

1.1 计算机组成和计算机体系结构的区别

计算机组成强调控制信号信号传递方式以及存储器相关(encompassed all physical aspects of computer system)

circuit design,control signal,memory type

how does a computer work

计算机体系结构强调计算机系统的结构和行为(logic aspectsof system implementation as seen by programmer)

instruction sets,instruction format,data type,addressing modes(寻址模式)

how do i design a computer

1.2 计算机主要部件

  1. 用于解释和执行程序的处理器(A processor to interpret and execute programs)
  2. 一个用于储存数据和程序的存储器(A memory to store both data and program)
  3. 一种用于与外部世界传输数据的机制(A mechanism for transferring data to and from the outside world)

principle of equivalence of hardware and software(硬件和软件等价原理):Anything that can be done with software can also be done with hardware, and anything that can be done with hardware can also be done with software

1.3 the common measure

  1. pentium 667MHz:CPU主频

  2. SDRAM:旧时代内存:64MB大小,133MHz读写频率(系统总线传输速度)

  3. cache:32KB的一级缓存,256KB的二级缓存

  4. 30GB EIED hard drive:30GB并行接口硬盘(硬盘转速:7200RPM[主要包括5400PRM])

  5. ports:接口(USB:通用串行接口)

    serial port(串行接口),parallel(并行接口)

  6. PCI接口:外部设备接口(包括声卡,网卡的接口)





Hertz : frequency: 1MHz = 1000000Hz

Byte: storage:1KB = 1024 Bytes



1.4 Standards organizations

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

  1. Promotes the interests of the worldwide electrical engineering community.
  2. Establishes standards for computer components, data representation, and signaling protocols, among many other things.

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Concerns itself with the interoperability of telecommunications systems, including data communications and telephony.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

  1. Establishes worldwide standards for everything from screw threads to photographic film
  2. Is influential in formulating standards for computer hardware and software, including their methods of manufacture.

1.5 发展历史








Rock’s law

The cost of capital equipment to build semmiconductor will double every four year

1.6 计算机层次结构


each virtual machine layer is an abstraction of level below(每一层都是下层的抽象)

each layer execute their own instructions calling upon machines at low layer(每一层执行指令时都会调用下层接口)

第六层:用户层:有应用程序组成(User level):program execution and user interface

第五层:高级语言层(High-Level language level)

第四层:汇编语言层(assembly language level)






1.7 冯诺依曼模型

Stored-program computers have become known as von Neumann Architecture systems.


  1. three hardware systems

    A central processing unit (CPU) with ALU,register and a program counter

    A main memory system

    An I/O system

  2. The capacity to carry out sequential instruction processing.(具有执行顺序指令的处理能力)

  3. A single data path between the CPU and main memory(von Neumann bottleneck)



  1. The control unit fetces the next instruction from memory using program counter(PC) to determine the location

  2. The instruction is decoded into a language that ALU can understand

  3. any data operands required to execute the instruction to execute the sinstruction are fetched from main memoyr and placed in the register(从主存当中取出所需要的数据并储存到寄存器当中)

  4. The ALU executes the instruction and places the result in the register or memroy

第四章 简单计算机模型

4.1 introduction

4.1.1 CPU basic and organization

function:The computer’s CPU fetches, decodes, and executes program instructions

Two principal parts of CPU are the datapath and control unit

datapath: The datapath consists of an arithmetic-logic unit and storage units (registers)


control unit: Various CPU components perform sequenced operations according to signals provided by its control unit



Registers hold data that can be readily accessed by the CPU

register can be implemented using D flip-flops(触发器)

A 32-bit register requires 32 D flip-flops


The arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) carries out logical and arithmetic operations as directed by the control unit


4.1.2 The Bus


定义:A bus is a set of wires that simultaneously convey a single bit along each line


  1. point-to-point bus
  2. multipoint bus

分类:Bus consist of data lines,control lines and address lines(根据传输信号的不同)

  1. 当data line从一台设备传输bit到另外一台设备的过程中,control line决定数据流的位置以及设备何时可以接入总线
  2. address line决定了数据的源头和目的地

point-to-point bus

multipoint bus

category of bus arbitration(总线控制权)

  1. daisy chain(菊花链仲裁方式): permissions are passed from highest-priority device to the lowest


  2. centralized parallel(集中式平行仲裁方式): each device is directly connected to an arbitration circuit(控制器)


  3. distributed using self-detection(自选则分配式仲裁方式): devices decide which gets the bus among themselves


  4. distributed using collision detection(采用冲突检测分配): any device can try to use the bus, if the data collides(碰撞) with the data of another device, it tries again


4.1.3 clocks


  1. reduce the number of instructions in a program
  2. resuce the number of cycles per instruction
  3. reduce the number of nanoseconds per clock cycle

4.1.4 I/O subsystem

the computer communciate with outside world through i/o subsystem

  1. I/O devices connect to the CPU through various interface

  2. I/O can be memory-mapped

    I/O behave like memory from the CPU’s point of view(访问I/O设备的方式和访问内存的方式相同)

  3. I/O can be instruction-based

    CPU has a specialized I/O instruction set

4.1.5 Memory organization addressing

memory consist of a linear array of addressable storage cells that are similar to register


memory can be word address or byte address(a word contain two or more bytes)

memory is constructed of RAM chips(内存条) referred to length * width

if the machine is 16bits, a 4M * 16 Ram chip gives 4 megabytes of 16bits memory location

4M can be expressed as 22 * 220 = 222 word(word指的是电脑字长长度,地址位置是代表一整个word)

location is numbered as 0 - 222 -1


physical memory usually consist of more than one RAM chip

example: 4M*16 指的是4M行,每一行都是16-bit; 4M*16的内存空间需要1M*8的内存芯片的数量:



4.1.6 interrupt(中断)

the normal execution of a program is altered when an event of high-priority occurs.

  1. I/O request
  2. arthimetic error
  3. invalid instruction

4.2 Marie

4.2.1 architecture(体系结构)

  1. Binary, two‘s complement data representation.

  2. Stored program, fixed word length data and instructions.

  3. 4K words of word-addressable(字长寻址) main memory.

  4. 16-bit data words.

  5. 16-bit instructions, 4 for the opcode and 12 for the address.(16位指令系统:4位操作码和12位操作地址)

  6. A 16-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU位宽:算术运算最长处理位数).

  7. Seven registers(七个寄存器) for control and data movement

    Accumulator(累加器AC):存储数据,16-bit register

    memory address register(存储器地址寄存器MAR):12-bit,内存只有4K(为2的12次方)所以12位足够

    memory buffer register(存储器缓冲寄存器MBR):在存入内存之前先存储寄存器

    program counter: 12-bit存储下一条指令在内存当中的位置(12位足够)

    instruction register(IR):存储当前正在执行的指令(不是指令的位置)

    input register(inREG):8-bit register 保存来自外部输入设备的数据

    output register(outREG):8-bit register 保存来自外部输入设备的数据

4.2.2 register and buses

the register are interconnected and connected with main memory through data bus



4.2.3 instruction set architecture

ISA:specifies the format of instructions and provide opeartions


Load 指令

4.2.4 register transfer notation(寄存器传输表示法)


微操作的表示方法(register transfer language)[RTL]

  1. notation M[X] to indicate the actual data value stored in memory location X


  2. <- to indicate the transfer of bytes to a register or memory location.



  1. 将地址x放到MAR
  2. 将M[MAR](即MAR存储的地址上的指令)存入MAR的x的地址移动到MBR(缓冲寄存器)
  3. 将MRB中的数据存储到AC

4.3 process

4.3.1 fetch-decode-execute cycle(取址,解码,执行)

The fetch-decode-execute cycle is the series of steps that a computer carries out when it runs a program

  1. fetch an instruction from memory, and place it into the IR


  2. in the IR, it is decoded to determine what needs to be done next


  3. If a memory value is involved in the operation, it is retrieved and placed into the MBR


  4. With everything in place, the instruction is executed


4.3.2 interrupts and I/O

Two registers to accommodate input and output

  1. input register(输入寄存器) holds data being transferred from an input device into the computer(外部至电脑)
  2. the output register(输出寄存器) holds information ready to be sent to an output device.(电脑至外部设备)

Interrupt-driven I/O

  1. A signal (interrupt) from the I/O device to the CPU indicating that input or output is complete(I/O设备会给CPU提供中断信号,表明输入输出已完成)
  2. Some means of allowing the CPU to detour from the usual fetch-decode-execute cycle to “recognize” this interrupt

4.4 simple program

a set of mnemonic instructions

4.4.1 LOAD 104指令

  1. fetch:将PC(存储着下一条指令的地址)的值传递给MAR(存储器地址寄存器)


  2. M[MAR]是利用地址取指令本身,将指令本身传递给IR(存储当前指令)


  3. PC++,指向内存的下个地址,即下一条指令

  4. 将指令中的地址码[地址代表的内存单元存储着第一个加数](11-0位)传递给MAR,并且解码操作码(15-12位)

  5. 将被加数传递给MBR

  6. 将MBR中的数据传递给AC累加器

4.4.2 ADD 105

前四步骤和load 104完全相同,最后一步将MBR和AC的加和传递给AC

4.4.3 store 106


4.5 A Discussion on Assemblers

Assemblers create an object program file from mnemonic source code in two passes


4.6 Extending Our Instruction Set(扩展指令)

all of the MARIE instructions that we have discussed use a direct addressing mode


indirect addressing, where the address of the address of the operand is given in the instruction


ADDI instruction specifies the address of the address of the operand(间接寻址)

JNS(jump and store)

4.7 A Discussion on Decoding

译码:控制程序执行(hardwired control and microprogrammed control)

  1. With microprogrammed control, a small program is placed into read-only memory in the microcontroller(放置在微控制器的用于解码的程序,易于扩展)
  2. Hardwired controllers implement this program using digital logic components(组合逻辑设计,难以进行扩展)

4.7.1 Hardwired controllers

our simple system would need a 4-to-14 decoder(解码操作码)

4.7.2 microprogrammed control

the microcode is kept in ROM, PROM, or EPROM firmware

4.8 Real World Architectures

CISC is an acronym for complex instruction set computer(复杂指令集计算机)

RISC stands for reduced instruction set computer(精简指令集计算机)


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