is a typical multicategory classification problem.


10. They're not quite Sonus Faber, but I can't believe anyone would be upset at any aspect of the quality and finish for their 900 clams.

虽然他们不属于Sonus Faber牌音箱,但是我坚信不会有任何人会为了付900美元而获得如此好质量和外观的音箱而感到不悦的。

11. I call this aspect of the operation flow to you.


12. This means that the physical aspect of pencak silat is important. We try to have a sound mind in a sound body.

文化和艺术方面:pencak silat的文化和表演艺术方面是非常重要的。

13. Sea spike is redifined from the aspect of time, frequency and energy and based on that space, time and frequency methods for sea spike statistice analyses are presented, which provide quite systematic tools and method to analyse and understand the non-stationary feature further.


14. And of course when it comes to dealing with parents and children, to communicate with them well and educate them as much as possible about the intercultural aspect.


15. When you focus on just one aspect of the future – say, the identity of the President – you give this fact more prominence than it will actually have in your life.


16. It expounds the real significance of developing environmental management system on the base of summarization of application and research conducted at home and abroad in the aspect of computer application as well as analysis of present condition of Wuhan Port environmental management.


17. It pays attention on the present condition of foreign— invested manufacturing industry from the aspect of distribution of output countries, geographical layout of FDI, means of investment and industrial pattern. What is more important is that this discourse also measures the direct and indirect effect of FDI on manufacturing industry in Jiangsu province. And it makes an experimental research on three effect of foreign — invested enterprises such as capital—forming effect, technological spillover effect and industrial cluster effect.


18. The transition pressure calculated by the model is much closer than that calculated by the existing model. A modified model of squeeze film air damping is developed for the design of high-aspect-ratio damping holes formed by deep RIE process.


19. Now, we`ll take a look at another aspect of his growth.


20. An added and important aspect of all of this was the chance to be near my mother, who was by this time in not very good health; to come back to China, where I had been born and spent the happiest of childhoods, was an extra bonus.


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